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Posts posted by CBRGhostRider

  1. Well, granted I'm fairly new to this, but I'm pretty much constantly glancing down at my buffs to see if it is up or not. I think an add on that makes that sort of stuff a bit more obvious would be really helpful.


    As for some trick to tell if it is up or not, I really can't say. I'm not aware of one.


    Well that's just it, Bioware provided a visual indication. It is just really faint. If you dps on the training dummy for a bit, while watching your toon closely you will see the purple stuff I'm talking about. Just wish it was way more obvious like other classes or specs.:(

  2. I would be very upset if bioware does anything to kill the hybrid. Very... very... upset. :mad:


    For pvp, 18/23 has some amazing defenses:

    1. With enraged defense and defeaning defense, you have 52+15 = 67% damage reduction and 3% self heal ticks going on. You get this for 10 secs every 45 secs.

    2. With unstoppable, you get 52+20 = 72% damage reduction every 15 seconds. If you have enraged defense running, you get 87% damage reduction when you charge. Yes, 87%. I have confirmed this by looking at my DR in my character sheet. This is epic for huttball!

    3. With the 2-piece vindicator armorings, you get an 8% self-heal every 20 seconds. And as a tank you should absolutely be using intercede on cooldown in pvp.

    4. Along with taunt, and AoE taunt, you also get intercede to provide damage reduction for your target.

    5. When you reach 30% health (most classes get their execute here), pop endure pain to increase your max health by 30%, and then use pvp medpack to heal for 35% of that max health. That is a 10k medpack right there, and more temp health from endure pain itself. It is VERY depressing for dps to see you do that.

    6. Sonic barrier every 9 secs if hybrid.

    7. Your saber ward has blade turning. Pop it at the right moment (just as a sniper is finishing ambush) and smile as he guaranteed misses. Even with his 30% accuracy buff, he WILL MISS! Your saber ward will also put you at 30+50 defense and 25% tech/force DR for some time.

    8. And you still got invincible.



    1. Your stagger based charge will root someone for 3 seconds. Yes, even if they have full resolve. Or even if that person is an assassin who has popped shroud.

    2. 45 sec aoe mez, force choke, force charge.

    3. Friggin unstoppable. I will never play pvp on my jugg without unstoppable again. Everyone stuck at spawn in voidstar? Are they starting to plant? When the spawn opens up, *charge* that dps down there, get unstoppable. Then laugh as they cc everyone but you, and lob a cybertech grenade at the planters on the door. (Assassins can do this too arguably, w/ shroud)

    4. Taunt, intercede, aoe taunt (already covered).

    5. Free spammable chilling scream if specced into it.

    6. Accuracy and armor debuffs on opponents.


    What's not to like? Trust me, for focus fire and guarding friendlies, jug tanks are awesome!!

  3. It would be nice if the visual indicator on a proc of EW was a bit more obvious/apparent. If you look really close, you can see some purple stuff appear on your toon when EW procs. The best way I can describe it is by comparing it to vengeance juggernauts, who have the same stuff appear in red when ravage procs for them. However it is MUCH MORE obvious for juggernauts (dark red and covers more surface area), while it is very faint and non-obvious for assassin EW procs.


    I hate having to look at my buff bar to check for EW procs. I love the purple flames when harnessed darkness has 3 stacks. Or I love the shield and laugh on my powertech when rail shot procs. I just wish the visual indicator for EW procs was more obvious.


    Are you guys able to figure out EW procs without looking at the buff bar? Or am I the only one having this trouble?

  4. My question for you guys, would this change be too good for Crushing Blow and make it overpowered?


    Nope, it wouldn't be overpowered. Assassin's get energized shocks, harnessed darkness lightning ticks, and wither. There is no way crushing blow would be OP compared to what sintanks get in terms of dps.


    Or on the other hand, would it still not be enough to put Immortal where it needs to be?


    Correct. I won't spec into the garbage upper tiers until the fix those damn tiers. I've been having tremendous success with 18/23 in both pvp and pve. The hybrid has too many advantages for me to give up, and I've gotten used to working with the only real downside of it (lesser/worse rage generation).

  5. On the chance that they won’t be instantly destealthed (gosh darn Overload bug), and Death Field is on cooldown, use Mass Mind Control. While taunts don’t destealth a person, they will be put back into combat for a time and will be unable to sap you.


    Wow! I did not realize that.. learn something new everyday.


    Great guide, and while I haven't tried your spec I probably will one of these days, when I get bored with deception. :)

  6. Hold on a second. When I pop Force Shroud, you'll then hit me with low slash and wait?? You do realize that Force Shroud protects from all force and tech attacks right? Your low slash won't work on a Sin that's popped it.....




    Actually low slash is a white damage weapon attack, and it definitely works on shroud, which only prevents yellow damage (usually stuns being yellow tech/force). Pretty funny really, to see a shrouded assassin mezzed through low slash.




    The only problem is that it is subject to defense rolls, and can be dodged. This is why most others stuns are yellow, so that defensive rolls won't apply. Luckily low slash is white, and somewhat of an exception.

  7. This guy have zero clue.


    You should talk when Immortal jug and shield tech PT can pull the kind of burst you could with darkness.

    Also most of the defensive CD mentioned in that post is exclusive to immortal spec. Your full god mode vs tech/force is free across all specs (whooping 67% increase in duration with points in darkness btw).


    Personally I have no issue whatsoever to balance Sin tanks/hybrids dps output to match juggernaut because we dont want to be special right?:rolleyes:


    Assassins are useless? LOL people really still believe in that crap? It's like saying PyroPT cant burst and LoLsmash cant do AoE.


    Ummm ok... maybe you really didn't understand the post so let me clarify...


    First off I'm actually saying that hybrid sintanks get much of the damage of dps sins, with access to a lot more survivability... my WHOLE POINT is that immortal jugs and BH tanks CANNOT do the dps of sintanks.. kk?


    Put another way, the 5-sec shroud of sintanks won't bother you if it belonged to a jug tank... precisely because the jug tank hits like a wet noodle and you can afford to wait out the 5 seconds and just dps him down later. While the sintank will be spanking you while being immune to tech damage... Therefore the problem lies not in shroud, but in the dps of the tank spec that can use a 5-sec shroud while still having great dps... get it?


    As far as the other 2 specs getting a whopping 3-sec of shroud... seriously dude, if you can't plan around 3-sec of shroud against a spec that does not have the survivability of sintanks I don't know what to say... next thing I know, you will be asking for nerfs to heavy armor because juggs have lolsmash.


    And I have no idea where you got the idea that assassins are useless... no one is claiming that they are useless, don't know what orifice you pulled this information from.. Yes, I did say that jug cooldowns are IMO much better than assassin cooldowns, but why the hell would you interpret that as "assassins being useless"?


    EDIT: BTW let me add something here... it is understandable that you don't want actual tanks specs (darkness) to have comparable dps to other dps specs... but it doesn't seem to bother you that mitigation/defense stats don't really work for tanks the way they should in pvp. In other words, you QQ when a darkness tank pops shroud and kills you, but you don't QQ when your PT pyro burns down an immortal jugg real quick even with his cooldowns, because all your elemental damage goes through his mitigation. "Nerf paper, scissors are fine- signed rock" comes to mind.

  8. Saberward is vastly superior to deflection. Deafening defense is also vastly superior to deflection.

    Unstoppable is comparable to shroud.


    I'd trade shroud in a heart beat for the cooldowns my jug has.


    ^^^ This.


    On my jug, I have invincible, saber ward w/ blade turning, enraged defense hots w/ defeaning defense damage reduction, and unstoppable w/ cc immunity and damage reduction.


    On my sin, I only have

    shroud, deflection (very poor compared to saber ward or even defeaning defense)


    My guess is that you folks don't really have a problem with shroud per se, especially the 3-sec one w/ deception... the problem is with the good dps that hybrid sintanks can do with a 5-sec shroud.... something my hybrid jug can't do in tank stance. Don't call for nerfs to shroud, which is actually pretty well balanced (hint use white damage), when it is perhaps the damage of sintanks in dark charge that needs to be looked at.

  9. Ironically guess what, Operative also do not have AoE reduction talent. Let me rephrase that, operative is the one and only melee class in this game that does not have access to such talent.



    Not quite true. Very ironically, juggs themselves also do not get a 30% AoE damage reduction talent in any tree, despite being a melee class. It bothers me as a jugg tank, since I take 100+50% AoE smash damage. Really, nothing troubles a healer+tank combo more than lolsmashers.

  10. IMO you should try to pick up defeaning defense from the vengeance tree.


    The 15% DR that it adds during enraged defense is directly on top of your existing 52% DR, so that makes it 67% DR for 10 seconds. Add to that a charge every 15 secs or so, and you get 87% DR 4 secs out of those 10 secs [i have actually verified this by looking at my character defense stats when the above are active]. Not to mention the 3% self heal ticks that are going w/ enraged defense.... It is honestly like a third defensive cooldown for 10 secs every 45 secs...

  11. Ok then. I also run an Assassin named Tyrellicus and am smart enuff to pop force shroud when i know the bubble is going down (aka, Maul Procs) then proceed to stun so he has to run or die (usually they die). Restealth if he gets help or casts something on me i don't like. Sorcs are still nothing to be worry about. What you got to say now?


    And as far as my statement being pointless, why don't you tell a RANGED class to stay on the Sorc so his bubbles are popped before melee goes in? A little communication can go a long way buddy.


    Force shroud has a far longer cooldown than the bubbles, which can be re-applied rapidly.


    Also the main problem isn't just the bubble on the sorc, it's the bubbles he puts on his other 7 teammates. No matter who you dps, there will be a bubble to AoE stun you.


    If you aren't even dpsing anyone, the guy next to you could be dpsing a bubbled enemy, andyou are caught in the aoe stun.


    The opponent can jump in the middle of a bunch of enemies, and manually click their bubble off, and stun everyone.


    Just too much potential for abuse, and believe me, the smart ones are doing just that. The stun should be reserved for bubbles on the caster himself... not on other casted people.

  12. We call it spam capping...


    One way to counter it (before anyone starts capping) is to stand right in front of the switch. Your hitbox will completely cover the switch, and the opponents won't be able to target the switch since you are in the way. Of course, you can still be pulled/grappled/etc. but it mostly works.

  13. It's going to be hard for you to kite the jugg...


    Force crush has a slow attached to it...

    Chilling scream is an aoe slow, and can be talented to be 0 cost (or 1 cost which is easier).

    within 10m obliterate leap... and beyond 10m assault/pyro spec is neutered.

    force push to throw you beyond 10m, and then force charge.


    For the jugg, I would say just pop your shield, and burst him before he bursts you. The rage juggs are pretty squishy, and saber ward is on a 3 min cooldown. Try to stay beyond 4-5 meters if you can, since smash has an incredibly short range.


    Tactics would definitely be better, with hold the line and 30% AoE damage reduction.

  14. You dont get it do you?


    Sorry if you dont like my opinions of what's imba and would like to keep sin fotm and dont see how well used shroud can become pretty rediculous especially for the ones with enough points in darkness to make it a full 5 second (yes your new bandwagon deception spec only gets it for 3 second but I guess thats still a fair trade for 6k discharge, 7k maul, and 5k shock with 15s cd force speed oh and auto reset 25% mitigation to all damage but people dont need to know that right? =)).


    There are plenty of fotm in this game. YOU seeing how YOUR sin can faceroll in multiple spec is fine is just like how I see MY sorc raining chain stuns of hell to no end is fine.


    Again this game is already balanced around fotm ACs, it's easier to make more and new fotm spec/AC (as in upward balancing by making the weak spec on par without nerfing the current fotms) than going back to nerf all the fotm at this point.


    See if it's serious enough for someone to lose 3 second of tech force immunity, I bet its serious enough for sorcs to lose their chain bubble stun as well. Difference is you get the 3 second for free up to 5 second (quite typical for fotms), the sorc has to invest tons of points while nerfing their own healing/dps to get the bubble stun.


    Actually you don't get it my friend.


    You are complaining about deception spec? LMAO... let me guess... all this time when deception was UNDER-powered you were perfectly fine with it. It didn't bother you in the slightest that it was an imbalance of some sort. And now that deception finally got a buff you suddenly go... "wait, wait... what?"


    Force shroud is powerful, but it's all of 3 (for 31-deception) or 5 seconds (for darkness spec). You can't honestly think that is OP compared to the sorc bubble stun spam that is prevalent lately... but whatever... like you said you are entitled to your opinion.. and it is just that... an incredibly short sighted opinion.


    No one here is asking for a complete nerf to sorc stun bubbles... we all just want to be able to play a wz without being stunned majority of the time. Keep the current stun as it is, IF the bubble is on the caster. If the bubble is on someone else, there is no stun. Surely you can see that this won't affect the survivability/kiteability of the sorc/sage, while making the game less of a stunfest than it is today?

  15. If used right, the game can become pretty one sided in the sorc healer's favor, and I really dont see anything wrong with that


    Come on dude... and ^^^^ this especially coming from someone who takes any opportunity to trash "force shroud". So 3 sec of CC and tech immunity is too much, but a whole game filled with sorc stunning bubbles on everyone I dps is perfectly ok? Can't we all just work together to make the game balanced instead?

  16. While we are all focussed on the big smashes, I would also like to make an honorable mention for the following:


    How Bioware thinks this is balanced is completely beyond me. There is no real resource constraint and each attack (main + offhand combined) is hitting for 2k or even 3k+ when it crits.


    Now I don't play a marauder, so correct me if I am wrong on the following please.


    Going back to the quote from Aluvi:

    1. 30 stack fury + berserk builds full rage bar + 4 stack shockwave, you smash.

    2. Vicious slash spam builds 30 stack fury. Go to 1.


    #1 is basically free (smash with 4 shockwaves) and really really hard hitting. It also auto crits with charge and obliterate.

    #2 is basically free as demonstrated by the video, additionally reduces the cooldown of smash, and itself hits pretty hard (2k to 3k).


    Add to this the numerous cooldowns that a mara gets to survive, and it is just insane.... or perfectly balanced in Bioware's world.

  17. Jeez... I was on the receiving end of this madness tonight. Enemy sage kept bubbling up all his teammates. No matter who I melee, I keep getting stunned from bubble breaking. Dps sage... stunned... dps gunslinger... stunned... shadow... stunned... the resolve it adds is so little, and by the time the next bubble breaks it has worn off somewhat.


    Heck, even if I am not dpsing someone with a bubble directly, the guy next to me is dpsing a bubbled enemy, and it stuns everyone in the vicinity when it breaks. This is stupidly broken... I only have a couple of *ranged* attaacks, and really need to charge them up with my melee attacks to use them well. So breaking the bubble with non-melee attacks is very inefficient. Seems like I should play my ranged character only, so I could break bubbles safely without stuns.

  18. This is based on my understanding, so correct me if I am wrong somewhere:


    First roll is attacker accuracy vs. recepient defense. If the defense is high enough, your attack can miss, and even 100% crit chance (e.g. sniper laze target for +100% crit chance to snipe) will do nothing for you. This applies to white attacks only (melee/ranged), since yellow attacks (force/tech) cannot be defended or shielded.


    Second roll is attacker crit against defender shield chance. From what I understand, here crit actually has an opportunity to push some shield off the table. Taking the same e.g. as above, say you had a sniper with laze target, who then does snipe. If it is not defended, the crit (+100%) is rolled against defender shield (say 40%). In this scenario, your crit will actually guaranteed hit (defender shield pushed off the table). If you had a 35% crit chance without any temporary crit buffs (no laze target), then I believe there is 35% chance to crit, 40% chance to shield, and remaining 25% chance for the attack to be a normal attack (non-crit and non-shield).

  19. Leach should only occur on HM immediately after Kelsara chases after a random person in the raid (with the exclusion of the first Leach). when you see the yellow beam that indicates Kelsara is chasing someone, you should immediately think about which tank was just tanking and top him/her off. As long as you do it quickly, any hots that you applied should fade off before the leach is casted on the tank.



    ^^ This... leech happens after the green beam of death from kelsara, so I click the buffs off myself when this part starts.


    Kolto shell is also a non factor, the tank should not be taking damage thus no procs should occur during that time.


    I believe Kelsara's crushing darkness is still ticking on me when the other tank takes over. Just click all the healing buffs off an it will be fine.

  20. I asked Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer) about Rage and Focus builds and how they're fitting into PvP overall right now, and here was his comment:


    Rage and Focus have always been high burst specs, but they haven't been very popular due to some usability and quality of life issues in the past. Our goal for Focus and Rage was to address those issues without significantly affecting their burst. In large part, I think we've done that, but the result is that many people are playing them now, which means there's a lot of AOE burst happening in warzones that wasn't happening before. We're willing to wait and see if their popularity is a result of being viewed as "flavor of the month" (i.e. Rage/Focus populations will naturally subside as people realize the spec doesn't suit their playstyle) or if they are truly too good and were just too unusable before. In short, we're going to keep a close eye on it.


    I just want to say... thank you very much for your reply! Good to see devs and mods starting to address some of the things being brought up, we need more of this involvement from you guys.


    EDIT: FYI, I think the main issue with smash is the ridiculous auto-crit, which enables the player to stack surge and power and have big smash numbers.


    Also I only read about it, never tested it - but Dodge is supposed to give you 100 % extra Defense chance. Which means that if that puts your Defense around 105 %, someone with 106+ % Accuracy can still have a chance to land a hit with Melee/Ranged.


    Good point... so if a sniper pops "target acquired" to increase accuracy by 30% it may even go through dodge...

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