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Everything posted by Rikeryo

  1. sniper/gslinger is probably the most balanced class. if any1 got problems with them it's a l2p issue.
  2. "They’re incredibly good about all of that and we’re probably the most diligent researchers and Star Wars experts of anyone in the EU creation system, because our fans are very particular and they will catch us,” lulz, ugly armor design. gotcha!
  3. exactly. look at DC universe, there you can change the appearance of every single item at all times without any costs. the current mod-switching system is just lazy design to keep people playing by farming credits. but this is only working for so long. people aren't that dumb.
  4. we got self-healz, we don't need gap closer!111
  5. guys, let me get this straight . if we talk about tank guardians/juggs .. it's in war leader gear, right? mitigation and stuff?
  6. Furniture that you can actually sit in.
  7. it's not a myth that this game runs like poo on many systems including my own with below average performance - despite the fact that the hardware runs every other modern game just fine, even some not so awesome programmed mmos like wow (rag25hc, a lot of stuff going on, ultra details, 60fps). but I doubt bioware cares. they give a **** about us, I bet they can't increase performance anyways because of this shoddy, unfinished engine they licensed and what they did with it.
  8. making this game even more singleplayer? most randoms are like bots! no, thanks.
  9. it's in the game since launch. it's gosh darn annoying. it's still not fixed. ETA bioware?
  10. soon. although this game still got beta status.
  11. people are still reading this? couldn't care less, bioware's dodging all criticism / questions about stuff that actually matters anyways!
  12. .. until they took two powertechs for their team. this class is absolutely destroying pvp balance. we got some quite skilled players on our team, but sadly they play the wrong classes. thanks, bioware.
  13. I see you have yet to meet a skilled marauder. marauder CDs > sniper CDs. if the marauder got all his CDs ready he's gonna destroy you no matter what.
  14. because new mmorpgs have to meet certain expectations and standards set by the industry. it doesn't matter how old mmos are. cool logic, eh?
  15. haven't tried it yet, but it seems to make energy management very hard, especially in pvp.
  16. please do a forum research before posting something like "it's a small problem". there have been discussions on this forum for months. one thread reached over 15000 posts. there was a huge rant going on. but people left. they left together with all the other lost subscribers. they don't care anymore because there was ZERO response from bioware, heck they even mocked us with strange blog posts and stupid performance guides, which explained how the ingame graphic settings work. and that's the real reason for the complainer count plummet.
  17. the focus/rage tree shouldn't be centered around a single ability, which is instant, deals insane high damage to multiple targets and always crits. stupid design. it also makes the other dps look stupid, because a well played focus/rage sentinel/marauder ALWAYS tops the overall scoreboard damage (yeah, no one cares, but it hurts my ego).
  18. what do you expect from former mythic devs?
  19. spec is not flexible enough for rated warzones, main abilities' cd is way too high, controlling objective shouldn't be part of a single player but the whole team, you're better off speccing for maximum damage.
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