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Everything posted by Eltohan

  1. Except I see people at Valor Rank 25 with nearly full champ gear and some Rank 45-50 with only one or two pieces. Almost all the time the Rank 50 is going to win even with 1/10th the expertise against the low ranked one. Why ? Cause he had time to learn his class more deeply for a couple more hundred games than the other one, and he doesn't play Fotm Sorc or BH/mercenary Tracer Missile spamming. Tl;dr : Get some skill and learn to teamplay with good healers/dps and get some wins.
  2. I agree. In MMORPG, the emphasis is not really on MMO as you can play solo, but on ROLE PLAYING GAME. You RolePlay, you farm the best gear available to have the best stats. If you're a bit skilled and not a keyboard turner/mouse clicker, you can even more rolfstomped noobs. Getting gear in HL PvP is a joke. Cross yoru fingers and hope to get 10 differents pieces of gear in 30 bags. I'm not kidding. Or you can get only one piece in 5 examplars. Luck rewarding system is BS IMO. If you have no gear, and no skill/keybinds-fast reactivity +teamplay; be prepared to get pwn'd hard by hardcore players (and no lifers that had more time/more luck getting gear) Peace.
  3. I must agree that getting 5 wins straight not counting towards your daily is frustrating. Especially when you completely un-followed all of your quest cause the "god dam" followed quests corner of the screen keep reseting his hiding option when porting in and out, get old fast. Then you get 2 wins on 10 games, and it becomes quite a chore. I got like ALL CHAMPION GEAR, except Centurion boots that I bought for 39 tokens, ear and belt that are just lv50 blues (W.T.F did BioWare removed the basic lv50 expertise gear from the game ? ) IN LIKE 25 BAGS ! I have a good friend of mine, had about 15-20 bags, only got the head piece.... 5 TIMES. There should be a system check to avoid this BS. Maybe reward one more centurion token per bag the more you get empty ones. Or increase the % drop after a number of opened ones. It's silly for her to have like 50 expertise; and only being able to hit people for max 1K damage and taking much much more... She still owns most of the noobs, but skill only can go as far as you can. Gear helps a bit as well. THE SYSTEM ATM ISN'T REWARDING. Don't get me started on BattleMaster bags (lol 2 per day max, not buyable and still a low BS % drop rate). (As for myself, I own in BGs and have a lot of fun. When I'll be Rank 60 I think I'll just do my 3 BGs per day and log out on an alt... Useless to keep farming BG at that point) My two cents
  4. Harsh said, but I have to agree wholeheartedly, sadly that's true. World PvP is all about who has the biggest party and zergfest catch fleeers in Ilum, Tatooine is more dead in fact Who had the briliant idea of having to stay in central area for an hour before being able to collect all 30 BOXES ? Takes forever even being only with allies Battlegrounds are not bad, I find the three entertaining (except voidstar that is all about rushing the doors before ennemies respawn). Make at least one more HuttBall map with new randomly mobing hazards ? Ala MarioKart randomness, no need to have static ones, pulling and bumping classes have already an edge on melee and those who don't have any of those skills, no need to helpe them more. Lv 50 PvP seems to be quite balanced, if there is not more than two sorc/sage healers on each team (cause if there are, and they are skilled, before you kill one the other respawned, and their dps friends will kill you before you move from stuns and slows)
  5. Nice template you got here. Let me borrow it for a min. == BEST: AKA: Most Feared Class == 1° Operative / Soundrel ->Without "2min trinket" you're ****** up. Except if the guy is underlevel (no abilities to do max burst potential like when you're 15) or unskilled at all. Incomming patch is taking care of that threat. Just use your smash/aoe cleave (forget the name) or Awe (aoe stun in 5meters radius) if you have rage spared to unstealth them. After that it's fifty fifty depending on skill. 2° Sorcerer / Sage -> Well... If well played and with all CD up, can be a ***** to own. Bubble absorbing 3 to 5K damage. Can heal (Balance spec for eg. so not healing spec) for about 3K with a 3sec cast. Can DOT you for 300/sec, can channel a telekinesic throw whatever to slow you to death for 3 sec while dealing 900 damage /sec. Can proc instant ability to deal 3K in one hit. Can knockback-bump people off you pretty far (good for environmental hazards). Can stun you for 5 sec (I believe they have a second stun as well that is maybe only one or two sec). Overall, a class that well played is nearly unstoppable. Did I forgot their sprint ? +90% speed (or was it 150?) for 2 sec. Can be a salvation. 3° Mercenary / Commando -> Heavy armor and bubble, freezing grenade to stun you with a giant "kill me sign on you", can hit really hard if you take more than 5 sec to react to their tracer missiles spamming opener (break los quickly), can heal, overall can be a pain to dispatch ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Above is what I hate to face, especially if they're more than one to deal with at the same time, it's nearly always a no-go for me ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4° Marauder / Sentinel -> That's my class. I can pretty easily dispatch any of them on equal gear. Anihilation:just burst them/blind/choke/slow+jump at them quickly before they dot you to death with auto crit if at 30 fury. Carnage: pretty much the same, if only cause they have some nice burst that is a bit random (but not so much) This spec is alot more threatening in 1vs1 scenari (yeah, scenario is lation and plural form is scenari like media is plural for medium). Rage spec. That's where this class shines. 2 jumps. One slow that can get you to stand still for a few sec, the time to take 10 meters and force jump at you, proccing the famous auto smash crit. Deals base 1100 damage, +25% per sec chocked (max 3 here) and slowed (slow is 5sec duration and can be applied on another target, the buff is on the Marauder, not his target) thus giving +100% damage modifier, applied AFTER surge rating. Thus at 70% base surge multiplier, increased to 90% with a relic popped, and an adrenal/stim thingie, you get= 1100+200*2*0.9 = about 5Kish damage if done right. (I got 5K4 rarely) cooldown is 9 sec. It comes down to skill here as well. And who has the most fury already builded and what CD up. ____________________________________ Below are what I prey on eagerly. __________________________________ 5° Ex Aequo - Sniper / Gunslinger -> Except for their annoying "shield-can't jump to target", not much much to say, break los, come Camo'd and wreck them. Can hit quite hard from far away, break LOS quickly, if they're on the move, force jump at them, and it's quickly over for them. 5° Ex Aequo - Powertech / Vanguard -> IIRC they have the annoying grappling move to get you in an acid bath or wall of fire. IIRC they have heavy armor as well (seems like a bioware trend to give heavy to distant classes and medium/light to melee ) Can be tank spec and deal a bit of damage (not so much), just be smart and break their important channelled moves, stun as available, burst trhough their fat skin. Can take 30 sec to a min if the guy pop all his CDs. Penultimate Assassin / Shadow -> Stealth'd, has a bit of burst at opening, can vanish when you have nearly killed them, can be in tank stance and take little to no damage (evade or reduced) as I'm a melee. Anyway, you should be able to take one down if played rightfully. Bottom Line - Juggernaut / Guardian -> Can be (even in dps spec) a bit harder to kill than the above class (has they have some fate changing abilities on long CD). Even in DPS spec, not a threat. Can take forever to kill and be a annoyance (cough push skill out of the way) especially in HuttBall. That's it really. If they're smart, they never die and leap to friendly healers (which they promptly "guard") I don't fear them, only their annoying tendency to take forever to die. == WORST: AKA: Least Feared Class == Pfiou, seems it took more than a min. Hope you enjoyed my post, and thanks for the reading.
  6. ROFL, even with only orange gear wih just two mods equaling 50 expertise, I still owned LV50 in champion gear. Get real man. I dunno, suck it up. Game is not hard except if you keyboard turn and get roflstomped cause of lack of teamplay maybe ? And I play Marauder, not the best solo classe heh Sad to see people in awe to be Lv50. I was eager to, I planned it with 1000 tokens of each and an already bought bag... If you use your brain you can win even if your muscles aren't up to par with your opponent you know.
  7. What is this I don't even wtfbbqsauce Wall of text crits for ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Wait for it ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  8. ITT: People who got butthurted by geared 50s whine that they don't have any expertise gear. Guess what, expertise geared players also happen to pop on YOUR team, and carry you through your 3 victories, 3 victories needed per day to get one free champ bag. Also, protip: gear doesn't account for skill and teamplay. A full BattleMaster geared guy can't rambo his way through the ennemy team like mince meat Tl,dr : Stop being a sithead and man up, it like this in every gear progression based game. No one will regret you. Maybe L2P and/or L2keybind
  9. All I see here is a Marauder pwn'd your little butt hurted and his two sorcers friends healed more than what your team could output as damage. L2premade maybe?
  10. Eltohan

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    Cause it's Fotm. Wait for 15-20 days and see Huttball composed of 15 sorcerers/sages on 16 players :p
  11. Eltohan

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    Your sig is quite true TBH.
  12. OFTEN (maybe cause my serv is light) you can just tag for pvp and get into THE SAME ONE you just left.
  13. And what's the "reward" for completing it, if I may ask you ?
  14. Sometimes, as an Empire player, we start at like 5 or 6 players against 8. Sometimes we have 8 against 5 or 6. SOMETIMES WE ARE 9 OR 10 against 5-6-7 players There is something fishy going on, that's for sure.
  15. In my case, it happens once on 5 warzones on average. Sometimes, I just hit an invisible wall, and can't advance. Network is perfectly fine, I see people running around, and that's it, I have "not in range" issue when trying to fight people coming near me. I have to /stuck (and get ported to like 30 meters where I was before) cause THE GAME AIN'T LOADING ANYMORE MY POSITION. Strange but hey, I'm not D/C or anything, and people don't fight me, maybe they can't see me.
  16. WHile I'm here, as I never went to this area and never did this daily, does it reward a CHampion's Bag too ? I should check this zone when I'm done with Ilum so.
  17. Well, you think like a CounterStrike or Street Fighter player... MMO are not only based on skill ALONE, they reward players THE MORE THEY PLAY (ie:have lot's of free time? You can "farm" all day and have a slight advantage over one who play 1hour per day) Your opinion is thus invalid. BTW: If BioWare listened to you, everyone would only play pve side of the game : Operations and HM FlashPoints, getting nice epic gear and use it in WarZones when they have nothing else to do. Sure it would reward skill (or classes synergy and teamwork) but it would kill the game for hardcore PvPers that want to be rewarded the more time they spend on playing PvP. IF NOT, WHO WOULD PvP AT ALL ? Think about it.
  18. I agree 120% sometimes I have to join in WZ late cause I WAS LOADING A PLANET FOR 45sec-1MIN and the timer is at like 20sec left. I get in, there it is, HuttBall. 15 sec left to go. Before I realise, the window is closed. I have to wait like 25 sec before I can leave the starting zone, ZAM booted. I agree...
  19. As I do. And usually if they are PURE HEALER, they xan't deal so much damage, so the medals are well deserved (and healers ARE USEFUL for the team)
  20. Huh? W.T.F dude. I only vote for the TOP HEALER of the warzone (if there is any "real" one not a support char that deal like 10K damage and 60K healing) OR the TOP D.D , I completely ignore medals, as Tanks can have +3 more than non-tanks EASILY (if they have some brain) and healing classes can also deal some and get 1-2 medals EASILY compared to PURE D.D I only get voted for like once or twice per WZ, even if I sit on like 300-350K damage and have the most "objective" points, I finished at like 7-8 medals MAX if I'm lucky/game draws on forever, and some votes could be useful but people don't care about voting.
  21. I agree 100% that is can be a liability when you join late (in the initial beginning, or in the middle of the game). In Alderaan you can see where are enemies, on VoidStar it's kinda useless IMO.
  22. Hi ChrisGG / "Faction(60) Cool". As I just posted on your YT vid, Hope to see more, I subbed and will check your channel some time soon. BTW, I play a Marauder, wanted to know how you feel about this class. (I have not so much issue to kill sorcerers or sages alone, when there are more than one it becomes quite hard usually). And, oh, why "Balance" spec ? (don't know Sages/Sorcerers at all except they have one tree for healing and one common with Assassins (wonder how this last one works for them btw)) Thanks in advance, and as I said, keep pwning noobs, it's quite fun to see even if they are not a real threat to you Peace.
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