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Everything posted by Rikeryo

  1. when pugging and getting annihilated: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcstj1_bobby-mcferrin-don-t-worry-be-happy_music?search_algo=1 all day long
  2. After experiencing the Ilum and RWZ disasters and the horrible balancing changes I think it's a fact that Bioware PvP developers do not possess the mental faculties to properly fix and develop PvP.
  3. yeah, they couddn't imagine much pvp going on in a star wars mmo .. funny thing. bunch of liars, ho ho!
  4. additional info: darth skotia, sith inquisitor class quest chain http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/4938.jpg
  5. it's getting out of control - EVERY warzone that seems to be a loss, just the slighest possibility .. is left by 2-5 people. there is no chance in fighting for the win with 5 people. a deserter debuff needs to be patched in ASAP bioware.
  6. have to agree, especially on ulduar .. greatest pve content ever created in all mmos I've played.
  7. never heard of this valour thingy.
  8. sorc is a very weak, badly balanced class atm. but I think you can improve your stats and your spec. if you don't have it already, get biochem and the rakata resolve stim & ap adrenal. - remove the points in convection and put them in electric enduction so you won't go oof so fast. - remove your points in sith defiance and max out sith efficacy. - switch your crit mods for ap mods until you're at ~30% crit selfbuffed. - collect willpower datacrons and get offset gear with max willpower. my full bm / 1 piece war hero sorc is at 1540 willpower unbuffed - about 140 more than you while wearing about the same gear. - avoid 1v1. always run with your group. it's stupid and you may feel weak, but that's the way of being a sorc currently.
  9. OP is marauder/powertech/assassin.
  10. they should take a closer look at WoW's casters, because blizzard got them quite balanced. frost mage: autosnare on melee hit, a 10y(?) teleport on a 20s cooldown, massive CC on low cooldown, selfcast shield, average overall damage but insane burst, damage immunity cd shadow priest: -15% overall damage reduction, is able to cast shields just like sorc, constant, strong damage via dots, dispel protection, burst potential, a 99% damage reduction cd, aoe fear, single target stun affliction warlock: -25% overall damage reduction, telporting on a 30s(?) cd, multi target dotting is actually possible, strong constant single target damage, passive and active drain life abilities I'm not saying they should copy mechanics from WoW (well, they did already), but they should rethink their design decisions about the only real caster class in this game. it's a fact that in it's current state, this class does not work. I'm sick of being chased down by every melee because sorc is basically a free kill, especially assassins/shadows. your skill level doesn't matter anymore, you just get roflstomped.
  11. while melees have more efficient gap closers than we have gap openers. a massive survivability buff or actual burst damage buff (as we have none) / more single target damage is necessary.
  12. imho they should put some devs to work on this and overhaul the whole music playing in the entire game ASAP. very unsatisfying. "the music leads the experience". well, not. another lie. why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT PLAYING. and if - some KOTOR songs I don't care about. or space battle music from episode I. /yawn.
  13. yeah, topic has nothing to do with the suggestion box, well played. someone reopen this in general discussion!
  14. they should just copy more from the WoW rogue, what's the problem?
  15. geez, you're a dedicated fanboy. nothing in this game looks really good. not good enough to justify those loading times.
  16. while standing around in my ship's hangar I have zero performance issues too! you know, realizing performance issues actually requires the ability to see them. I once read a post from a guy that claimed he had zero performance issues on his i7, 16gigs ram, geforce gtx560ti. for proof he posted a screenshot of a heavy fighting scene in huttball. the counter showed 25fps. nevermind, even if you are able to see that you've got no issues - well, good for you. maybe you have the perfect system setup that makes this game run like smooth butter. I myself know people who also have no issues. but the majority has. but you're still just one person without issues - against thousands others. because YOU have no issues doesn't mean everybody else shouldn't have too. simple logic. additionally thousands of other people complain about low fps and stuttering on good rigs, mainly in pvp environment, without any reason on their side, playing every other game on the market just fine. where do you think all those fps issue threads came from? ten thousands of posts. the tech-savvy fellow players, some of them software engineers, who were posting some explanations like the disk i/o problems. blizzard troll poster? idiots? pc newbs?
  17. so your excuse for bad performance on mid - high end systems is the fact that the devs developed this engine to run on a wide variety of systems, even low end? or are you denying that this game runs subpar on countless systems while other games run just fine?
  18. please explain to me how this modified, cheap, bad performing, ugly looking engine is any kind of next-gen. thank you. additionally, be so kind and explain your silly motivation to defend this game blindly at all cost. is that you, renegadeimp aka bw employee?
  19. 4. your research skills are as bad as your general knowledge about MMO's playerbases. and no, I won't stop.
  20. I laugh at the guys saying they've got no problems on planets, fleet or in pve in general. obviously they've never participated in an ilum zergfest or a warzone. 80% of the performance problems are ocurring in pvp environments. I can tell you that there is not a single person out there with a rig that meets the recommended system requirements of this game that can play any warzone with more than 10/20/30 fps. you need a 2012 €1500 dollar rig to get acceptable performance in warzones and STILL your fps plummets down to 40 or less in heavy fighting. IN WARZONES. 40v40 Ilum zerg fests? I have yet to see a person with more than 10 fps. I had around 2-5fps and insane stuttering on a 1yr old €1000 gaming machine. are you still thinking everything is fine with swtor? try renaming the "swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" file in your game\ASSETS folder, start the game and play a warzone. you'll have perfect performance. but you won't see any particle effects. so, how can some simple particle effects aka lightsabers, blaster pistol fire, spell effects etc cut the fps in half?
  21. OP clearly has a l2p issue.
  22. YUPZ. getting tired of being chased by marauders and juggs in every warzone. /yawn.
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