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Posts posted by CBRGhostRider

  1. A little bit of kindness goes a very long way. Please, help me make this community the best one in the mmo world. I love you all, and I enjoy playing with you. <3


    Good try OP, and while I commend your initiative... it's really not going to help. :)


    This sub-forum (moreso than many others) is replete with people that only feel good (and superior) when talking down to someone. Now either they are just immature kids, or insecure adults who lack the self-confidence that comes from real achievements in life.


    My advice to whoever takes this too seriously... grow a thicker skin, and remember that it is just a silly game. Try to have fun, and ignore the idi0ts who talk down.


    I subsequently lost all the 'bolster' health and got shot down to 9k health (my health without the bolster) where I than got 1 shotted by a nearby Sniper.


    OMG hahahaha. Sorry about your experience, but damn, that is some funny stuff!

  3. Never had a healer die under my protection and normally average over 600k protection in normal WZ's. Try harder.


    Inb4 l2p.



    Last note. 4 well geared 55's, 3 50+, multiplie 30's, countless 20's. Occasionally means just that. When I get the chance or feel the need to play a tank. Oh and I sleep as well. :p


    The *occasional tank* that throws a guard and forgets about it, and *AVERAGES* 600k in normal WZs, huh? A tank that doesn't know the additional danger that AoE brings to tanking, huh? And this one I really liked... so you *NEVER* had a healer die under your protection, huh? :rolleyes:


    I think it is safe to say which of the posters (Zoom_VI, Holmes, etc.) here are actually tanking, and which ones are tanking in their minds. Like I said much earlier, this thread would have very different direction if the people commenting on guard actually bothered tanking...

  4. My comments in red. As to the last part, other than switching guard, there is absolutely zero skill in using it. And in case you're wondering, I have a 51 Knight tank, a 55 I occasionally tank on, a 55 Merc I occasionally heal on, a 55 PT I want to start tanking with, and am currently working on a Sorc to exclusively heal with. Any of these changes would affect me as well, all for good reason.


    Right now guard is basically a derp skill. Set it and forget it for the most part.


    A 55 you "occasionally tank on" and a PT you "want to start tanking with". Very nice. I'm glad you think your occasional tanking, and desire to tank further makes you well versed with how guard should be.


    And judging by all your comments you are the kind of tank that "throws guard on a target and forgets about it... derp derp...". No wonder you think it doesn't take anything. By your logic, healing is stupid because you just throw heals on your target, or dps is stupid because you just throw some dps at your target.


    No wonder you want the ability changed. Next time, check your protection scores and also find out how many times your healer died because you "threw guard on him and forgot about it".

  5. Sorry but the tank is not taking 12k damage in one hit regardless of guard or distance to the player they're guarding. I suggest you run some tests on that before coming in here with failed logic.

    I never actually said 12k damage. The damage applied will be 150%, which will go through the tank's mitigation (armor/shield) and result in lesser damage obviously. Regardless, the tank DOES take tons of damage in the scenario I outlined with 2 smashers!


    Plus you conveniently forgot to mention the tank taunting said smasher which results in less damage to the guarded player.


    So are we nerfing taunts also now? Just wonderful.


    You also forgot to mention Merc shield (25% damage reduction on top of armor), Op dodge (miss miss miss) Sorc bubble (absorb absorb), tank defense cooldowns, etc etc. See, I can play that game too.


    Oh, now we are nerfing ALL cooldowns? Ok, got it.


    Where is this a nerf to tanks? In my suggestion guard would still redirect 50% of damage. The penalty would be to the guarded player with some added changes to make it less derp than it is now.


    Right, lets nerf the guarded player, because then everyone will REALLY be looking forward to that guard right?


    Look man, like I said earlier.... tanking is thankless enough as it is. Most of the people commenting on this issue haven't played a tank, and yet are so eager to jump onto *some sort* of nerf bandwagon (either tanks directly or the guarded player). You guys want to change the way my most important ability works, for no good reason, and you don't even see an issue with that?

  6. So you want to force tanks to be stuck on nodes. I play pure tank, and I gotta say, I'm defending a node more often than I want anyway, because I'm the most equipped to do it. However, I do enjoy being in the fray and bashing heads, but my tiny little damage makes no real difference. The only thing that makes a difference is that guard of mine. So it's a tank's redeeming quality.


    Without it, I'd roll sniper, sin, merc or mara, and just roll every healer in like 5 seconds. That, in turn, will cause healers to vanish as well, because when you have a whole team that wants you dead, and there's nobody to truly cover your ***, who the heck would want to heal? You'll end up having a dps race, where TTK turns to 5 seconds flat.


    You sir, are talking sense. But no one here wants to listen to this. They would rather nerf skills and classes that they know little about, in order to solve a completely different issue they are having.

  7. Not asking for guard to be removed. Never mentioned it in the least. I'd rather there be some kind of penalty for the player being guarded. It's the least you can ask for when you are basically taking 70%ish less damage not including taunts, personal shields/bubbles etc.


    There is a penalty of sorts in there. You see, even though the guarded player is taking 50% less damage due to guard, that 50% damage is actually making its way to the tank.


    Tanks usually stay somewhat close to the guarded player, because guard has a range. Now what happens when the healer + tank is caught in an 8k AoE smash? Yes, the tank takes 150% smash damage! Put two smashers on the combo...? You see my point?


    There, either you can separate the two, cc the tank, and burn the healer... or you can put a couple of smashers on the combo, and watch the tank eat tons of damage.


    Look mate, tanking is thankless enough as it is. Why do people that don't play or understand tanks want to nerf tank skills?

  8. Over the past few days on my jugg I have noticed my long range jumps and intercedes are not working all the time. Sometimes the animation happens and I wind up back where I started and it cost me the use of my ability. Sometimes I stop mid way through the jump and fall to the floor and it cost me the use of that ability. It happened to me about a dozen times yesterday alone, the worst day so far.


    In a game of huttball I went to jump from mid to a team mate on the lower platforms past the first fire at sandbags. I stopped in mid air over the pit and fell straight down. My team mate confirmed what I saw, he saw the same thing, I dropped in mid air. I guess this could be attributed to lag but it costs me my ability every time it does this when it does not work properly.



    Is anyone else experiencing this?


    Happened to me multiple times in huttball. I interceded to our sorc who was in the middle of the platform. Next thing, I'm down at the bottom in the pit. And no, I wasn't pulled either. The sorc was stationary too, so it was not some lag issue. I have noticed issues w/ intercede multiple times in the past week or so.

  9. damage proc relics > power boost relics in terms of DPS. they parse higher on trainging dummies... and also in WZs, there are many times when you waste most of the 6s of extra power boost( from stuns, knockbacks, roots or being kited) so dmg proc relic gives even more total DPS in WZ than on dummy parses.



    Burst is king in PvP, and total damage isn't that useful. Yes, there are times when stuns eat my power proc relics, but there are also times when they give me the extra burst I love! Burst kills... sustained damage is healed through.





    So much misinformation flying around, and so many people commenting on "the guard issue" that have likely never played tank anyway.


    I don't even know where to start. Guys really, no offense, but please play a tank before you call for nerfs on some of the most useful tank skills. Don't cripple tanks for non-tank related reasons please. It is thankless enough being a tank already.


    Separate the tank and healer, cc the tank and burn the healer.

  11. that is what I said, it has a 30% chance to proc every 4.5 seconds. even if it only proced once every 9 seconds


    Actually it has a 30% chance to proc on damage, and this can happen only once every 4.5 seconds at most... or something like that.


    It has been a while since I've done any probability, so I need some geeks to double check:


    Let e be the event where:

    e = relic proccing during a GCD


    p = probability of relic proccing during a GCD


    Facts given:

    30% chance to proc on damage

    won't proc more than once every 4.5 secs (every 3 GCDs)


    Lets further assume:

    alacrity=0 (every GCD = 1.5 sec)

    Every GCD has only 1 damaging attack (ignoring Dots, or multiple attacks per GCD e.g. mercs rapid shots)

    Lets also assume that we are performing non-stop attacks, i.e. every GCD is an attack.


    For relic to proc in current GCD, previous 2 GCDs should not have procs.

    Prob (prev 2 GCDs not having procs) = (1-p) * (1-p)

    Furthermore, given the above, it still only has a 30% chance of proccing.


    p = (1-p) * (1-p) * 0.3

    p = (1 - 2p + p^2) * 0.3

    p = 0.3 - 0.6p + 0.3p^2

    0.3 p^2 - 1.6p + 0.3 = 0


    This is a quadratic eqn of the form:

    ax^2 + bx + c = 0


    Solution is (-b + or - sqrt(b^2 - (4 a c))) / (2a)


    Solutions are:

    0.1946 or 5.1387.


    Of course, a probability greater than 1 makes no sense, so I would assume the correct answer is 0.1946.


    Therefore, given the above facts and assumptions, the relic procs *on average* for 19.46% of the GCDs which do damage.

    i.e. 1 in every 5 attacks

    or once every 7.5 seconds

  12. Was unaware that 7k+ smashes while in tank stance was crippling...oh wait


    7k+ smashes in tank spec and stance? What are you smoking bro?


    But then again no matter what all the ******* playing the one button spec will reply back trying to defend there spec


    How do you pvp tank, in tank stance, going up full tank tree, and wearing tank gear, and using only one ability?


    Here's an idea. Make up your damn mind. Do you want to QQ about tanks, or do you want to QQ about rage dps? Then we can all talk about it.

  13. Like others have said, other class' dps trees have this option already in one dps tree. It was high time we got this in vigilance.


    Another thing, the same tree that usually has this option also has an option to reduce AoE damage by [15] / [30]%. Now if we could change "narrowed focus" from gaining 1 focus when taking AoE damage to the above talent, it would be consistent with the other trees.


    e.g. deception sins get movement speed bonus, and aoe damage reduction

    carnage maras get movement speed bonus and aoe damage reduction

    advanced prototype powertechs get movement speed bonus and aoe damage reduction


    vigilance/vengeance gets movement speed bonus and a useless 1 focus on aoe damage.

  14. I found out why there is such an imbalance in PvP.


    It's the TANKS.


    When everyone rerolled Jugg/Guardian FOTM smash/sweep, they now have the ability to mitigate huge amounts of damage even as a dps. Guard/Taunt, when on a team of 4+ competent smashers can mitigate enough damage to keep them alive BEYOND their natural personal character CD's.


    This damage mitigation, not sure on the "exact" math but up to 80% mind you, is also cause for healers being able to live so long and considered "OP". I think healing is working as intended, it's just the tanks that need re-worked.


    It's time to change how these mechanics work in PvP. I can't think of any other game where taunt can mitigate so much player damage in PvP.


    I'm not too savvy with the Jugg/Guardian skill tree, but maybe make all the damage mitigation/taunt/guard ability higher on the tanking skill tree would be a possible solution.


    Not sure if trolling...


    First off, you cannot guard as smash spec. You have to be in soresu (tank stance) to guard, and that cripples your damage.


    Secondly, taunts are available to tanking class dps trees, just as heals are available to healing class dps trees (sorc, operative, merc). Nothing wrong here. Typically most protection score comes through guard, and lesser through taunts, so it is ok. Also, unlike multiple heals stacking together on the same target, multiple taunts do not stack together, which makes them a bit useless at times (in a PUG, when you do not know who else is tanking/taunting).


    Having 80% damage mitigation on everyone is not possible. Having a large mitigation (guard + intercede + aoe taunt) on a single target is possible for a very limited amount of time (6 secs).


    Tank + heal is very strong yes, but you can separate them, cc the tank, and burn down the healer.


    Not sure what else tanks are supposed to do anyway? I mean our damage is cr@p anyway, and we cannot heal others. Do you want us to go back to the pile of lards that we were... waiting for a PT pyro to burn us down quick?

  15. why doesnt the warzone que work like the FP que? it would certainly fix getting no heals while the other team has 2 or 3.


    People will queue as heals or tank, when they are dps specced.... just to get quicker pops.

  16. I actually think they did a really good job balancing the classes in 2.0. The bolster system is a mess but it was necessary with the bracket changes they implemented and it helps the vast majority of players compete in WZ's. It's actually just the few Elite PVP minority that get screwed over by the current bolster system which is actually the best demographic capable of dealing with it because of their high skill, considerable knowledge of the game, and willingness to do whatever it takes to min/max for PvP (including equip PvE gear).


    So although PvP currently isn't perfect, the Devs definitely took a big step forward in 2.0 to setup improvements for the future.


    Don't bother trying to talk sense here. This forum is a sounding board for general rage issues. If things aren't totally perfect, they don't want any of it.

  17. DimeStax made a pretty good post. In addition, you have to remember that your protection scores are dependent to a large extent on how much dps the other team brings. The lower their dps, the lower your protection scores, so don't fret about it too much.


    If you are up against a strong dps team, and if you have a healer to pair up with, there is no reason you should not hit 250k/500k/100k (as a jugg tank).


    Tanking is a thankless job, but it can be great fun if you are fulfilling your role.

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