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  1. I have to point this out, I have been in guild with Ralen for most of my time in SWTOR and I have never seen a guy who really means well and wants to see a great pvp community more than him. However, when he types anything be it as simple as "Hi" at the start of Wz's he unintentionally becomes the most effective troll in EH history. Ralen says hi and the flames of rage just erupt across the land. It is super entertaining.
  2. Which is terrible in my view today XD Every match I have been in has had at least one PVE'er like " ZOMG WANTZ RANCOR" with 26k health and Black market gear.... Lost 150 rating in 4 games.... Bioware tries so hard, but all they did was make more casuals and worth nothings queue lol. We need that Hate thread back!!
  3. Short story....Back when I was on Shien pvp was balanced perfectly with <Empire> being the dominant force for the Empire and the republic had quite a few guilds and pugs that were good, it was very even. Pvp on Ebon Hawk immediately after the merge was good as well. Fairly balanced and would take minor shifts in quality depending what guilds were online at the time. Then it started going wonky when the republic faction either lost players to new games or lost players to the other faction. The Empire was clearly the dominant side starting around a year ago and that continued through the early summer. With summer came the ability to transfer servers and many Imp pvp guilds and players took advantage of that, which kicked it back to balanced (if not in the Republic's favor). Now those players and guilds have all come flocking back and the only difference between the first Empire period of dominance and this one is the fact that this time the Republic is even less manned for pvp, with quite a few planning on leaving soon as well.
  4. Pretty much what the last couple of posts stated... Bioware killed this game's pvp environment when faction started to mean nothing. I know many are not a fan of faction lock, but it would have been cool to see where we would be at now. Faction has to mean something for pvp to thrive. You should literally hate the other side in game and a sense of community and loyalty should have existed since day one. I know it's fun, but pvp shouldn't include hopping over to the other side so you can tell people to not attack your friend at the gree event so he can run the 3 orbs... I know that's not game breaking or a big deal but it is a good symbol of how little factions mean in this game. I mean...aren't we supposed to be at war or some jazz? haha
  5. We as I stated in my previous post, when I or another veteran of the guild were on...queue drops did not happen. I'm sure plenty of hearsay is out there saying otherwise...believe them, meh... When Republic was superqueuing we lost our fair share too, imp's just have a higher quality of players and that's how the cookie crumbles...it's the same story now except Pub guild's are losing interest in the game so you get all the pugs that are 95% bad. We never did "troll comps", whenever we get (got, since nobody is on anymore) a new 55 we didn't automatically win trade them to min/maxed gear so most of the time Republic queued it wasn't a geared group, and we never had the character pool to pull off perfect compositions in those groups. That's why its kinda funny to hear people still whine about that, I suppose it's okay as long as it's imp's doing the superqueue/team queuing. Only thing I am pointing out is how many imp's are trying to get pubs interested in pvp again claiming to want competition and a good server pvp scene on both sides when in the past all we got for trying to supply good competition was calls to stop Republic premading.
  6. First, we may have run double smash double healer a few times, big whoop , nowhere near recently though seeing as we only have 1 healer in the guild...since like November maybe. And I don't see how group queues are any different on the Pub side seeing as the Imp side has group queues running all the time and Imp pvp is thriving. The biggest flaw with your argument is saying we dropped Wz's leaving a group with only 4. Not naming names but we seen others doing that and immediately made it a rule that if we got a pop, we took it no matter if the other side got the pop or not.
  7. Haha, we responded to the community and stopped...shouldn't have because nobody else did. Anyway, it was the only way we had a good off group consistently ( seeing as it was us ). Seeing as you guys usually get in an unintended or intended 8 man anyway with any combination of Void/Guerilla/Next Gen/ Project Mayhem/ Pax/ and more that I can't recall, we were quite surprised that everyone got in such a poutfest over it. Thought you guys wanted good pvp, and GOOD PVP includes competitive wins and shockingly losses too. But what everyone wants in game ( face rolling wins ) and what everyone wants on the forums ( good pvp ) are obviously two different things entirely =X
  8. I'll be glad to see Ebon Hawk pvp fail someday, you guys know there is no competition on this server yet here you are just a few days after Ops get the buff running 4 man Op premades. Every time I pvp it's an Imp stompfest and I'm sure you guys are having little more fun than the pubs do if you indeed really want "real pvp". You guys run these FOTM gank teams and then come to the forums spewing this "ZOMG WE CARE ABOUT PVPZ AND WANTZ YOU PUBZ TO PWAY WIFF US" BS. It's laughable and why the Pubs have quit, or at least the Pubs that I used to play with. When you log on and have a premade going which happens rarely as it is, it doesn't matter, the random pubs that queue up are garbage grade terrible with PVE gear or 24k health. Then the premade dies and you leave with a bad taste if your mouth for SWTOR...again. Will be glad to get away from SWTOR in about a months time, in the mean time and after have fun playing against yourselves
  9. It was nuts, back then I seen a 10k crit, and that's when people only had 19k health max lol. If it wasn't that it was grav rounds and tracer missiles
  10. PvP is boring on this server, you can tell who will win the match 90% of the time based on names and guilds and if you are Pub then you can chalk most up as a loss either way. If you are imp then it is better, the games impVimp have possibility to be good.
  11. Lol, we have basically one active healer who plays regularly left. Adexi <3 and she is top notch! I don't know why, it has always seemed like the empire has most of the good pvp healers you butt's have 3 healers even in your random pug queues XD
  12. Hard to keep people in game longer than a couple games anymore. We can be running a 4 man premade and the other 4 pubs we get fall into either one of three categories 1. A "dps" that while not guarding or doing anything useful manages to muster all of around 150k dps 2. A "healer" that we never notice any heals from who at the end of the match has around 150kdps and 150k heals 3. Or a "tank" who chose to tank merely to live longer Its just the state of our faction. It makes TOR into a rage inducing chore instead of a chillaxing fun video game to play. I mean for god's sake we had some guild running 55's with no advanced classes a few months ago. When asked about it they would basically tell you that advanced classes aren't necessary :mad::mad:
  13. I hate to say it, but this is just the state of the game. It is a product of not having a faction lock system. Back on Shein we had an excellent community. Empire was the dominant PvP guild impside while Project Serenity, Republic, Exalted and a few others would get together and go half and half with Empire! Fun times, and it stayed that way because people didn't jump characters to the winning side, whenever they started losing they would refocus, regroup and attempt to turn the tide. Even at the beginning of server merge things were better on Ebon Hawk. Broken Chains, Guerilla, and Empire made up the strong hand of the Empire faction while Team One, Game Genie (even thought they flip flopped alot) Azure Blades, Zen, and Republic held the line for the Pubs. THEN At some point I remember a bunch of the good players on the pub side switching to the imps, and since then the same pattern has repeated. The Empire gains quality players from either new subs or from those who flip flopped while the Republic has lost players to the imp side, transfers, or those who have moved on to other games. To end my wall of text (if you have made it this far, thanks for reading). I don't believe creating another guild that flip flops will fix anything. I am not trying to belittle this idea in any way, i am glad some are trying to fix the pvp on this server! However all it will boil down to is: when you guys are on your Republic toons, the Republic will win and when you guys are on your Imp toons, the imps win. I blame the willy nilly system of being able to create toons in both factions on the same server, not anyone on the server just to be clear.
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