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Everything posted by finetop

  1. Too spell it out more clearly for you MMOLootGrinders... If you cannot keep players like me playing the game, it will go F2P, there is nothing else to say about it. Once it goes F2P, you can kiss that handy dandy wish list goodbye, cause none of it will happen.
  2. Not really. The big investment is already made, so its just realizing the opportunity cost already paid.
  3. /signed and Amen. It's not that it is an inherently bad game, it is that it does nothing different other than voice acting, and in fact does many thing worse than games that are currently F2P. Cliffs fix pvp pls
  4. I troll the forums much less than I play (until something better comes out). I'll probably play for another 2 months and this one will go on the shelf like all of the other MMOs not meeting their potential.
  5. Trololol, bhahahaha. I lol'ed for sure OP.
  6. Lets suppose we have two players. One of them is more casual and logs 5 hours a week over 3 months totaling 2 days play time and another plays 4 hours a day for 3 months totaling to 15 days. What % improvement of the gear do you think the 2nd player should get? Personally I don't think this number should ever exceed a 5-10% difference. Otherwise the idiots grind monkeys will literally win every match unless they are clearly worse players.
  7. Your job is to kill the healers when the ball is breaking across the map, and to stun idiots as they run over the vents towards the goal line. DPS and killing crap in mid literally does like 25% of the effect as supporting your team. When you are in a WZ with a bunch of idiots fighting like this, 3-4 people working together will score like 4 or 5 points easy. Be a teammate not a duelist!
  8. Rly bro? I'm upto min 3:50 and you haven't even looked for the ball for a solid 2 minutes.
  9. Hit him in the back while he is not healing. Hit him in the back while he is not healing. Gank them and be selective about your targets. Hitting the tank is a waste of time. Use potions, defense buff, and throw the ball before you die. Stun him, hit him in the back, snare him, keep hitting him in the back. I can relate. Same. Use the stealth buff everytime.
  10. I'm not 50, so I can't really talk about end game balance, but just my 2 cent.. (upto 30 on ops and 29 on guardian) - newbs hate getting stunned - ops get stuns early - jedi get force pushes etc which are just as good as stuns, but later - ops doesn't many stuns cc etc at later levels - newbs played their first WZ, QQed about imba stuns - ops gets nerfed to death and suck Huttball is really the worst. Between 2 jumps, stasis, force push and otherwise good tanking skills my guardian is like 20x better than my ops. It's really no contest. If we ignore the cliffs and so on, the guardian isn't quite as good on the other maps, but more or less on equal footing. Conclusions: Fix Huttball or buff Ops.
  11. This. Why have all these fancy graphics but a character appearance system from 2000???
  12. I played the Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device in 1948. SWTOR has more features than that game. Also I like it when casual players paying for development of a game I like to play. I don't care what casual players want because it has no effect on me.
  13. I've never made it far enough to raid in any of these games, maybe there should be separate raid gear or something for the people who want to grind their face off 6 hours a night every night for the next 2 years. This doesn't change that log 10 play hours after lvl 50 EVERY character should have the opportunity to be on an even playing field (97% effectiveness) in PVP. It's just really not fun getting monkey stomped cause someone else wastes more time than you. Cosmetic improvements or small, small buffs, sure. Straight up large advantage, no. I'm not 50 yet in this game, so I can't really say what thats like. As far as upto lvl 30 grind, its been not too bad, so I definitely like that aspect of the game.
  14. I would probably make a thread QQing about it and then proceed from there.
  15. It is really silly when you guys complain about this kinda stuff. The game has too much grind. Its ok for a spec to be a 'pvp spec'. But then when the devs throw a bone to the casual players like having 2 specs on the same character you guys throw up all over the place. The casual players pay just as much as you guys so stop making it where people have to play 150 hours a month to get top tier character..
  16. People providing suggestions on how to improve the game should play something else! Sounds like a great way to have a good game.
  17. Best post in the thread. I really doubt any of this gets fixed soon. It is like they made 3 or 4 really great innovations for the genre then forgot every other advancement made in the last 2 years. Cons: The character customization is atrocious in multiple different ways.... Some of the bugs are like they have never even played the game. If you are the team to defend first on Voidstar you autolose because 1/2 your team in on a bike at the beginning. Huttball is ridiculously imba towards jumping jedi. The social gear is literally unusable junk. Pros Some really redeeming qualities like the voice story line and greatly reduced grind. Somewhat interactive group story telling. Ranged tank is pretty cool. Every player having multiple companions of various types for different situations. Companions doing harvesting and crafting. I give it 5.5/10. I really hope they concentrate on fixing these things before improving space combat and similar. The core game needs work first.
  18. solo: dps >>>>> tank >> healer It takes tanks and healers forever to kill anything. Healers, give me a break, are just healing their pet praying they don't run out of mana. I'm upto 29 also playing concealment, and to be honest, I skip all trash when doing my quests unless I starting to get a few level under the quest. Grind farming is boring as crap. I generally rather flashpoint or pvp than kill 20 bunny rabbits for the bunny lord or whatever harvest quest. Granted you will not find a flashpoint at 29 even on high pop servers. So I guess pick your nose while in the pvp queue and hope you don't get matched against a bunch of teamers. I hear a spec like this is best for pve leveling. I am yet to try it, but will probably get around to it soon. Just keep going dps after this. It lets you keep Kaliyo alive in boss fights, and still have pretty good dps for cleaning up the junk. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401Mcf0zZMfM.1 I think this is the concealment spec I have now.. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401ZGhRodor.1 Good luck!
  19. Pretty sad that there is no appearance customization in this game. They improved many things as far as MMOs, but they totally drop the ball here...
  20. Any plans to fix the Warzone Map, The Voidstar? The team that goes 2nd auto loses because half his team is still on speeder bikes flying in.
  21. Any plans to fix the Warzone Map, The Voidstar? The team that goes 2nd auto loses because half his team is still on speeder bikes flying in.
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