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Everything posted by Eltohan

  1. Well you should have chosen Juggernaut
  2. I do have the BT robes (blue with white stripes and hood down) ... But it gets a bit old after a while Don't know about the foundry one, can you find/provide a link for me to see what it looks like ? I'm not found of medium armors looking like the Imperial trench coats Thanks in advance (I loathe the pve/pvp endgame gear, the stupid robocop look whereas we're wearing medium armor and heavy armor HAS the look I'm after is stupid.)
  3. Yeah I understand you after reading your post above: I can too beat on a full normal pack, a pack full of normal mobs AND ONE strong, two strong and nothing else is A-OK, a single Elite or even a champion is no trouble at all. BUT, fighting a pack of say, 2-3 normals + 1 strong + 1 elite (or champ) there it's a bit rough withou top-of-the line upgrades + best stimpack and all... If you're too slow to move or use skills at the good time, you're nearly dead
  4. The consensus seems to be this: Class is fine, L2P BUT ! You need to use Quinn You need to play Annihilation You need to have all top of the line purple gear/mods You need a full macroable/keybindable keyboard+mice Seriously if this isn't a proof of how the class is limited in playstyle for levelling purpose Sad to see some classes like Sorcerers being able to push through class quests without a sweat
  5. Except the crappy spikes on shoulders look nothing like what was promoted. You're talking about this set: http://sithwarriorguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/marauder.jpg I'm talking about THIS baby: http://swtorhumanrelations.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sith-marauder1.jpg Too bad it's in fact an HEAVY ARMOR and ours is a medium armor... Right. Stupid concept.
  6. That would be good for Sith Inquisitors who can keep wearing their black hooded robes instead of their endgame gear... As for medium armor, us Marauders are busted. We only have the Black Talon Marauder's robes and that's it. The rest looks either like a soldier 1st class or a fail cyborg... Craptastic !
  7. NOW we can keep playing with the Black Talon Marauder's robes NEER MOAR orange hooded chest IMO and this'll be win-win
  8. Currently watching this. You are playing ani or carnage ? I'm not too sure Thanks for posting this
  9. This remind me of Paladins in WoW... With their skirts (well the T2 was cool anyway). It's sad to see the only cool back robe with hood up is in fact the heavy armor lv40 pvp Medium armors are crapptastic, and you light armor users are trapped into wearing womens' robes Bad design here. The worst is 90% of the time (thanks to orange gear at least) during levelling you have BETTER looking gear than what you end up in at end game
  10. Wow I wanted to roll an Assassin and bench my Marauder, but in fact I think Mara's armor sets are less ugly I feel you pals... Sincere apologies
  11. I understand perfectly your frustration mate I HOPE they do something, as currently it's a bit chaotic to play melee to say the least. But I think they're not gonna "fix" this before a LONG TIME. They have so much stuff to fix beforehand, best bet is to reroll operative or sorcerer or unsub and come back in a few months. The worst is that many flaws were said many times but are still present in the "retail" version we have now, and some things that worked were broken
  12. So much this. Without going into the "squishy" feeling of being useless without your cooldowns available (and no heals outside of anihilation tree, the other one we have being on a 20 min CD ! ) THEY LOOK LIKE CRAP Go Juggernaut, despite being heavy armor they have more (black) robes and hood than us marauders. Or sith assasins. Look pretty cool and can tank as well ATM, marauders need more love I'd say.
  13. Another one of those replies The vid was pretty nice to me. Made me wanna resume my Marauder
  14. /signed. I'm in the mood of creating a new char+class as playing a Jugg just for the looks and all isn't worth repeating the story... If one could go and change from marauder to jugg I'd do this any minute no exception.
  15. Quelqu'un sait qui fait la VF du male Guerrier Sith ? J'arrive plus à mettre le nom dessus
  16. I agree. IT'S DUMB to see some HEAVY ARMOR looking like a black robe with a hood (cough cough Juggernauts) and the ONLY MEDIUM ARMORS we have access to are some freaking cyborg crappy looks ! Jeez. There isn't any MEDIUM ARMOR at the DARK VENDOR except for agents or something.... Yeah take that you dumb marauders. ANY WORD ON THIS BIOWARE ?
  17. /signed This is really a nightmare. Jedi can't stop getting hoods ? WHY CAN'T WE GET SOME DECENT LOOK BIOWARE ANSWER ME
  18. I agree with everyone. It's sad to see Heavy Armor for Juggernauts looking way more ****** and robe-like when we get some crappy cyborg armors >_> I don't know why there even ISN'T any medium armor on the Dark Side vendor as poster above me said What a bummer.
  19. Hi everyone, my problem is certainly different. Instead of having medium quality textures even on high setting I have LOW textures everywhere, and they take several seconds to update to medium. BUT, half the time, the textures won't update and stay at low (I mean visually, not in settings as I'm on High settings) OR WORSE, they are on medium, and get downgraded to low during cutscenes I mean, what is this ? It was fine two day ago, but today's patch RE-BROKE my graphics, and playing with the low-blurry textures is an immersion-breaker really The worst of this, is it seems not many people are experiencing this issue I don't care about real "high" textures, I just wanna have MEDIUM ffs permanently, not flipping and poping sometimes or reverting to low when they wanna piss me off 'during cutscenes for eg.) :mad:
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