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Posts posted by CBRGhostRider

  1. Pre 2.0 juggs/guardians specced mostly into vengeance, because immortal was just so terrible. They finally fixed it, and now you want it nerfed? LOL...


    Besides, don't forget that shadows are really nice in PvP, just like guardians. For once, things are working fine, so stop calling for nerfs.

  2. Speaking from a jugg tank perspective...


    First, the basics. Put your guard on the healer, and stay within guard range (but not too close to take smash damage if you can). AoE taunt within groups of enemies, single target taunt the most damaging dps on the opposing team. You can single target taunt 3 times for each AoE taunt cd, and as far as possible each of these should be used when it comes off cooldown. Intercede should be used off cooldown, and hopefully you have the DPS armorings (2-set) to heal you 8% on each intercede.


    Second, use your spammable free AoE slow as frequently as possible. I use it every 6-7 seconds or so. It is VERY annoying for dps when they can't even catch up to your healer because they are crawling.


    Lets say your taunts are on cd, and your healer is being attacked. If there are a bunch of them, use your AoE mezz. This will give him time to heal up. If you have an operative healer and are on vent, you can coordinate with him to either use flashbang or your awe/fear. If AoE mezzes are on cooldown, force push a class that does not have a charge/sprint (powertech), choke another dps, backhand another dps. Remember to put your slow first before force pushing, so that sucker has to walk back slowly. Grenades are good too, if you can craft them.


    Now if YOU get focussed instead of your healer, use your defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage.


    If your healer is an operative, he can always combat stealth out if things get really hairy, and then you can pop your defensives when they jump on you. If your healer is a sorc, and if your team tries to separate you two, he can always pull you right back. If they separate you again, intercede back.


    If there are a whole bunch of ranged dps pooled together, you can charge in their midst, AoE taunt, maybe pop reflect if they try to focus you, and immediately intercede back to the healer.


    Finally, if you can, try to dps down the guy with lowest health. Or if they have their healer standing close by, try to interrupt and annoy him, while being mindful of all the above. Of course, don't forget to keep an eye on objectives as well.

  3. This has happened to me too, especially annoying in Huttball. It appears to be much less frequent if you don't leap in mid-air, FWIW.


    Unfortunately I always use space-bar right before I intercede/charge. Just a habit I got into, since you can avoid LoS issues with people on ledges above you by jumping first.


    Sadly Bioware has been told again and again about this, but there is no fix yet.

  4. They need little blue numbers to pop up on ppl showing protection....suriously. Would make tanking in wz's that much more fun imho.


    OMG yes... thank you! I've always thought this would be cool, but neglected to mention it. Protection has always been an afterthought for Bioware.


    I would go further and say that for legacy achievements (like damage done in different warzones, healing done, etc.) they need to add protection as well.

  5. http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/11/?build=022330001100000000000000000000000322230021102030221022000010000003000000000000000000000000000000&ver=20


    This is the spec I run. In the Darkness tree the only real talents your chasing there are Disjunction and Energize. The other points you can play around with as you like, but personally upping the damage on your Dark Charge proc is pointless, the damage is so weak it isn't worth the 3 points. As far as its proc rate, you already have a 50% chance to proc it with an internal cd of 4.5 seconds. Increasing the proc rate isn't going to make it proc more, your still going to proc it within the first 1-2 globals after your 4.5 sec cd.


    Wow... this actually seems pretty interesting. The fact that you can play it in dark charge is a big plus for me, since I am liking the survivability of DC. I'm guessing you still run w/ shield for guard and a bit of shielding right?


    As far as force management, you still get dark embrace and darkswell. Sure, we miss out blood of the sith and the reduction in shock cost through induction, but I'm guessing it shouldn't be too bad. I will give it a shot for sure.

  6. Very cool! What specs do you play most? I noticed a few different hybrid specs in there...


    Ilum 1v4 at 1:40 was epic! Very nice. :)


    I'm bored sick of full deception, so I'm leveling my another toon w/ hybrid darkness/madness now. I think I like it much more than deception, w/ more utility and survivability, and good damage.

  7. this drives me crazy. how is entrench not also susceptible to this 5% failure chance? other than the BW loves they some snipers answer.


    Cause brah shroud is OP... period. As an engineering sniper I can entrench for 20 sec, pop EMP discharge, and immediately pop entrench for another 20 sec. But clearly 3 sec of shroud needs to have some achilles heel.

  8. So, it's pretty straight forward question. I want to try but it sounds intimidating to start at 55 where everyone else is already 55, and knows what they are doing. My gear is pve so is it more sensible to just roll a new character or just stick with this one?



    If you haven't done PvP at all in this game, my advice is to roll a new toon and exclusively level him up through PvP. There is quite a bit to learn in terms of wzs, strategies, classes, etc. and you don't want to do it at 55 where people will rage at you even for small mistakes.


    Just roll a new toon and enjoy the PvP experience from level 10.

  9. I have said this before, but looks like it got lost in this thread.... so I'm saying it again.


    Can some dev please explain why shroud for a tank, lasts only 2.6 sec and 2.3 sec in the combat logs below? To me, this is the source of the bug. Shroud falls off, but animation continues to play, making it seem like we are getting hit through shroud.


    Can a DEV please explain why this happens below?

    Here is the original thread:



    19:19:43.736 Tam activates Resilience.
    19:19:43.736 Tam gains Resilience.
    19:19:46.368 Tam loses Resilience.
    19:19:46.380 Titan 6's Huge Grenade hits Tam for 29789 energy damage, causing 29789 threat.
    19:19:46.380 Titan 6 kills Tam.


    19:53:55.796 Tam activates Resilience.
    19:53:55.796 Tam gains Resilience.
    19:53:58.074 Tam loses Resilience.
    19:53:58.086 Operations Chief's Terminate hits Tam for 32360 energy damage, causing 32360 threat.
    19:53:58.086 Operations Chief kills Tam.

  10. Fighting snipers is a lot of fun, because it is such a close matchup. I play combat/carnage and find that it is much better than other specs vs. snipers.


    In general, if you can use LoS to close in, try to prefer using that. Also if you can, position yourself against an obstacle, to nullify his knockbacks. But good snipers will usually pick a nice spot, which offers a good open space and visual.


    Snipers have a lot of tools to keep you at range, and also a few ccs, escape, and insane dps. Here are the typical things they will do:

    * leg shot when you are far away. follow up with their dps rotation based on spec.

    * for MM snipers, ambush within 10m of the sniper will push you out to 10 m. They will frequently follow up with leg shot to keep you there (12s cd for leg shot, so it can be spammed). Other trees can also pick this up, as it is relatively low (tier 2) in MM tree.

    * cover pulse will knock you back AND root you for 5 sec, though damage dealt after 2 sec will break the root.

    * if you get within melee range, they can use their new roll ability to reposition

    * They can entrench, giving cc immunity for 20 sec.

    * for defensives, they have evasion, shield probe, ballistic shield. Also all will pick up ballistic dampers (they get 3 charges on dropping into cover) which absorbs decent amount of damage.

    * they can also drop orbital strike on themselves if you manage to stay in melee range, though usually they will throw flashbang first before doing this.

    * As MM spec, their entrench will give 60% AoE damage reduction for the duration.


    You have quite a few defensive cooldowns and utilities which you should use wisely.

    * needless to say, rebuke should be kept going.

    * if you can, open w/ a grenade while he is not entrenched. Then you can leap to him. Usually you do not want to open with leap, but snipers are an exception because you cant leap to them when in cover. Also they won't try to kite you, but will keep you at a distance. So I don't mind leaping to them if I can.

    * Of course, they will follow up with cover pulse, which is good, cause you made him waste it early on. If you could not leap to them, they will use leg shot at a distance. Your camo will give you ability to break roots, which is great for either of these.

    * Once you close in under camo, you can start using your rotation. You can expect him to entrench when you are in camo, and he will follow up with ambush + leg shot, which will put you at 10m. At this point, you should use obfuscate/pacify (you get 10m range as combat spec).

    * while you are stuck at 10m, use twin saber throw, blade storm, etc. Not much to be done here, but thankfully he isn't hitting you for much either.

    * Once you close in again, he can either use cover pulse (if he hasnt already) or roll away and reposition. Now it is probably time to use saber ward.



    Basically you have to play this chasing game for a bit. It really comes down to whoever has cooldowns and is able to use them wisely. Also like I said LoS is a big help.


    The real pain is engineering snipers. They are a melee killer, because of plasma probe + orbital strike on themselves. They also get back to back entrench for 40sec, and back to back rolls (in place w/ exploit) which drop bombs doing 15-20k damage for 2 rolls. Also Explosive probe + cluster bombs + series of shots is like 60% health gone in 3 seconds. This is when I wish I had my jugg tanks reflect, coz it completely messes with them.

  11. I cringe every time I see an engineering sniper, which fortunately isn't very often at all. I've played this spec, and prefer it vastly over MM or lethality.


    Not only can you drop those bombs in place, but you can hit EMP discharge and do another roll immediately since it resets the cooldown on the roll. Of course, it also resets the cooldown on entrench, so you can entrench after your previous entrench ends as well. PP also has no downtime essentially... 18 sec duration, and 18 sec cooldown, so it can be always up. And SoS w/ cluster bombs on EP is like 50-60% health gone quick, though at least that is single target!


    We are really lucky most people roll MM or lethality. Sooner or later they are going to switch to engineering and the sniper QQ will rise to a whole new level. :p

  12. There has been plenty of discussion about this in various forums. But Bioware continues to deny it...


    You guys should see this thread on the tanking forums.



    It seems shroud sometimes randomly ends before it is supposed to end. Here is a combat log from that thread. The poster is a tank w/ 5 sec shroud, in this log, it fell off after 2.6 seconds. Something is definitely fishy...

    19:19:43.736 Tam activates Resilience.
    19:19:43.736 Tam gains Resilience.
    19:19:46.368 Tam loses Resilience.
    19:19:46.380 Titan 6's Huge Grenade hits Tam for 29789 energy damage, causing 29789 threat.
    19:19:46.380 Titan 6 kills Tam.


    And in this log it fell off after 2.3 sec.

    19:53:55.796 Tam activates Resilience.
    19:53:55.796 Tam gains Resilience.
    19:53:58.074 Tam loses Resilience.
    19:53:58.086 Operations Chief's Terminate hits Tam for 32360 energy damage, causing 32360 threat.
    19:53:58.086 Operations Chief kills Tam.


    The BW rep made a post by way of explanation in that thread, but fails to explain why shroud falls off like that in the combat log. I'm guessing that the actual effect falls off, but the animation continues to play, making it seem like we are getting hit through shroud. In reality, some bug has probably cause shroud to fall off early...

  13. I think to be on the safe side, I just better not go near the pylon. Ever. Which really is just fine with me, because I'm so FING SICK OF SOLO GUARDING EVERY FING GAME anyway.


    ^^This. This is exactly why I hate hypergates with a passion. Some teammates just dont understand how easy it is for one guard, and especially a non-stealther, to get capped on HG.

  14. My question, however, is if the total 30% from Enraged/Focused defense is multiplicitve with Enure/Endure pain;

    So if I have 10 000 HP, normally enraged defense gives me 3000 hp in total if I am hit every second. So if I have Endure Pain up at the same time, now with 13 000 hp in total, is my 30% from enraged defense 30% of my new max HP, or 3900? I imagine that this (The extra 900) is NOT going to be subtracted from Endure Pain.


    You are correct, and this value that endure pain provides is absolutely overlooked.


    My jugg tank is just shy of 38k HP under normal circumstances. When I pop Endure pain, I go up to almost 50k HP. Now pop a medpack right after, which heals you for 35% of max health... that is like a 12-13k medpack. Then intercede with the 2pc heal bonus, that is another 4k heal. Then pop your HoT ability if you are taking damage, this stuff really adds up. Furthermore, as a tank, my endure pain duration is also longer.


    Overall I would say it is a very useful ability. You just have to remember to use it towards the end (around 30% HP or so) so that you remain above execute range.

  15. Moral of the story: Don't stand on the very edge of the ramp. Very simple solution that in my experience has never failed.


    Really guys... I've been playing my jugg since launch. Believe me, I KNOW that if someone is too close to the edge you fall off. This isn't about that scenario. Please do not undermine this issue by suggesting this.


    There was a video floating around that showed intercede failing in huttball even though the target was well behind the edge. I can't find it, but the thread was something like "leap is badly broken'. A BW rep even replied to that thread acknowledging the issue. And there has been no further communication.




    We just lost a huttball 4-5 where I missed multiple chances to score by interceding to a stealthy. This is just ridiculous.

  16. I thought that the crit buffs with recklessness were multiplicative, not additive. Meaning if you had 20% crit before and used Recklessness you would get an actual (48)% increase making it a total of 68% to crit with force attacks.


    Is it additive or multiplicative? Can anyone confirm real quick?


    Good question with recklessness. All I have noticed is I see BIG numbers jumping off when I use recklessness, and it rarely doesn't crit.


    I've always had this question for stuff like mitigation as well (blackout + AoE DR + armor DR) do they stack additively or multiplicatively. What further confuses the issue is that sometimes the damage reduction is visible in the character sheet, and sometimes it is not.


    Anyway, I look forward to the answer.

  17. Several good points made by omophorus, I'll just add/comment a bit.




    You basically can't avoid being opened on by a competent Assassin, so you're just going to have to plan on being down 5-12k of your HP before you're really able to react (Spike > Maul > Recklessness + Discharge). However, after that "alpha strike" there's only one more near-guaranteed hard-hitter for the next 7 or so seconds (the Recklessness'd Shock that immediately follows Discharge). After that, the Assassin is proc-hunting.


    The trick is to pop reflect at the right time. The typical opener goes:

    spike - maul (procced) - recklessness - discharge - shock


    You basically have to eat the maul, but if you can reflect right as he pops discharge and shock, you basically saved 10k-15k damage AND reflected back a good portion onto him.


    1) Saber Ward..... Pop it as soon as you stand up from Spike.


    Saber ward is great, but I'd use reflect right as I'm standing up, and after that dies off then for sure saber ward.



    4) Abuse predictability. Usually a Force Charge or Obliterate precedes a Smash, and Smash is the most dangerous thing you can do to an Assassin. Most Assassins will pop Force Shroud immediately after you gap close to blank off the Smash. Delay the Smash so that Force Shroud is wasted. If possible, try to avoid using Force Crush until after the Assassin uses Shroud as well, as that's another obvious target.


    Another thing to be aware of is dark embrace. Deception sins get this for 6 secs after exiting stealth. They can further pop blackout after that and regain dark embrace for another 6 seconds. This not only increases their force regen, but gives them a 25% damage reduction. The tree gives a further 30% damage reduction on AoE. So smashes don't hurt that much. furthermore, if they happen to pop shroud at the right time, your smash will do 0 damage, so for sure be aware of that.


    5) Laugh if they don't crit. Recklessness is not 100% crit chance. Mauls generally crit <25% of the time. If the Assassin gets an unlucky string of non-crits, expect them to flee, because they aren't winning that fight.

    It increases crit by 60% for force attacks (shock, discharge). With a 20% crit chance, that would be 80%, so it will usually hit.



    Combat stealth is difficult to counter as Rage due to lack of DOTs. Combat stealth can be used to flee or to "reset" the conditions back to an advantageous state for the Assassin (they can re-open on you with impunity if Spike is off CD, they can CC you and out-of-combat heal). The best thing you can do is AoE taunt the instant the Assassin vanishes, as it will force them back into combat if they're within 15m of you. They can still open on you, but they can't sap you or run away at out-of-combat speeds.


    Like omophorus says, this is usually used to reopen. Here is the real kicker with combat stealth. Deception sins get a 60sec reduction on recklessness cooldown when they exit combat. If this is a pure 1v1, their combat stealth will cause you both to exit combat. The 4 piece bonus further gives a 15 sec drop on cd of recklessness, AND gives you 1 extra charge of recklessness! (i.e. 3 force abilities crit chance increased). Now the usual cooldown of recklessness is 1m30sec. He can shave off 1m15sec off that cooldown, so if your fight lasts longer than 15 sec, you can expect him to stealth out, reopen and do all that cr@p all over again. But you have neither reflect nor saber ward at this point....


    Also, it will reset blackout and give him dark embrace again. So you can expect 24 sec of continuous dark embrace. Exit stealth at opener - blackout - combat stealth and reopen - blackout.

  18. I play both, tank and non tank. Tank PT has WAY more damage than Jugg Tank. PT also has more mobility (expects flaming). Here's why. They have a 50% movement speed after their leap when they take damage, plus Hydraulic overrides. This means, that they don't require allies to be moving quickly and effectively. Jugg leaps are nice, but once on CD, you're honestly pretty immobile.

    Rule of two - 30% movement speed increase when guarded target is taking damage.

    Besides, when you are attacked you drop a second off your charge cd. Believe me, this adds up quick.


    Jugg damage though still the least of all 3 tanks, has improved noticeably since 2.0.


    Also, most jugg tanks pick up the 2 piece intercede bonus from armorings from the vindicator set. That is 8% heal every 20 seconds, in addition to putting 20% DR on target. I can pop endure pain + medpack + intercede and go from 30% to 70% health or more (and max health goes up to 48k, so that is 70% of 48k). If I have crushing darkness on me, I will pop my self heal... now I take 350 damage from ticks and heal 1k from my HoT per tick. I just have to keep feeding it rage...


    Also, the AoE mezz is VERY valuable in giving your healer breathing room, and letting him heal up.


    I have all 3 classes, and have tanked all three as well. But I very much prefer the jugg for PvP tanking.

  19. Thanks for the detailed advice! I only play my ranged toons every now and then (I prefer melee), so I didn't get around to playing my sniper again until this week. :D


    That being said, I LOVE engineering. I honestly won't ever go back to lethality or MM. For my playstyle, it is orders of magnitudes better than MM or lethality. Sniper is just an amazing class. To be honest, I'm only a mediocre ranged player, I am so much better at melee. But even I feel REALLY strong playing engineering... so I cringe when I think what engineering can do in the right hands :p


    The whole stealth detection stacks thingy is seriously retarded. I mean 9 times out of 10, I can see stealthies approaching me. I don't know if they forget to pop their blackout/sneak etc. but they are just easily visible.


    As an engineer, my latest kick has been baiting assassins to attack me. I can see him through his stealth usually, and I start out playing as a non-engineer, using snipe, leg-shot, ambush, keeping them at a distance generally. I make sure I have IP on the stealthy, and entrench running. When he finally closes in.... BAM... PP on myself.. also stuns him. Then EP on him, quick leg shot to detonate EP, trap him, and drop cluster bombs... Then SoS... by that time he's in such a freaking panic, because he thought getting in melee would be the end of me LOL. Of course, then I debilitate him and stun the sucker in the AoE, and finally finish him off. I can't wait to get OS to drop on myself, that will just be the icing on the cake.


    So glad that when I'm on my assassin I usually only run into MM or lethality types. :p

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