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Everything posted by finetop

  1. Literally no class in this game needs more CC. There are some classes that should get less. The BH/Trooper classes should have less stuns than everyone else, they are a ranged pewpew class...
  2. Jedi are clearly imbalanced in huttball. Go read one of the QQ threads and its very clear. Especially Operatives suck terrible in huttball. I am ops and I don't mind huttball, but its is clearly an imbalanced map.
  3. Never truer words ever spoke. They could have fixed all of these problems the first time if all of the devs rolled a diff class than sorcs. Seriously BW, play the game and figure out what is broke on your own.
  4. Arenas are literally my favorite type of pvp, but seriously guys they need to fix the existing content first...
  5. The best thing they can do right now is fix all of the terrible imba bugs on existing maps. After that, the pvp system really have a lot of potential. However, if they do not show the minimum competence in programming the existing maps, it will not matter what they do because there will be nothing but sorcs left to play these low budget maps.
  6. Huttball is retardedly imba for every jedi class. So how about no? Civil war is probably the most balanced map, but has some problems too. I don't know about everyone else, but I definitely do not want to play Civil War every game. Fix the maps, then make rated, THEN GIVE REAL RESULTS TO THE PLAYERS, and nerf as needed from there.
  7. Love how every QQ sorc thread turns into DON'T NERF ME BRO! Wonder why that is? Fix the stupid maps first please.
  8. ^This instead of fixing the actual problems and the QQers are ruining the game.
  9. People saying "Scrap this PVP map or Scrap that PVP map," please put a sock in it. If we removed the broken maps from the game there would be nothing left.
  10. If this isn't fixed in the next 3 weeks I am gone for sure. There is literally no reason for the speeder at this point. If they can't fix this little unintended bug, then the best of luck to the people stupid enough to stay.
  11. Telling the truth =/= Badmouthing... It is an ok map, its just not balanced, so fix it. This stuff just proves the point about how you guys dont care for a balanced game. You just want to pub stomp with 4 sorcs and 4 jugg premade vs randoms in huttball with 0 skill and feel great about it afterwards. Basically also why you guys deserve to be trolled and play a bad imbalanced game. Also why all of the real pvps going to leave for something else. Baddies ruining it for everyone...
  12. Who cares if people pass the ball. That is not the problem. The problem is people you cannot stop from going across the line like assassins.
  13. Nerfing force leap and whatever the inquisitor sprint skills seem like no brainers. It's really just too huge of an advantage to cover so much ground so quickly. Obv the play testers didn't QQ over this or at least BW didn't listen if they did. IMO, anything that allows movement greater than whatever the designed movement was should cause a ball drop. It is really the only fair thing. Passing is supposed to score, not imba assassin run, or force jumping upto avoid large batches of otherwise impassable obstacles.
  14. Says someone with zero justification for what you are saying.
  15. finetop

    Balance In PvP

    11 deaths is too many as Ops. That said, the rest of these numbers look normal to me.
  16. Haha, gold! Look at voidstar, the afk kick changes, I'm pretty sure the devs aren't playing the game. Noone has thought through the changes as far as I can tell.
  17. As they should. I am recommending pvp players not buy this game until things get sorted out. Better luck elsewhere.
  18. Not saying it is the case, but that you lump in ops with sorc indicates you might not know what you are talking about any better than the guys saying juggs are underpowered.
  19. finetop

    i keep hearing

    Who ever telling you l2resolve is probably an idiot. For god's stakes the cool down in resolve is like 2 minutes and every classes as 3+ stuns every minute. The game is basically designed to be stunfest zzzzzing while the other player dps's. As far as when to use it, unless you are about to go over huttball heat vents or similar, always use immediately unless its a short duration stun. This way your cooldown gets to working and you can use it again. If I 'miss the stunbreak' and know its a 6 second one, I let it tick down and wait for a better spot.
  20. The one that really pisses me off the most is voidstar when someone dies, you sitting there watching the door tickdown casually, then the bomb alarm goes and and you know you standing next to the idiot that didn't call incs, didn't call when he died, and is basically singlehandedly responsible for the bomb.
  21. Posting on the forums about how guardians suck at huttball..
  22. Holy crap how OP are healers? This is literally only thread in the forum where people aren't making ridiculous denials about balance. Thanks to all who are honest in this thread. Breath of fresh air.
  23. How do you people hate Huttball when you have force jump, force push and force stasis? Are we talking about the same map? Am I playing a different game than everyone else and I didn't notice I was on the wrong forums?
  24. That video pretty clearly shows that between a lightsaber throw and force jump juggs/gaurds have no way to deal with ranged classes!
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