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Everything posted by Eltohan

  1. Finally someones understood that. It must be too complicated to just link a direct link instead of a crappy ImagesHack layout.
  2. 2 sec lockout when you take 1.5sec yourself to kick the ability and have under 0.5sec to use anything else (latence FTL) ? Anyway, I agree ranged people have an easy time on melee in this game.
  3. Too bad about one time on four the damn ability won't fire up if you've like 5% health or used another defensive CD 5 sec before (I feel like a Pladin in WoW on that times, except there is NO ERROR MESSAGE) BTW, the resolve bar is broken. Can bi filled up entirely in 2 moves and that can last like 3 sec. Or it can take as long as 10 freaking sec being rooted/knockbacked/stun during which you're toasted even if you fire up a defensive cooldown (if you find the opportunity) We don't have heavy armor with natural resistances and all FYI.
  4. Is it me or Hit Rating aka Accuracy caps at 102% ? How should one go to 110%, especially when there is not enough pieces of gear to get to that Forgot this was a pve guide.
  5. J'ai un peu ri (jaune). Les aoe du Gardien/Ravageur sont les même que celles de mon Maraudeur. (la spec est commune aux deux classes avancées) Le Maraudeur a un bouclier ? Je pense que tu confonds avec l' Assassin. A moins que tu ne pensais au CD de 45 sec (si talented+2/5 set pvp) ou plutôt de 1miN30 à la base qui donne 98% de resistance aux dégâts pdt 5 SEC ! Big deal. Si t'es pas à côté de tes copains (si possible healer) ou près d'un bâtiment pour break LOS t'es dead quand ^même, c'est situationnel hein. S'autant plus qu'une fois sur 10 le skill ne veut pas se lancer pendant 5 sec (et tu meurres pdt ce tps) avec aucun message d'erreur, sauf quand tu meurres "impossible une fois mort" PS: Le sort te réduit la vie à 50% HP. C'est donc pas le premier noob qui peut l'employer. Je rappelle qu'on a aucun heal a part un stim ttes les 1min30.
  6. C'est UN PETIT PEU la base des mondes persistants. Si ça te gène, tu peux aller jouer à Tekken&Street Fighter ou Counter Strike & Call Of Duty machintruc. (On vient de me souffler dans l'oreillette que même les "fps" de nos jours se la jouent farm de ranks et avantages sur le long terme )
  7. Eltohan

    Mensonge du malfrat

    Pour ça aussi que les Sniper sont baisés atm, vu qu'ils font des dégâts qui à 9 fois sur 10 sont "contrés" par la réduc d'armure de n'importe quel quidam C'est sûr qu'il va y en avoir des patches pour rééquilibrer tout ça. Vaut mieux revenir dans 6 mois pour ceux qui jouent Sniper j'dirais (ou reroll Mercenaire/Spécialiste comme ça vous pourrez vous foutre de la gueule des Snipers (s'il en reste sur votre serveur ) )
  8. Mon serveur c'est encore mieux, jamais vu plus de 15 impériaux (je joue Empire) au centre, généralement on est 30 co sur la planète, dont les 3/4 à faire les journa pve Par contre, à peu près quasi tt le tps, les républicains eux sont en groupe de 5 quasi collés sérrés, quand c'est pas 10 ou 15. Le truc, c'est que même si en tte logique l'Empire ets plus nombreux sur le serv (Kissai Caste), en realité les 3/4 sont soient des noobs purs, low level, ou pur pveboys. Par contre côté république, c'est rare même en bg de vraiment les farm, ils ont tjs un à trois heal qui finit le bg à 250-300K de healing minimum Tl,dr : Vous êtes p-e moins nombreux, mais c'est pas la quantité qui fait la qualité.
  9. Voilà le problème du système de hasard Pour ma part, 35 sacs, 9 pièces différentes de champion, 2 en doublon sinon. J'ai pu acheter 1 pièce centurion avec les tokens obtenus. D'autant plus que je me débrouille pas trop trop mal, si je tombe sur un noob en stuff orange/bleu no expertise c'est que du bonheur
  10. S'il y a égalité au HuttBall, c'est la team AYANT LA BALLE EN MAIN au final qui gagne.
  11. Hi and thank you for this "tool" that may prove usefull to compare which stats are better using. Unfortunately with the current champ' gear un-modable, I won't use it, I'll wait with the update patch allowing to mix and match some mods into your gear. (ATM there is only one set for _at least_ my class, so no worry to choose wrong xD) Keep it up !
  12. I love it 10 times more than VoidStar and 5 times more than Alderan myself.
  13. You can get one BM bag in reward of the Daily PvP in Ilum and the 3 WZ one. Dunno if you can stack more than one at a time, dunno if it lets you choose it if you're not already R60 though. At R60 it's the same, only those two quests grant you those bags. You need sick luck to actually get BM gear, as those bags' currencies is Champ' tokens Anyway, Skill>Gear (except if you can't afford at least 200 expertise)
  14. I'm depressing when I cross lightsabers with fellow Empire pvp'rs on HuttBall or some of the most skilled Sages in Alderan. I know that they know I'm able to pull the max damage+some control if I'm left doing my stuff around and/or healed (No, I'm not showing off, I do the same to them, if I'm the lead I mark the top healer or DD in the opposing team, for me as a sign to focus and hoping my team can help me in this job )
  15. Pics or it didn't happen. Even before biochem nerf and with full champ' +some BM gear, the best Marauders could get was just over 6K. I know I can get to 5K5 nowadays, but 7K I call BS sir.
  16. Gniak Gniak. Yeah, it's a lag and fps issue fest (esp in VOidStar, when you're next to the doors) sometimes. Marauders, if you can keep them slowed/stun'd/mezz'd and so on are not a major threat. Just keep them in range like I said. If they're not very skilled and/or with a good spec/gear for pvp, they'll just flee or be killed. But good Marauders keep poping on my serv too, nearly more of them than Sorc TBH If played right, it can deal a good chunk of damage and take only half life as damage.
  17. When I try to tell people what to do, when and how, they quickly begin to tell me to just shut up and play And usually, they're either A) the worst DD or healer at the end of the WZ B) just don't listen, don't play objectives, die alot by playing rambo solo style and leave prematurely. At the end of the day, good players identify themselves and either: A) Just queue for their 3 WZ to win, if they get faceroll'd they leave, wait 3 min before re-queuing hoping to not get with the previous noobs. B) Wait for their friends who know how to play their classes and make a premade. Before you know it they're now in the opposing team in HuttBall and roflstomp you. Moral of the story: If you're a noob, listen to good pvpers (you know, those with highest objective points, less deaths and the most kills/healing done usually), and/or follow their lead. Don't play rambo style who know everything or don't want to be lectured. Or don't queue at all if you don't feel secured about your class/spec. LV10-49 should be enough to learn your class and WZ strategies but meh, whatever. I CBA to teach people anymore, esp since I learn myself with Google and self logic. Can't play for other people.
  18. I agree. Marauders without quite all their CDs (especially vanish for 4 sec aka Force Camo) are a freekill. Kite them, slow them at 5-9 meters away from you and done. Definately need a lill' bit of tweaking I'd say.
  19. ^THIS Spot on. I'm ******* tired of proccing a BG to get to play with freaking noobs. Even when marking the lead ennemy healer with a BIG GOD "DAM" CROSSHAIR, they ain't capable of slowing/debuffing/bursting it. Don't wonder why they lame around instead of focusing on the ball in the HuttBall as well. Either I live, or if the game is funny enough to farm opposant noobs, I stay around and semi-afk until I can kill one on 1vs1 to kill time. If they say "get your butt moving you "sithead"" I just reply "I CBA to, you're not worth my efforts" and /ignore them. (And hope to get them on opposing team next time ) Tl,dr : L2P basic pvp strategies if you don't want to play with other noobs and get BM/dedicated hardcore PvP'rs to leave when they join/see you're terribad.
  20. But I agree our poor pure dps classes with absolutely no healing abilities (biochem or stimpacks are not counted) are screwed on this issue. Stealth classes that don't have a vanish ability (or on CD) are screwed with this too.
  21. If you were fighting on only one target (even if there are like 1 or more other ennemies around you) and it's dead, usually you can get in cover and/or wait 5 sec (or less) and get out of combat. If someone is targetting you and/or has/is hitting you, you have to set more than 30 meters between you and them before being out of comnbat I guess. If YOU put out an AOE on a bunch of ennemies, and fled, too bad, you're still considered in combat till they're either dead OR you have to wait 15-20 sec I think that sums it up.
  22. Bumping this to see what each class consider hard to kill. Please specify what class you play when you're talking about who is the hardest to kill/more threatening/lethal for you. Also, read my above post, I think (and hope) it's worth your time.
  23. So what ? I play Marauder and heal like **** on only one pitiful spec not nearly viable for bursty goup pvp. Biochem is required for any serious pvper so not a loss for you as you have it, some don't. Sniper shouldn't have that little utility, I know except for a 10 sec close party buff available like once every 2min if I'm able to freeroam and fight things (cause if not I don't build up fury thus no buff) I have NOTHING. Also last but not least : MEDALS DON'T ACCOUNT FOR FUN. They give little reward, like the MvP votes. Don't care about them.
  24. Not being part of the Fotm bandwagon consisting of BountyHunters and Inquisitors (especially Sorcs and Mercenaries @tracer missiles spamming) ? I like being a poor melee (Marauder) and humiliating those noobs in a one on one fashion they usually don't forget.
  25. I bet on long going on problem. Cause BioWare will take 2+ months before adressing this.
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