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Posts posted by CBRGhostRider

  1. 500k+ damage, 200k+ protection, 100k+ heals on my balanced tank which is considered hybrid, but whatev... I can last even when well outnumbered, and actually kill a few in the process. Even with TTK being what it is now...


    Or, go tank gear (w/ 2 pc vindicator armorings if jugg) and get 200k+ damage, 500k+ protection, and 100k+ heals. Tank gear does make you somewhat more tanky now, and when I'm playing my jugg tank I pretty much prefer wearing tank gear.


    If paired w/ a healer, we are VERY strong together. If solo guarding a node, I don't always win 1v1, but I win often enough by turning them into battles of attrition. Or, I will delay the opponents long enough for help to arrive in 2v1.


    Really depends on what you want to do OP, there is no right or wrong answer. My advice is that if you are really trying to PvP tank, go tank gear.

  2. Before I say anything... sniper isn't my main (main is immortal jugg), see sig below. I simply play sniper from time to time for giggles.


    To address the original post: Entrench is for sure overpowered, long duration, and low cd. Anyone that thinks otherwise is deluding themselves into wishful thinking. But it is OP only in comparison to what other ranged classes DO NOT get. BTW, I don't want to say too much to fan the fires, but 23 sec long on a 45 sec cooldown? LOL, it can get MUCH better than that if you know what I mean.... ;)


    That being said, I really would hate to see sniper nerfed. Simply put, sniper is a beautiful class. I just have to smile every time I look at my sniper skill trees, because there is so much synergy in the trees and the abilities fully support ranged gameplay, and controlling your opponents. The devs really did a good job on this class.


    And I guess that is exactly why I do NOT want to see it gutted. Every other class should be brought up to the level of snipers, not the other way around. But beautiful things have a way of dying a horrible death in MMOs...

  3. LOL, very nice stuff OP. NC was epic when the same guy kept coming back.


    I just switched to engineering today when I hit level 45, can you advise me on what the typical rotation is?


    I can see a well defined rotation for MM or lethality, but I'm just kinda winging it for Engineering. I put my interrogation probe on target, then explosive probe, SoS, then ambush, snipe. Throw in frag grenades every now and then. Will start using PP now that I have it, but I'm still a bit lost on what priority order to use.


    Also, is there a specific time I should wait to use EMP discharge. Seems pretty nice that it resets so many cds, but I'm always afraid I'm not making optimum use of it.


    How would you advise playing a typical offensive vs. a typical defensive strategy?


    [sorry for thread hijack, feel free to point me to existing threads if you like].

  4. I actually just had a moment where I sat there and wondered why the heck I had never thought of that. You learn something new everyday! Out of interest, does this break stealth or do you use it purely as a way to slow anyone who might be about to burst you (heh, right) down? From experience I don't *think* I've ever been broken out of stealth with it but I could be wrong.


    At the risk of duplicating the question asked in the other thread, I was wondering if you might share a little bit about what sort of gear you're wearing - someone mentioned that you use Endurance augments, and I didn't see the heal on Intercede so assume you didn't go for the Vindicator set bonus, so is the rest just straight up Conqueror/Partisan War Leader? I know of course there are plenty of other threads that discuss this such as the one you started yourself about gearing up for Immortal, I was just wondering what worked for you in this video. :)


    I would have asked in the other thread but I wanted to post here to say thanks again for the video. :)




    Just FYI, I also spam chilling scream all the time, even when I am solo guarding. It does not bring a stealther out of stealth, however it does slow them down. And the ignorant stealthers won't even approach you, because they think it will unstealth them. I also use it every once in a while in a big skirmish, because it is very annoying for dps to be suddenly slowed down like that. And after all it is free, so there is no downside.


    I like augmenting endurance, because it increases endurepain + medpack, intercede heals (from 2 pc vind, rest war leader) and HoTs from enraged defense. It's hilarious when a sorc puts crushing darkness on you ticking for 300, and your Hots are ticking for 1.2k. Your self heal REQUIRES you to be taking damage, so the best time is to activate it when you have a dot. Just remember to feed it rage, and back off on the attacks a bit when it is active. It is not uncommon to get 100k+ healing as a tank in wzs with these techniques.

  5. I would take an aoe skill over phase walk any day for a dps sin, its mostly useful for tank (even if it got his moment in pvp and pve for all specs).


    False advertisement about that AoE back at E3 last year.. i want it.


    We are still missing an ability from when they removed Sacrifice from inquisitors back before 1.2.


    Phase walk is just so much fun, and great for objective play in wzs... I'm glad we got PW instead of the AoE.

  6. If all three builds in the trinity of MMO types (tank healer and DPS) all have double stacked buffs, isn't it a wash if you remove it?


    Healing, tanking, and DPS all proportionately drop at the same rate, making the experience exactly the same?


    Except power does not do squat for your defensive stats, so as tanks we get shafted. Sure you can stack defense relics, but defense has a severe DR, therefore dps/heal gain more out of stacking power than we do from stacking defense. Don't know about absorb, but all my tanky stats have taken a big hit at 55.


    I wish power functioned similarly for tanks, as it does for dps and heals. i.e. while in tank stance, power should increase the defense/absorb/shield stats instead. After all almost every augment I use has power, and I'd much rather make my tank more tanky than add a bit of dps.

  7. Hey OP don't listen to these scrubs. They want another button to push instead of an ability that requires using your brain. Its not worth your time trying to appeal to fools. I should take my own advice, I waste a lot of time on these forums.


    Not that anyone's opinion matters to me, but just to set things straight.


    I have always claimed (in the assassin forums) that phase walk is an awesome ability, so not everyone posting in here is against it. It requires us to be pro-active, and besides the many uses listed so far, I am confident that further innovative usages will arise in the community.


    Reflect and phase walk are IMO the best level 51 abilities, followed closely by operative scamper.

  8. Assassin in Deception will be hard too. Very hard burst, and they have some internal damage. Madness will probably be the hardest. People say it's weak, but it has a lot of DoTs, and can kite you easily. Plus stealth, melee damage, and some good CDs. Darkness Sin might be tricky too.




    Just want to say here that (having both a jug tank and a deception sin), you should be able to 1v1 deception sins. The key is to reflect the reckless-discharge-chain shock combo, where reflection comes in handy. On my deception sin, the only classes I hate are tanks, because deception sins do a fair bit of weapon damage. And especially jug reflect really messes them up.


    Usually the opener is spike + maul, and you just have to eat that but maul is weapon damage. reckless + discharge + chain shock usually follows, and this will really put the hurt on you if you do not reflect it. After this the assassin will follow up with many melee attacks before building up discharge and inductions stacks for another discharge + shock, so you should pop saber ward.


    We have far too many cooldowns for deception sins to put serious hurt on us. Now if your cds are down and/or you are at partial health yeah, you are in trouble. But usually you should be able to stand up to them.

  9. Deception at launch had burst which was on par with operatives. Most players just utterly sucked at them though but the good players made it shine.


    Back then if someone popped their defensive cds immediately you could be in trouble. Also, force regen was a HUGE issue at launch for deception, I'm sure you agree. We didn't regain blackout on exit from stealth, didn't have the AoE DR and the 25% DR from blackout (so lesser staying power), and even maul was more expensive. Shock also actually consumed the VS buff, so we had to use VS spam more often. I don't remember all the other details, but I do remember that 1.4 really improved the quality of deception sins. I remember 1.4 solving a lot of force issues, in addition to buffing survivability.


    2.0 simply made it much better w/ more control on when we get our maul procs, in addition to being able to maul twice very soon w/ reduced force (among other things).


    I've never played an operative, so I can't comment on whether we were on par, but I do remember operative having sick burst (since my jugg tank is my main and they could even drop him pretty quick if I was without cooldowns). You claim that people made it work at launch, but I've never really seen videos of deception sins tearing it up at launch.


    None of this has anything to do w/ the original topic, but this whole thread is a mess of sorts anyway...

  10. I didn't often encounter assassins because I suspect most people didn't know how to play them. Good ones, especially dps kinetic/balance hybrids wiped the floor with vanguards.


    The one memorable encounter I had circa last fall was with an infiltration/balance hybrid (imp equivalent). By that point my WH was complete in terms of min/max or near enough that it didn't matter and I did as expected in terms of my performance. I went to cap a node which turned out to be guarded by the said hybrid and was dead within 5-6 seconds. How, you ask? Why, allow me to elaborate. He popped his crit booster and opened with force in balance, followed by infiltration force breach. That took off 7-8 k off my 18k-19k health (armor does nothing for internal damage, you know). He then proceeded to pop his tech immunity making himself non-ccable, slowed me, popped force speed, 2 mauls and EXECUTE. Down went the well equipped vanguard with his adrenal, 25% DR + heavy armor, and near capped expertise. The moral of the story? You were bad.


    Let's see,


    I was talking about PURE deception at LAUNCH.

    You are comparing it to a HYBRID which was buffed (post 1.4) in a later patch.


    But don't let facts get in the way of your very insightful "L2P noob" attitude.


    And none of your drivel above even attempts to constructively confront the vanguard-execute issue, which is the point of your own original post.


    [EDIT: And please don't tell me vanguards were killed by deception assassins at LAUNCH. We all know how PTs were back at launch, before any nerfs whatsoever].

  11. I don't like how some of the best dyes are only available thru random and expensive dye packs. 100 coins is waaaaaayy too much for a single (random) dye.


    But that is precisely why dyes were done the way they were in SWTOR! Makes perfect sense from a developer point of view. It's not about more customization options for subscribers. It's about getting more people to spend/buy cartel coins. :(

  12. I know, assassins are so gimped by their lack of heavy armor. This shortcoming is absolutely not compensated for by the 3 second tech and force clear/immunity which negates 99% of vanguard (and other class') dps, get out of combat free card, and a ton of cc some of which vanguards can overcome post 2.0. As well as of course the ability to dump on heavy armor.


    It's funny there is much discussion of how inappropriate it would be for guardians/sws to have a 4 second baseline stun because it could guarantee a full ravage execution. Don't see anyone suggesting that it's wrong for assassins to stun and get off a couple of mauls followed by another disable and a maul followed by what you ask? Why, an EXECUTE. You are right of course, very different classes. But I am getting off track.


    Ahh yes, let's stop talking about vanguards and pick on assassins now, shall we?


    I've played many specs in the past year and a half (see signature) and while the PT pyro was undisputed king of burst w/ crazy dps, the deception assassin was just a pathetic quick free kill earlier. I'm talking about the first 1 year or so of the game, where I did my rotation (which did not do much) and then found places to hide while my force built back up. And the 3 second shroud that you complain about so much did not do squat for my deception sin back then (which BTW is the only spec I played on the assassin since the beginning).


    But of course, it didn't bother PT/vanguards back then, did it? And now that deception sins are finally in a good place and PTs nerfed, all hell has broken loose.


    Look, I feel your pain. Now that the class has been nerfed, you are finally noticing things that did not bother you early on. The sad reality is that this is how it works... the top dogs change every now and then. PTs did enjoy a rather long reign (even w/ the occasional nerfs), but other classes are doing better now. Believe me, even though PTs are not the burst kings now, they are not even close to what deception sins were back in the day.


    None of this is an excuse for not having an execute, but I still believe that it simply boils down to different classes being different and getting different tools. And if it's not execute or heavy armor, then it will be the PT grapple, or the sorc bubble, or the jugg reflect...

  13. It really does come down to different classes being different.


    PTs do get explosive fuel for 15 seconds, and that is across all the specs. A typical 1v1 would last about 15-20 seconds, and PTs get the benefit of explosive fuel for the most part of it. A many-vs-many skirmish would last for longer if you have lot of healing, but you still get the benefit for some time.


    You also get burnout, to further increase damage below 30%. Yes, it isn't quite the same as getting an execute, but those two put together aren't bad either.


    Another example... my assassin has an execute, but does not have heavy armor. I don't think he has to have heavy armor though, because different classes are different.

  14. Just to add:


    Make sure you understand what the warzones are, and how to play objectively.

    Run with guildies who will show you the ropes; join a guild that PvPs to a good extent.

    Roll alts on different classes/specs to figure out how they work.

    Learn to keybind if you haven't already... it really really helps, especially for mobile and melee classes.

    You will make mistakes and blunders since you are new... just learn from those, and ignore the jerks that scream L2P in chat.

  15. Doesn't guardian slash increase damage mitigation?


    You make some very good points Arlanon, but I was wondering about this too.^^^


    Crushing blow (pardon the jugg ability names) gives damage reduction and enables retaliation. As such, I would assume that the mitigation from these is better than the 3 second cd reduction from scream that you get in the vengeance tree. Also I have crit crushing blow for 4k weapon damage since 2.0, which isn't too bad for a tank.


    Also, what does the absorption amount of sonic bubble depend on? Does it increase w/ strength or power or both? Or is it based off of something else entirely. I'm just trying to understand why you are stacking strength augs. I will be stacking fortitude, because overall HP improves the HoTs from our heal ability, the amount gained from endurepain + medpack, and also intercede self heal (from 2-piece dps bonus).

  16. i just want to say that saber reflect has the same effect on single target abilities. You can reflect the damage and still be knocked back. It's very possible that the two components are distinct. On the other hand it's kinda BS that overload works but slinger and commando knockbacks don't. (IMHO force shroud is kinda OP anyway)


    Saber reflect is supposed to reflect the damage, but not the physics effects or later Dots. Therefore you will be knocked back, stunned, etc.


    As for shroud being OP, just LOL. Mine lasts for all of 3 seconds every 45 secs. I have a sniper as well, and you can use a 20 sec entrench every 45 seconds or so in marksman spec. :rolleyes: Or a vengeance jug can get 4 sec cc immunity every 15 secs.

  17. I'm guessing you are having issues w/ deception assassins, and yes, our burst out of stealth is crazy.


    You have two main things that you can do. First, always always always try to create a gap between us. Do not let us be in melee range, or we will completely control the fight. You can either roll away, or pop cover pulse + leg shot. You are best at range, and deception sins are HORRIBLE at range (> 15m). Second, if he does not have cloak, you can use entrench, and be safe from the stunlocking that would otherwise inevitably follow. Usually we try to save our cloak for when you entrench, and yes, I do so hate entrench.


    Also, when he cloaks, follow up immediately with an AoE at the vanish spot. Most good assassins know that you really have to use cloak (to disappear) + shroud (to wipe dots) + speed (to avoid the inevitable AoEs), but if speed is on cooldown for example it is hard to get away.


    Also putting your back to a wall really helps in making yourself a harder target to attack. But usually this also screws up the camera angle, so it is harder to get a broader overview of what is going on. I have actually popped blackout, sneaked up behind a gunslinger w/ his back to the node, unstealthed and capped the node. Again, due to the way the camera works, you can't see directly behind your back, because it will most likely zoom in on you. Just something to be aware of...


    Our only real defence against you is deflection, which is 50% increase to ranged defences. You can pop your accuracy buff when you see the purple bubble. And no, our bubble does NOT give us 25% force/tech damage reduction, that is only for warriors. So you can continue using yellow attacks.


    Other than that we have shroud, but dps specs get only 3 seconds, so we have to use it carefully and tactically. We can also escape through cloak and/or phase walk, but prefer to finish you off instead if we can. :p You mentioned a lot of your attacks got resisted... again I'm guessing you went up against a sintank w/ a lot more defence, so you simply missed. Sintanks don't do as much damage as deception, but they don't take as much damage either, so it will probably be a war of attrition for you.


    Tanks get another cd in the form of overcharge saber, which not only heals them but also gives then 25% damage reduction for 15 seconds.


    Oh, and when a deception assassin spikes you out of stealth and you eat a maul, do NOT pop your 3 second cooldown (which gives 100% defence). We usually follow up w/ force attacks (discharge and chain shock), so your cd will be wasted. Save it for later instead, when we have to start using our melee attacks again.


    You mentioned you had a hard time damaging assassins, I'm guessing you fought a sintank. As a SS you won't do squat against tanks, but they don't do as much damage as dps either. Against a dps spec, you guys will do tons of damage.


    For whatever reason I'd always thought you couldn't cap a node while in cover, but now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever actually tried it. I'm excited to give this a go cause I routinely find myself going for nodes knowing full well I'm about to get CCed by a stealther but hoping I'll be able to respond well enough to survive.


    There is good and bad in this. Yes, you are forcing him out of stealth, however, as an assassin I will tell you that I will park myself between you and the node. Now you cannot knock me back, and I am at my most devastating when I am in melee. You would probably need to do something like flash bang me and move away ,and then I have made you waste your entrench.

  18. I have both classes, and honestly, you can't go wrong with either. Just pick whatever appeals to you or suits your style. Both classes are good for dps as well as tanking in pvp.


    Assassin tanks make the best node guards, while juggs make the best ball carriers. Both are great at guarding/protection. The assassin has more dps as a tank as well as stealth, while the jug tank has more cooldowns and mobility.


    Vengeance and rage are both very strong dps specs, while deception is probably the best single target burst spec in the game at the moment.

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