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Everything posted by MuratReis

  1. As long as it comes out this month I'm cool. I'd hate to see it cancelled.
  2. I logged in today thinking it would be up and it wasn't. What is its ETA ?
  3. Do 50 FPs/Ops until you are pretty much in Hazmat gear. Then start doing 55 HM FPs. Get a good mix of 69 gear. Then start doing 55 operations. Make sure you do all the dailies/weeklies. Gearing is pretty much just grinding through the time sink unless you have people who can run you through 55 HM FPs and 55 Ops or a ton of credits....
  4. I use to to play the classical guitar multiple hours everyday. I started trying to develop a strong right hand technique like my favorite guitarist David Russell. I did things my hand was not strong enough for -- things that should not have been done on my instrument. One day, my knuckles swelled up. The only solution was to rest a long time and then start over and take it slow -- the strength of my hand determined my rate of progress, not my technical ability. I also bought a real classical guitar that didn't require so much force to get a good sound. I cut down my practice time (no more than an hour), as well, and never play if my knuckles feel sore. My advice is: (1) keep your hands in good physical shape (stretching and warm ups) ; (2) don't ask it to do things it's not ready for; (3) take breaks; (4) use good equipment; (5) understand exactly how your joints relate to each other and the rest of your body. I highly recommend seeing a specialist if you can. Hope it gets better soon.
  5. Just use the planetary commendations you get from EVERYTHING. You should not have to spend any credits. The only way it could be easier is if they changed your gear for you. You'll get gear from FPs/WZ comms, too.
  6. Ninja looting is part of the MMO experience. What's more, now that there are server transfers, you can start over on any server. The only thing stopping people from ninja looting is morality at this point. Personally, if I am after a speeder drop and the group leader sets master loot, I leave the group.
  7. Stupid idea, I think. 95% of the player base for my class has no clue on what they are doing. I'd rather see experts present questions that we can discuss and rank then questions being raised by the masses who don't know anything.
  8. I doubt Bioware will pick it up; they have a parser out but it is restricted to a $200+ Razer keyboard (keyboard APP). (Even at that price, I've heard it has a very awkward and backwards interface; for example, you can't parse a single fight without going into a bunch of different menus and re-setting the parser before the fight. You would have to manually record the data, as well, because it saves nothing.)
  9. ? You mean the ability to use emotes you paid for? (If you go F2P you can no longer use your emotes.)
  10. Writing and coding quests would increase development costs. Development costs for non-cartel-market updates need to be kept down to the bare minimum -- hence the cookie-cutter daily area and the same old speeder/weapon models.
  11. Now you tell us after I've thrown away weeks worth of trophies...Was it really that hard to get this one right? Seriously.
  12. Joint Operations Command is a new guild. We are forming an operations team with the goal of doing NiM TFB and S&V. We plan to take a professional approach to operations, with content being done in a special-forces like manner -- efficient, quick and clean. If this type of game play interests you, contact me via this forum. (Once our team fills up, we will no longer recruit new members.) Remember, elite players work together from the start. This is your chance to begin.
  13. Jung Ma is dead. Queue wait times are insane. You would have to be a fool to stay there. I'm off to Harbinger tomorrow where the queue pops and you can find a group to do ops!
  14. I speak Chinese. That word he wrote in Chinese is equivalent to the word under it in English.
  15. Open world doesn't mean massive. They couls break everyone up iinstances, like they do for the Gree dailies. and it works fine.
  16. Seeker droid stuff is a one-time thing. You do it and you're done. The treasure areas are great. I have spent a lot of time in them. (I am half way to the pleasure speeder.) But, the seeker droid stuff, by design, is solo: your chances of succeeding go down with the amount of people around! The cool thing about loot tables and elite mobs is that: (1) every elite mob can have different loot tables; (2) the loot is cool; (3) it offers a new type of content that everyone can do; (4) they are open world and exploratory. Ops don't do any of this. The fact of the matter is, we are being taken for a ride with the updates -- mainly cartel ****. The new content is slowly being introduced over months, one phase at a time. If the new FP, the carrot at the end of the stick, is geared to lvl 50s and we have to wait for 55, which is where endgame is, I will laugh. By the way, the game can handle open world PvP. It's 2013. They can figure it out. I have some technical ideas - that is, instancing -- and I don't know anything about servers.
  17. The most recent update, in essence, is a cartel pack update. For one, NiM TFB isn't really new, just a rehashing; and two, most of the players won't have a shot at completing it. Heck, most players can't find groups that can do HM TFB, myself included. Seriously, when was the last time content was introduced that did not cost money beyond the monthly sub? So, what would I like to see? -- More 55 FPs; -- open world activities, like a centralized PvP region with faction-specific hubs, from which everything PvP is located. Areas between these hubs can have various open-world PvP missions -- that put the factions against each other -- and cool areas to explore; -- interesting customization items that drop from elite lvl 55 mobs - like, adaptive gear, dyes, pets, ext; -- and anything else that gets people exploring and playing in new, interesting ways. Harder operations are great, but there should be something else, too. That is all.
  18. You guys do know that a content patch will be released within a month of 2.1! That was posted in this post by a dev! Considering Makeb is just a month or so old, this keeps the Bioware team on schedule even with the additional customization update.
  19. Doesn't have 2.0 lvl 50 operation loot tables.
  20. Do all of the Dread Guard tokens drop in HM EC or are some of them restricted to NiM? Thanks!
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