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Everything posted by glenbruton

  1. Im planning on just doing pve once i hit 50 Or just roll another class on the other side. To slow it down though I'll just do nothing but pvp from lvl 40-49
  2. Arenas are fine until there is arena specific loot. edit: Gotta love the OP's "if you disagree with me your a no0b" final paragraph.
  3. If your customer ticket contains phrases like "sucks butt" perhaps thats why its unanswered.
  4. You know .. this is a really good idea if it played variosu tracks from the game. It would be even cooler if you could point it to a Mp3 playlist! I think spaceships are a bit of a missed opportunity, it could be an excellent "player housing" kind of thing without all teh hassle of tons of unused houses lying around .
  5. I would have been a trooper but the guild went Empire. Booo.
  6. Is it really that hard for the OP to reroll onto a different server? It doesnt take long to get to 20 and its interesting if you pick the mirror class on the other side.
  7. your assuming here that armour mitigates. Half the classes do damage types that bypass it. Shields mitigate ALL damage types.
  8. Hyperbole much? Next thing your going to say is Bioware gave you cancer.
  9. Me too! My bounty hunter has been grouped since level 1.
  10. Take a breath and use the enter key! its that one over there ----->
  11. @OP. Either learn to play with the mechanics you have OR reroll. Your problem is not enough rapid shots and going above 40 heat, hence destroying your regen
  12. Its like Beetlejuice or Biggie Smalls. Say it too many times and it appears and steals your life.
  13. Dont stress. Nobody with a brain trusts anything anyone says in general! edit: In the end whomever wins is the best/luckiest. heck even the announcer encourages cheating!
  14. It could be that its the heals/dps choice rather than the tank/dps choice. Not many people like to tank because you get blamed for everything in PVE and in PvP you live less time than a sorc (damn bubbles!).
  15. That or reduce its pop cap down to 25 each.
  16. World PvP . It never works. They still keep trying though! Lucky this is a PvE game.
  17. Sorry to upset you dude but Shields are even more worthless in PVP than armour
  18. I've played a lot of MMO's and I have to say this is the fastest I've seen PVP get gear imbalanced (particularly expertise, WTH were they thiinking?!). Only a few weeks ago PVP matches were still fun! As mentioned before, its ver very disheartening to new players to finally drop into the top PVP bracket and find that its 6 months of getting smashed before they can be competitive. I'm not saying doel out free gear. Im just saying the very good gear shouldnt be THAT much better (one thing WAR did right). Luckily this game has a fun 1-50 journey and you can do it a few times. I know I quit RIFT almost straight after hitting 50, joining a PVP match and realising what I had got myself into!
  19. @ OP c'mon its not that bad. If you die while stunned you were about to be rolled by that group of 3 or 4 anyway Unless its one of those OP operatives but I dont blame the stun! I blame the 5k backstab
  20. I don't hold any hope for a fix as if you have a look at the sheer number of stats available it would be a mammoth task to rebalance (not that its balanced now). People with whinge and moan about WAR and Mythic was better at balance than this, makes me wonder if any of them still work for Bioware. If your 100% PVP oriented just roll a sorc/operative and be done with it This from a BH PT tank who recently learned that hes not a tank at all and he might as well be an enduranced stacked cloth character. edit: Why oh WHY do devs think that adding tons of different types of stats makes the game better? Probably just to keep us on the loot treadmill longer.... tank set, pvp set, healing set, resists set,crit set.... edit2: As a PvE first and foremost game don't expect much. For crying out loud just look at the low number of pvp maps!
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