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Posts posted by CBRGhostRider

  1. ........ Wins will now be granted properly in the case of a tie (patch notes)


    Voidstar used to end if one team has planted the bomb quicker than the other one. (or opened the bridge)

    Now it doesnt. So which team wins in that case of a tie ?


    I think total #kills was used as a tie-breaker, but I may be wrong...

  2. Well just like npc's mobs drop random loot, I want some loot for killing an imp/pub (not from their inventory) in world a pvp setting. This will make world pvp blow up. I don't even care what they drop just make them drop something like a random amount of creds or green loot-purple loot. Please, this game has a lot of focus on pve, but some people (like me) only play for the light-sabers and pvp. Please sign if you agree, thanks.


    I can see guilds putting together events, forming lines at outlaw's den, and kill trading within the guild for the credits.


    I know I know, in principle I agree with your idea. I even really like it. But it could be abused easily. Probably needs some kind of tweaking to prevent abuse... but I don't know what yet.

  3. any fixes coming for maul? i find it preposterous than im lanking 9.6k mauls and its almost spammable


    Right. Lets just nerf maul, but 10k AoE smashes are working as intended. :rolleyes:


    Were you complaining when you were eating deception sins for breakfast a year back? No, I didn't think so. This class is finally performing as per expectations.


    And no, maul is not spammable.

  4. you know i really like pvp in this game cause its totally working as intended by the developers!!!! so dev's my question to you guys is, when will we get a new map, could you add in 2 pvp maps?



    I have hoped for so long that they would add new maps. Seems like a very low effort - high returns kind of thing. I mean huttball for example is such an amazing concept. All they need are a couple of new maps, with new traps/ twists/ etc. to spice things up.


    Tired of playing the same 5 wzs all the time...


    ~ Shakespeare


    And this is why I get a kick out of reading PvP threads. Thanks mate, that really made my day! :p

  5. Why were they deactivated in the first place?


    PvE folks that were questing would queue up for warzones, then use the pvp vendor to repair/sell junk and finally drop off before/after the warzone started. This led to backfill issues.


    Essentially they were being used as mobile repair bots while questing... without having to make it to the repair droid.


    EDIT: Wonder if they also sold pve medpacs...? It would be easy to fix the problem by having them not repair anything... after all pvp does not break gear.

  6. Funny, I always thought spike was stupid to use unless you were in the tank tree where you could use it at any time. I does hardley any damage and loads up the resolve bar.


    Spike guarantees a maul proc now if you open with it. Also, if you have it talented, it slows the opponent by 70% for 3 sec so you can unload your burst.

  7. The loss of unstoppable really hurts... but immortal is performing wonderfully otherwise!!


    I find that I am surviving more (lower cds on invincible and saber ward, and very low cd on reflect, which is awesome). Juggs have always had many defensive cooldowns, which really helps our ability to ride out simultaneous heavy bursts. I also do a heck of a lot more damage than pre-2.0, mostly due to the increased rage.


    Of course your priority should be objectives and then protection, and as a jug, you have more protection abilities than other tanks (intercede, and sonic wall).

  8. I think Bolster needs to simply erase your gear if you are not in PvP gear and replace it with some base stat.


    ^^^^ The simplest solution.


    Per class, per item slot, decide on a budget (say 5% lower than partisan). If your particular item slot has any expertise on it, don't change the stats. If it doesn't, then preset that slot to the stat decided apriory.


    Say someone comes in w/ full pve gear (whatever level -greens, blues, arkanian). Then, as a whole, his gear will be 5% lower than partisan. He can comfortably pvp, get comms, contribute to the wz, and start buying new gear.


    Conqueror should be about 5% above partisan levels. (Dunno where it is now). Augments could account for an additional what... 5%? So difference between highest tier (conqueror + augments) and pve would be 15%.

  9. I've actually been hitting Recklessness after Spiking out of stealth. But it all depends on what the target is and how long I anticipate the fight to be. Here's why...


    Spike is a force attack and will take a charge of Recklessness (FP). While this can be a good thing for triggering an extra 9% crit chance for the Maul that follows, Spike hits for very, very little. I look at it as a waste of a FP charge and it will force me to vanish sooner in order to reset FP, especially if you are forced to use another charge on Force Slow, which we sometimes have to. I'd rather have the charges for Discharge and two Shocks.


    With that in mind, I'll usually spike then FP... then go into the rest of the rotation.


    Just something to consider. :)


    Didn't know that...! I just assumed spike was melee, but it makes sense for it to be force so it won't miss. I just assumed it was like low slash.

  10. Full resolve, shroud, and stunned... I'd say working as intended... LOL

    [Although I do see a Resist there]

  11. Here's the opener I like. Some say it claims too muh force, but I disagree due to the 6 seconds of blackout when coming out of stealth.


    From stealh:



    Low slash





    Assassinate if they're close to death. If they're not damn close to it I just cloak, rinse and repeat.


    That's actually nice and simple...


    Also, if the first maul procs duplicity, you can have:



    maul (procced)

    low slash

    (pause for force regen)


    and the rest



  12. I don't know if anyone else has had this happen....


    I'm fighting a couple of players, I decide I can't win and teleport out... however, their attacks follow me through the phase walk, and I take damage and die *after* I have teleported out!


    In cases where the damage does not kill me outright, it is still annoying, as you can see the attacks coming from the attacker to me (at my new location), and therefore gives away my position after the phase walk.

  13. Ahhh damn, were you fighting me? :p I spam that while I'm solo guarding all the time!


    AFAIK I don't think it breaks your stealth, unless I happen to see you in stealth (in which case i will attack), but it WILL slow you to 50%, so it is annoying. Makes it harder for stealthers to sap me.

  14. Hopefully my fellow assassins can help me optimize this opener. Any suggestions/comments welcome:


    This is what I do:


    0. While in stealth pop recklessness, now I have 3 stacks for discharge.

    1. Spike

    2. Maul

    2.5. If needed Shroud (Usually at this point, it's ZOMG panic-mode, and he is just getting up off the ground. The tendency is to pop a knockback, especially if he is a sniper or ranged class, or some kind of stun).

    3. Discharge

    4. Chain shock

    5 Blackout

    5.5 If kiter, Force slow (mine is talented for the longer slow in the tree)

    6. VS

    7. VS

    8. Low slash (10.5 sec, so it should proc duplicity)

    9. Maul

    10. Assassinate

    10.5 Chain shock (if not dead)


    Note 1: With the GCD of 1.5 sec, you need 7 (7 * 1.5 = 10.5 sec) attacks including the spike, after which duplicity will proc again for low slash.


    Note 2: If any attacks prior to 7 cause duplicity to proc separately, either I try to get around him, or electrocute and then step behind for a maul. Then I follow up w/ low slash and maul... yes his resolve will be full w/ the 3rd stun, but by then he's close to dead.


    Note 3: the steps labeled x.5 are optional.


    Note 4: If I do end up using shroud, I end up using slow as well, and just skipping the VS... the increased force regen from blackout should allow for a full cost chain shock after step 10.

  15. If you can't find another use for it, drop it right next to the medpac on the map e.g. novare coast when you come out, drop it on the hill. You can escape when you are close to death and insta-heal and come back... better than a maras camo.


    Huttball, drop it either on their endzone to be in position for a pass, or up on the ledge so you can get back up after knock backs.


    Voidstar, again on the medpac, or to switch between doors at the first set of doors.


    I'm sure we can find many awesome uses once we play w/ the ability some more. I think it is a really cool ability!

  16. Interrupts block that skill from being casted for a few seconds. (Meaning i'd be unable to heal outside of my HoTs and my instant, which requires upper hand stacks) If you really believe interrupts are useless, you will never kill a competent healer.


    Cmon guys.,.. he was being sarcastic.


    i.e. DPS only care for damage, and since the interrupts do no damage they don't use it..


  17. Yes please re-roll PT tank while the other immortal juggs laugh at you because 2.0 full immortal jugg is extremely good now. Bolster is bugged right now and TTK is not what it was intended to be atm. Wait for them to patch it instead of wasting your time by re-rolling.


    ^^^ This. I have a PT, Jugg, and assassin, and I only pvp tank on my Jugg (although the sintank is pretty sweet as well). I would certainly NOT pvp on my PT in tank spec.


    Full immortal is golden now... yes, the loss of unstoppable hurts, but there have been so many other improvements to the tree.



    Saber ward , Invincible (2.5 min cd each), Saber reflect (freaking awesome, 1 min cd), Endure pain + medpack = BIG HEAL, Enraged defense w/ endure pain = 1k self heal ticks per sec...



    Guard, AoE taunt, single target taunt, intercede, sonic wall


    Utility: Unchanneled choke, backhand, fear, force push, free spammable slow, armor debuff, accuracy debuff


    What's not to love mate?

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