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Everything posted by Eltohan

  1. It's sad to see people still defending BW for this issue when they publicly confirmed it Anyway, I hope in 6 months these issues will be resolved, this+abilities always lit on with 1/4 pixel at the botom but still on CD +the huge performance drops in WZ is a no-no for me. And I heard FP/ops are not really beter (boss bugs, loots bugged, difficulty bugged in 16man compared to 8man and so on)
  2. /inb4 you burned through levelling phase, go reroll an alt genius! ....awww crap
  3. Cantina in Nemro's Palace on Hutta. (found the answer on the youtube comments section)
  4. That bit was awesome, wish I found it ingame myself Doesn't seem to be any other easter egg though
  5. You have to have redeemed a pre-paid gametime card thingie, OR past the 30 "free" betatest days offered with the gamebox (or origin DL), you chosed to stay subbed and get charged, THEN you get a mail.
  6. No, at least, YOU KNOW when you purchase a vanity pet/mount (that everyone on your server is gonna show off the next day) that it's a buy-to buy material, not a disguised maneuver to trick people into staying sub
  7. Good to "force" people to subscribe at least one month past the "free" betatest first month, and be able to boast about increasing subscriptions after that (cause people wanna feel special) Bad for people smart enough to leave and unsub for the time being and hoped to hop in back in 6 months (maybe) to see if they can make viable their purchaded game (or not)
  8. It's like saying insurances are a good investment IN CASE OF you being ill or something. During all that time where you feeded them with your hard earned bucks, you get nothing People don't want to feed actionnaries and shares of stockoptions for EA, they want bang for their buck NOW Deceved ? Too bad, move along, come back in 6 months maybe the game will be better
  9. I linked an MSI laptop with pretty much the same specs except a slighty better GC and 16 instead of 8 GB DDR3
  10. More like Anonymous has a Vendetta against SOPA/PIPA/FBI for promoting censorship on the intertwebs Anyway, people want the game to die fast, so that MAYBE dev can make a GOOD one for a change, and not a copy paste of wow (which btw was good on its own at the time) It's time for a real, new blowing mmo !
  11. Tell me, dear Medium, what do you see for 2012 elections ? Who will win ? It's clear they weren't fast enough to issue the fix, EU got it in middle of their primetime, I think they wouldn't have be against to have the issue fixed MANY hours before that... And if it came to be at US' exposure, too bad but that would have been "less worse" I'd say.
  12. I bet OP also has a different definition of fps issues, he must play at 20 fps and think it's good enough The bad thing is done, the "fix" is too late dear boy.
  13. With this you may be able to play the game on low and have good performances
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