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Everything posted by MuratReis

  1. I've be running MM for about a year. It's time for a change and I have a few questions. I PvP. Is the hybid spec still generally thought to be the best? How is lethality these days?
  2. There's one problem: greed. When something is in high demand, it goes on the Cartel Market -- for example, the first round of packs re-appeared when the GTN ran low on those items. The holiday rewards bundle came back when there was clearly a high demand for those items. If people want a rancor mount, they'll be able to buy one from Bioware. I'm almost certain.
  3. Like OS is the only AoE ability that also doesn't do good single target DPS..haha
  4. Which is completely different from the sniper class in this game -- with the best spec being mobile DoT based and at a much, much shorter range. I would like nothing more than to have a more realistic sniper class, but I got over that before launch.
  5. There's a great thread on the main IA page. Here are the highlights: link to the thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7197734#post7197734
  6. Smartest thread on the topic thus far. Devs should read this.
  7. We're talking about overall DPS rankings...individual raid groups means little, in my experience..most people perform well under their class's potential.
  8. MM Snipers were not consistently holding top overall DPS spots. The reason some of the other specs don't - namely engineering - is not because of OS. Same goes for the hybrid spec, as well.
  9. The OS nerf is as bad as we say it is. Firstly, OS as a single target ability is meaningless. That was not intended. It should be fixed. The problem is, in order to fix this, they made it a nearly irrelevant AoE ability. The other AoE abilities for MM are just as useless -- sweeping blasters is pathetic and frag grenade is only good because of it's knock back. Additionally, if you put DoTs on a large group of mobs, you'd run out of energy quickly before you could kill them. If the devs want to mess with sniper's DPS like this, please give us another option -- I'd love to be able to spec as a tank and not have to worry about getting mobs off my *** so I don't die in 30-45 seconds.
  10. I play full MM spec. I don't think OS was OP to begin with. Like you said, the classes with instant AoE abilities on a shorter cooldown do more dmg with their AoE ability when attacking multiple mobs -- this was true before the nerf, as well. Where OS excelled was in boss fights wherein the movement of the target was predictable. That is due to how the ability is designed. The devs, though, didn't like that, and instead of finding a way to give the IA class a comparably good AoE ability, they nerfed OS to the point of uselessness.
  11. The current top-tier PvP one -- Obroan Professional's Sniper Rifle.
  12. Here are some screen shots of my sniper. This toon has been the only one I've played since launch. Enjoy. [/img]
  13. The nerf just shows that the devs don't really know what they are doing with the classes. It is my thinking that the original class designers were fired and these new guys are idiots. When you think about it, few class changes have been made since the first 6 months of the game, and almost all of them are bad. Even the lvl 55 changes were pretty ******. A bugged out roll? That's it? Look at your game devs: operatives/scoundrels can nearly kill toons instantly out of stealth. Smash is an instant AoE ability that hits single targets for 7k. Hmm...AoE being used as a single-target attack here? What do MM snipers have now in terms of AoE...a freaking grenade! I'm leaving the game for a new game this year. There is no reason to stay here when the devs are stuck on ideology and not observable numbers. Epic fail. I hope this game gets what it deserves.
  14. A lot of the emotes you suggested are either in game now or have something similar to them in game. Check your legacy unlocks page. I totally agree that the timer on emotes need to be taken out -- it ruins so many otherwise great emotes.
  15. The "/chat emote" will cause your character to make gestures like he/she is chatting. Similar gestures can be seen on fleet NPCs as well as many other NPCs throughout the galaxy. Extension of this emote can be done through "/chat1, /chat2, ext." I know that this emote would enrich RP and the general immersion factor of SWTOR. I hope to see it in the future. Yours, Murat
  16. That's good. He needs to take the gloves off and rally the troops. If we really feel strongly about this, I suggest we get this stat-based thread up and then unsubscribe. If 10,000 players leave the game due to this ****, they might not have the guts to follow it through. The class rep should lead this, calling on all agents to unsub as he does it. I know I will.
  17. I had this problem in the past and just waited. Oddly, it doesn't happen now, but for about two months every update was like a 2-3 hour install.
  18. OS is not OP. Smash is an instant ability that hits for 7k+ in WZs. If that ability is legitimate, so is OS. There are other comparable abilities, as well. This is what we need to do, then. Start collecting data on the other abilities. Make a list. Prove that OS is not OP. Then start a thread and have every imperial agent sign it. Ideally our class representative will take lead, if he/she does not, I will, unless there is someone more known here that wants to.
  19. Like you, fellow sniper, I have played a sniper from the start. I have no other alts that I play regularly. The game has been doing well for more than two years with OS as it is. But, the devs have ideas on how the game should be played, regardless of what is happening on the ground. Sometimes they get lucky and sometimes they don't. This is a case wherein dev ideas contradict the way we, the players, enjoy the game -- in the most intense way to date. This is a case wherein the developers' vision won't only override player feedback, but will make the game worse for many. This is the kind of case that caused the game's crash in its first 6 months. This is what has destroyed many other MMOs, including the other SW MMO of the past. They are playing with fire and they will get burnt if they don't stop...
  20. The OS nerf proves that the devs are out of touch. The reality is there are a bunch of games coming out, and if they can provide more interesting mechanics, I'd be more than happy to leave this game now...I don't see anything but **** in the works for 2014 here...
  21. That would be amazing if it started next week - that's when my 3-week vacation starts.
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