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Everything posted by amaresch

  1. I am enjoying this thread. The info is great for newbs and nOOBs. The OP has a unique forum personality which is thoroughly enjoyable as well. I always help people, but; very few newer players are willing to search the forums or use that helpful little tool called Google. Disheartening at times. What a lot of the new players cannot seem to grasp is that even with all the time spent to help them- they need to help themselves. Been happening a lot more lately. The info is out there to be found. It is how I did it- and this game is my very first MMO. I've had help along the way, and my guild has refined my techniques immensely; but I invested time scouring the web looking at arguments and counter-arguments for just about everything. I still have a long way to go, but I can contribute well in any group. Observation noticed from way-back, and this still happens: Players not equipped well for their level. I always click on other players to see how they are geared- mainly curious to see how I stack up. Many times the ones inspected are drastically lower in hit/health points than I am. I would like to think I am an SWTOR God and thus it is natural for me to be 5K over anybody else at my level; but nobody would believe that. It comes out there are many toons running around into their 30s and 40s without relics, a lot of times with no earpieeces and implants. Maybe a helpful little cutscene tag can be made of that. Something along the lines of equipping relics will gain you significant boosts to your stats and help your survival regardless of class. I know I was scouring the GTN for each of my characters until I could 'finally' fill the annoying empty spots on my characters and companions.
  2. Good to know. Now, the magic question: Can you give a timeframe? A week? A month? six weeks? I collected items for some alts hoping that the restrictions would be lifted during the overnight maintenance/patch- but no luck. My alts could use the items now, and i can deal with the items taking up space for a little while- but not for long.
  3. Posting again. Again, this is a well written thread. The OP, especially after today's synopsis is making me wonder suspiciously if he is a Dev playing a Devils Advocate role. Surprising the amount of papercuts out there. Not all of them bother me, but everyone has their own expectations and priorities-and the list got huge quick. One suggestion caught my eye. The X-wing vs. Tie fighter and Balance of Power Space arcade. In the early 90s I spent thousands of hours at computer LAN parties, this is an all-time favorite game of mine. Even now, with a couple graphical and audio tweaks and coding to make it work in Win7- XvT would compete well if released as is, again- it is that good. I still have those disks and attempt to make them work on my newer machines. Maybe not a papercut- but it would be infinitely cool if BW could ask LucasArts for the right to integrate that game engine into the SWTOR universe. All my characters would instantly be Starfighter Command pilots. Add Guild Capital ships to the mix as well so we can land/launch from them ala Fleet and Space Stations. Allow us to interact with allied guild ships, and attack opposite faction or other enemy guild ships. Give us open Space PvP furballs. I mean, in a galaxy spanning war, not all pivotal events happen planetside or entirely enclosed within a Capital ships corridors. I would definitely love an open space environment to pursue missions in. Replace the X Wings and Tie Fighters with period correct craft, maybe not necessarily sticking to the 6 ships we all call home now. This started out as less a papercut and more a suggestion, but as I keep scratching the itch, well; it feels more like a cut now. Everyone has their ideal role in this game. Some love being a Trooper, others love swinging a lightsaber. Myself, I am a pilot- I would love to be able to have an expanded flight capability for this game.
  4. Kudos to the OP. I like this, and appreciate the ideas/criticism remaining constructive. I've read the first couple pages, but don't have the time to invest to look at everything. So, i would add the following: Sorry if this was posted already. I maxed affection for and married Kira because I did like her character in game. When in a cantina or fleet (or similar non-combat situation) can she stand closer than 10 meters to my character? Always the separation! Incidental touches reflect real life between two companions. I'm not talking full on XXX rated shows, but what your closest friend/significant other would do on occasion. You know, a quick touch of the hand, a caress. Maybe i'm getting too much into the RP aspect. Papercuts with this game for me are mostly companion related. Hopefully they can get love from the devs too, including matching outfits. BTW, love the post/ totally agree with companions bending backwards in order to keep eyes on character.
  5. I see what you mean, and I've done it. It works for those who are going beyond just being chatty. Just because they are extra social doesn't mean they are people I don't want to group up with in the future. Hitting /ignore will do that, at least in the new LFG tool. If people are just talking, it's an annoyance but I'm not going to /ignore unless they are hip deep into an area that I would report them ingame. I don't want the talking and even the guild recruitment posts to end- just want better ways to manage them. Hence the chat bubble and request for a guild recruitment tool suggestion All in all, I feel on our server we are patient to a point. A lot of times a quick post telling someone to quit is enough. We as a server population ignore the extraneous chatter and even the Guild recruitment spam for a while. But, more and more often people's patience is wearing thin and nasty responses and threats of /ignore and /report spam are increasing.
  6. Add My support. Being this is my first MMO, I didn't realize the importance of the chat bubble until the server transfers. Holy Cow, the general chat is busy! Even with various different channels tabbed up there( Good ol 'normal' general, Guild, Ops, group) the chat box is always a fast rolling vertical marquee. A lot of it is chat that is only important to the two or three actively engaged in the conversation, and a lot of times not of game content. It does overload the purpose of general chat, tho. This is where Chat Bubbles would work best, IMO. I know of a few instances where I've missed something specific to me- and I'm sure there are numerous other instances that I'm not aware of missing something. Spending 30 seconds to scroll up the chat log looking for pertinent info every two minutes gets old in a hurry, and it definitely detracts from my game. A little off-subject, but the guild recruitment posts are long and they are spammed. Something like an in game corkboard in a cantina or something where your toon can click to view guilds who are recruiting. Recruiters will have the space to add more specific desires and requirements, with a clickable link for a toon to petition for enrollment. Maybe after a few weeks have passed after the server transfer excitement this will calm down. But right now it is 'Guilds looking for Members' postfest- ctrl-v the same message every 30 seconds. Its distracting and annoying.
  7. Maybe not a necessity, but a very nice enhancement. Just because other games couldn't implement a quality voice chat capability should NEVER be a reason not to keep trying. Bioware has some extra servers now that can be used for this. If BW cannot do this themselves, how about working with a Vent. TS, Mumble type company to implement and integrate a service that can work hand-in-hand with the various LFG tools. If a group's characters are standing next to each other, they should be able to talk. This is an opportunity to advance technology.
  8. All good ideas. Keep in mind that with more players on healthy pop servers and the LFG tool working pretty well- a LOT of players are now able to do things they hadn't before. SO, there are a lot more inexperienced players in the mix now able, willing but not necessarily capable to competently participate. As long as these inexperienced players listen to the advice from mission veterans and try to learn- help them. It'll provide a new challenge to the veterans with a sense of accomplishment when they meet success while babysitting. Doing this also can add more experienced players to the LFG pool. Remember, the Star Wars name created a ton of first-time MMO players across all age groups- and a lot of them want to learn and contribute. Now with servers hosting populations big enough to create groups, a little work from the die-hards can create a population full of experienced players. Agreed, In game chat will help, especially for this scenario. Teaching somebody something via text chat is a long, long process.
  9. Where do the speeders go after you dismount? We should be cruising around the block looking for a parking spot. Also, how do the companions follow us when we are on our speeders? Shouldn't they get one too? Or at least have a minivan speeder .
  10. That would be fun. Just take LucaArts' very own X-wing vs.Tie fighter game; update the space vehicles to match the period and release it in SWTOR. I spent many hundreds of fun-filled hours fighting in group furballs- and that would be a great addition to SWTOR . We are already supposedly in a 'squadron' with this game, but we cannot interact with our wingmen or even have any freeflight. So take the squadron idea further and have guilds and/or Pugs making their own squadrons. How about the option to fly as a pirate band and go poaching on convoys?
  11. Had to get me started, didja. Everyone complains about the ship droid. Can we have a button to tell Theran Cedrax to stop whining????
  12. Need coffee machines, or at least stim-tea brewers. I just cannot get through the morning trying to figure out what to wear when I can't get my caffeine. Would help my aim, too. To break the OP's line a bit, here is a semi-legitimate request: Big screen holoviwers in the cantinas where you can watch the live huttball league games, and servers to flirt with after too much Corellian whiskey. A humidor would be a nice touch, too. ok, back to ridiculousness.....
  13. Curious if there was a reason for only 25 mission that are able to be tracked at one time. Is it possible to keep that amount uncapped, or at least increase the capacity? Just because I can't complete a mission; for any reason, shouldn't mean I need to abandon them. I'm hoping the server transfers will help alleviate this problem by making it possible to find groups to complete them. Still, with weeklies, dailies, and other group and even solo missions; you can quickly run out of space with only 25 slots.
  14. Being sorta new to MMOs myself- I value the help I've received from others. I take the time to help out others as I can. I'm still taking my time to learn and to level, but I'll set things aside if I notice someone who needs help. This game looks fun, and has attracted a lot of new players to this genre. Without a bit of research on your own and grinding out low level mobs to practice your rotations, techniques, etc- You'll get hammered and the game loses its fun factor. I help, then I tell them some things to look at on the web when they decant back into real life. I need a macro that will give links to the most relevant noob info on this forum and others. I do all the drive-by buffs and back-seating FPs I'm over-leveled for as well. I don't hand out creds but I give out gear. Other than that, I try to abide by Wheaton's law. It does seem that the past week or so there are a lot more people who either do not know how or don't give a d*** on the teamwork involved with grouping. I Hope that is just a byproduct of the free-pass weekends and will go away. Being part of groups that get wiped sucks. I need to start keeping a list of all those I need to return favors to for help received, plus a list of players to avoid grouping with because they can't or won't listen to team coaching. Nothing worse then seeing the experienced player give up and quick travel away after being systematically murdered by beatable mobs. Thanks to all of you that have helped.
  15. And... For the smuggler-minded, that type of attitude that Nariel has is definitely a dare. Appeals to those who prefer to win their mates through persistence and smugglers luck. She warmed up a bit at the very end after I helped save her butt- I am the one who took out the Sith after all. But hey! At least she didn't call me a scruffy nerf-herder.
  16. if you are still tallying: Nariel Pridence, we fought well together and I would like my toon to have an opportunity to interact more with her- including romance with her. Twilek thief would fit well with a smuggler too. Alternatively, Vette would be a nice potential conquest if Risha ever threw a reunion party.
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