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Everything posted by Hyde_v

  1. Gamorian guards in RotJ had axes. Big creatures using axes work for me. It also wouldn't shock me to see a Sith pick up an axe, turn his evil, yellow eyes to an enemy, and grins like a mad man at the thought of the barbaric slaughter about to happen. And I'm quite certain there will be no throwing the axe down after the fight and calling the weapon "Uncivilized."
  2. I know I already posted three, but I saw these and had to add them. 4. To sit on more chairs. 5. An actual /lie down /sleep icon that does not break when you hit the escape key.
  3. 1. Consolidate some of the abilities that Smugglers and Imperial Agents have (they have too many and not enough room on the quick bars for all of them.) 2. Escalate the conflict between the Republic and the Empire. Right now, even on planets where the two factions can face each other, I just do not feel like there is any tension. Maybe some of the higher level planets are different. 3. Open space missions where combat is not quite so linear (even Starfox had a few of those!)
  4. Having endured the foul community of WoW for some time, I can see where the OP is coming from. Zero tolerance works for some offenses like hacking, cheating, etc. But not on a troll. Still, a stern punishment policy is welcome. People can make mistakes. But banning someone on one offense is not always the way to go. Were I in charge, we would see something like this: -First offense, a warning. Just a simple warning. No harm, no foul. You're just told not to do it again. -Second offense, final warning. You are now towing the line. You have now been warned twice. You will not be told again. -Third offense, twenty four hour suspension. You were warned and did it again. -Fourth offense, you are banned. There will be no discussion or reprieve. You were warned, given a "wake up" call, and you still would not behave. Your presence is no longer welcome. Seems fair, doesn't it? Accountability exists for everyone. Even in the virtual world.
  5. I just found this thread. I'll keep this short: I'm willing to give the community team a chance. The game is still relatively new and there are growing pains. The F2P model has me worried about the game's future. The last Q & A was a let down. You say change is coming. Ok. I will see how it goes.
  6. I did not even know this event was going to happen. I had not heard a word about it. I'll check it out.
  7. I've given up on expecting people to let me play my role. If I am the tank and someone keeps pulling, I stop tanking and switch to DPS and let them tank. As DPS, I just DPS. Now, if someone else wants to heal when I am the healer, fine. You won't hear me complaining. The other party members might since it will take a bit longer to kill targets. I do not have a problem with that because I am not in a hurry. Everyone else is these days though. So, let me tank and I will hold the target(s) attention. Or do not let me tank and I will not play the tank role. You have options if you do not like that.
  8. I waited two weeks for that? I'm sorry, but that Q&A told me nothing. Frankly, I am disappointed. If that is as informative as the developers will be, you may as well drop the attempt to communicate your future game intentions as far as I am concerned. I will just stop reading them. You took a small amount of questions, gave some simple, generic answers, and then said "more to come." No, that is not enough. If you do not have the model figured out, say so. If you do not have any specifics to give out, do not give us bare bones information blogs. I am enjoying your game at the moment. And as long as I do, I will continue to pay for it (I want it all.) If weekly is too much for you, do monthly. If that is too much, every two months is ok. But the 8/10 Q&A I just read was not acceptable. Please do not do that again.
  9. Oh. Didn't know about the developer tracker feature.
  10. I don't mind delays. But it would be polite to have some kind of notice about them.
  11. Here's what I hope happens: * Subscribers get unlimited access to everything. At no point does a paying subscriber have to pay extra for any content. With the exception of the occasional vanity pet or item like the pets and mounts you can buy off the WoW store. Again, no paying subscriber has to pay extra for anything else. * Free accounts have harsher penalties for rule violations. I do not want to see paying customers get off scot free. But I am told that on some F2P games, if you break certain rules, you are banned. Still, I'm not sure that is much of a deterent when you can just start up another account. But I hope Bioware adopts that same stance.
  12. We'll see. I'm not quitting and I'm not unsubbing. Unless the players the F2P brings in ruin the game, I will play until I'm bored. There is plenty of content at the moment.
  13. Here's some of my concerns for the gaming going free to play. Here's hoping a developer reads this because I do not know where else to submit feedback. And these are not exactly suggestions. - Intentional griefing, flagrant rule violations, anarchy. Free account open inhibitions. "I can always make a new one. it doesn't cost anything. Go ahead and report me for dropping the F-bomb all the time. I'll just create another account. I'll create many new accounts. You cannot stop me." Fleet chat will become WoW trade chat. Players who can act like jerks WILL act like jerks. And since they won't have to pay anything, they can just come right back. - Spam, spam, spam, and more spam. Credit / gold sellers in chat. Credit / gold sellers in my in-game mail. Credit / gold sellers in private tells. The messages are sent, the free account is deleted, a new account made, same spam messages, rinse and repeat. Yes, this happens some now. But at least the spammers had to come up with a credit card before. Now, they just need an email address. - Content goes bye bye. Yes, Bioware has announced new Flashpoints, some new space missions, and even to let your ship droid kiss another ship droid. But what happens after that? With the free to play model, there's a chance we will see statements like this: "We cannot justify the cost for new content / bug fixes, etc. as the majority of our playerbase is not paying." Wheeee. What fun. Here's hoping it goes well. I have my doubts.
  14. /facepalm Does anyone else wish all these negative threads would just go the frell away? I'm so sick of the negativity around here. I'm going to seriously reconsider using these forums. They are more depressing than entertaining.
  15. I still plan to play TOR after 9/25. Provided Bioware does not do something stupid like dumb down the game, shut it down and fire everyone.
  16. During one of the movies for The Force Unleashed II, Galen Marek used a Force power where, using the anmiation for a Force Sweep, the clone emited an expanding Force sphere that disentegrated the stormtroopers around him. I guessed that this was a Dark Side power since Galen was using his rage and anger at Vader to generate this ability. But then again, Galen was never truly a Sith. Canon tells us that Galen had the potential (or was) the most powerful Force user ever. I'm putting together my Sith Sorceror's story. As all Sorcerors begin their story as slaves who became Sith, I need to come up with a way to move her from slave to Sith. An impressive use of the Force seems the way to go. But levitating an ornamental vase does not have the effect. Galen's Force power described above does. But can someone other then Galen use that power without making their character a Mary Sue (I hate that.)
  17. Any chance of adding a feature to schematics where they state whether or not you already know that schematic rather then trying to learn it and finding out that way?
  18. You are not an Insider. You're about to be neuralized. That's what you are. Bad Man in Black. Bad.
  19. The company has a Q & A every week. Maybe they're busy ....WORKING ON THE GAME. Developer time is better spent on game development. I'm not that worried about the current amount of developer contact. I have a feeling that the CSRs that do comment on the forums do so in a moderation capacity and not as a communication link to the developers. At least, that is what I have seen so far.
  20. I'm not really putting too much thought in to an expansion at this point if I am a developer. It's a bit early. Though I am sure it is on the board. With the ability to download game content, expansions should be for extreme overhals or massive amounts of content. In ToR's case, very large planets or such. I would hate to sit idly by while a full scale playable Taris was downloaded.
  21. KEEP reporting them. From what I've seen, Bioware is a bit harder on players then WoW's rule breakers. And thank the Force for that!!!!!!!!
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