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Everything posted by MuratReis

  1. Greed killed the genre. Devs stopped being creative in favor of cookie cutter games that they thought would give them WoW-like numbers. Sure, it made them more money, but it killed the spirit of MMOs. Same thing has happened to a lot of movies and music.
  2. I agree that MMO content is "coming." If Bioware said they have been developing PvP and ops all along at Gamescom, then they contradicted their previous statement of not starting development in these areas until next year. Either way, we'll probably see some MMO content in about a 10-12 months. There is the possibility that the story will be great. The companion changes could be really fun. There could be a lot of complexity to it. We'll have to wait and see. It would be nice if Bioware would be more open with what they have planned. Faith doesn't go very far in MMO development, especially when dealing with subscribers...
  3. The difference between this game and WoW (and other MMOs) is that WoW is based on MMO features, while SWTOR is currently not developing MMO features and putting all of their resources into story. In this case, there shouldn't be "a" storyline, but many interrelated stories, ideally multiple per class. Going cheap on story and ignoring MMO features is a recipe for disaster. And the fact that Bioware has nothing to say about how a large proportion of their playerbase is perceiving the "expansion" is worrisome. It makes it seem like they having nothing. It could be worse than what we think. Really, how are we going to choose companions through story content? They could spend a ton of money, time and talent to make it cool, or they could do it cheap in a short timeframe with limited staff and it'll suck. With this game's history, especially in light of their failures this year -- failed PvE competition, failing ranked PvP, buggy/laggy/linear expansion, unbalanced class system/boring skill system -- the obvious answer isn't the one we want to hear.
  4. My gaming computer broke about 2 months ago. I haven't bought a new one. Not so much because of money, but because of time. Well, a hurricane came though town last night, and I usually play SWTOR when this happens. (I live in Taiwan. We're built for hurricanes. We don't even lose power.) The withdraws are in full swing right now. I'm thinking about putting together a $500-$600 dollar system.. That'll get me more than what I need for this game. Or I could keep working on what I've been doing with the extra time.... Ideally, both -- but, that never really happens
  5. I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this UI scaling method. I will quote it here. link to the original post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=768857
  6. I once joined a guild as a pub. The GM was saying some weird stuff about stats. I called him on it. He sent me a message saying I'd better not mess with him as he is the GM and he'll boot me.
  7. Good point. It would be great if they fixed balancing issues. Not any easy fix for sure, though.
  8. I find it hilarious that Bioware puts so much effort into stopping win trading when ranked PvP has so many more important problems: extremely unbalanced and suffers from a lack of players....How I would love to play ranked without getting focused down by 2-3 sins coming at me out of stealth (sniper here) 8 matches out of 10.
  9. Then why has every expansion up to now been a mix of MMO content with story telling? Why does every major update, except cash shop updates, support one or more of these themes? What are people looking for on fleet? What are the queues about? What are people doing? Of course they are core elements. There's hardly anything else!
  10. The idea that F2P alone saved this game is too simple. If you were playing at that time, you will remember how all of a sudden the devs released a robust amount of end-game content in both PvP and PvE. And then a sweet world event and an expansion soon after. This, with all the cool CM goodies and F2P players coming and getting hooked and subbing, saved the game. The CM crates make this game a ton of money, too. I can tell you pretty confidently why they are doing the story update. There will be a lot of people excited about SW story telling later this year. Bioware/EA can attract these people to the game through their interest in SW stories. The amount of people we are talking about here dwarfs the potential for growth in the MMO market. If they can get 1% of the people who go see the movie to sub for one month, they'll make more money than WoW this year. The story expansion has little to do with what people are doing now. It has everything to do with getting people from the SW movie market to sub.
  11. I don't like Bioware story. I find it to be designed for single-player action, and as of date, that's been pretty true. I also think it's shallow. But, I do not believe story should be ignored, because some people really like it. I like challenging teamwork, be it in PvE or PvP in a SW universe. Up until recently, this game was all about that with story....Is it alright to stop developing MMO features that have been core to this game for years in favor of a single-player aspect of the game? The people who are entitled are those that continuously post that the story update is great and not having other updates isn't a problem because only 2% of the pop do them (false). If you care about this game above what you just want, you would post that Bioware needs to put more time into ops and pvp, so everyone will be happy. I stand by my statement that just having old ops and an unbalanced, repetitive pvp system with monthly story content isn't enough. It might get them a bunch of money from people excited about the new movie. That won't last long, but it may be enough to cover the loss. Pretty selfish of Bioware and EA though to turn its back on the SWTOR MMO community for a cash grab.
  12. Did all the story content at launch sustain the game? Nope, it lost the majority of its subs in months, and not just raiders and pvpers, but across the board. What makes anyone think an hr of content a month with nothing else being put out will keep this game going?
  13. This game bombed hard when it was mainly story based. MMO content and the cartel market saved it. (New ops/new pvp content/new areas/new gear/MMO expansion, all within 10 months. The end of SWTOR's first year and its second year was epic) Looks as if the game is going to bomb again...Subscription cancelled; moving on to a MMO.
  14. I'll most likely buy this this week: Monitor/Resolution: Acer XB280HK (4k resolution with g-sync) Processor: i5 4690k 3.8 GHz GPU: Titan X Motherboard: not sure yet PSU: not sure yet Ram: 8 Gb should be enough I want to game with the best graphics I can get with 1 GPU. Suggestions?
  15. If that's the case, what's stopping everyone from running Sins and then transferring their loot to whatever toon they like the most.? The biggest problem with ranked arenas is the lack of balance, and BoL rewards perpetuates this problem.
  16. I'm having a great time participating in the two most recent in-game events. For starters, they help make SWTOR have more of a dynamic-world type of immersion; random open world PvP all over the place and people interacting for a bunch of different reasons. I love that. This brings the endgame community closer together, as well. In terms of the BH event, I'm enjoying exploring the old planets. They are an asset to this game and it's great when they can be integrated into the lvl 60 experience.
  17. I enjoyed your story. The little things that make MMOs dynamic are what make them fun.
  18. Honestly, x12 xp is hurting the game...focus is put off of endgame activities towards lvl grinding.
  19. This is wrong. MMOs with that combat system don't do well. I personally hate it and would quit as soon as it was implemented. (How would clicking the mouse like mad man increase the skill cap? If anything it would make the game easier...) I don't like your other ideas either. The only thing I want are more SW races, including all the races that were in SWG.
  20. First, using the term "casual" to refer to "unskilled" is wrong. There are many casual players who have played a class for more than 3 years for a good number of hours a week but can't commit to 3-4 hour raiding blocks. They know their class inside and out. They can pull off optimal rotations. They are situationally aware. And SM ToS and Ravagers is currently very easy for them. But I digress... The questions at hand is if operations should be part of the basic game experience, like class storylines and tactical flashpoints, or if they should be something reserved for people who want to learn their class well and apply skill and understanding.These are the two sides. If SM ops are for everyone, then Bioware should make them widely available -- make them tactical and make them "faceroll" easy. Don't take the middle ground because players that don't like to be challenged will complain on end until it is as easy as a tactical flashpoint. If they are reserved for the more skilled players who don't have the time to participate in a HM/NiM progression team but have played their toon for years and want to apply their skill, then Bioware should be open about that. It's impossible to please everyone....If SM ops are nerfed, the skilled player who just can't commit to an ops schedule is left out of the loop. (HM being to hard for the time being.) If they are not nerfed, the alt-o-holics who like to play everything at a moderately low-level are left out. Pick a side and stand by it, Bioware....The current state is just causing confusion. Personally, I don't care either way. I'm still just trying to get my set pieces so I can do HM....
  21. Has anyone ever seen this NPC in-game? http://images.wikia.com/swtor/images/c/c6/Ss_chiss01_full.jpg
  22. You rule. TY It's not an exact match though...I don't even think that NPC exists in the game, actually.
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