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Everything posted by Acindo

  1. I am always in the ops group and get plenty of wins that don't count.
  2. PvP More! I have never even come close to finishing all quests on a single planet lol.
  3. Why I Leave: AFKers. Trolls running the opposite direction in Huttball. A team thats abusing each other and loses all hope of winning. What Would Make Me Stay: Vote Kick for people, basically fixes everything I have problems with.
  4. So it's fun? Seems like your contradicting yourself a little? If you can't have fun in 10-49 PvP before 38 you are bad. I personally start to PvP on all classes at 10. Looking forward to getting my Operative 50. I started him AFTER they announced the nerf, because I knew it really wouldn't be as bad as everyone cried about.
  5. Add collision and you can remove autofacing. It really is that simple.
  6. Acindo

    It's Amazing

    The patch for the 50 bracket came in when I was level 47. If you think gear/level doesn't make a difference well there is something wrong with you. Once people get into the 20s it becomes much fairer, but obviously the advantage is always to the higher level player with more abilities.
  7. So you really think an OP having a bit better armor makes up for no speed or knockback or pull and I'm sure I'm missing some other abilities. I haven't played a Sorc, but I'm going to say they are definitely without a doubt easier to heal with than an OP. You will not convince me otherwise.
  8. So funny. Yes, you should die 1v1 to a geared DPS. You are a support character for christ sake.
  9. I have had it happen to me once. Every other time is always close call. Hopefully they will do something about it.
  10. 1. Assassin 2. A better geared Assassin
  11. No. Until they make it so I can't join or at least can choose if I want to join an in progress game there should be no penalty. Also until I can vote to kick afkers there should be no penalty. I have probably quit about 5 out of 500+ games.
  12. I was on holiday the first 2 weeks I had the game which surely helped as that was at least 11 hours a day freed up with no work or travel. I also skip all dialogue apart from Story. Sometimes I skip that to. I play this for PvP
  13. Different guilds will require different things for you. A casual guild is probably a good start as there aren't expectations on times you will be available and other things like that. Personally, I have more friends that I made through PvP then members in my guild. I did my first HM last night (Hardmode Flashpoint that you can do at 50) with 1 guild member and 2 friends through PvP. So while joining a guild usually means you can get assistance from other people, its not neccessary. In fact you can even just ask in /general if someone can help and might get lucky. I was doing a class quest on Dromund Kaas in my 40s and helped a level 12 guy with his class quest. I have made more friends in this game in the first month then any other MMO I played for years for some reason.
  14. That would just make me kill them all the more. As mentioned above I would first raise my own ticket about them, and then I'd slice 'em up.
  15. What is with people like you? You think if someone is higher level then you they had to rush? Seriously get a clue. I have a full time job and real life commitments. I managed to get level 50 in about 20 days. I sure didn't rush either. I levelled mostly through PvP which isn't even the fastest way to level. Most MMOs I have played have this problem heh. More content will be added though we just have to be patient.
  16. Personally.. I usually know who killed me by the fact that, you know, they just killed me and all that? I don't want to wait even a millisecond longer then I have to for respawning and getting back into the action. Carebear? Hardly. Chalk it up to impatience for me. Like the others mentioned.. real PvPers don't do that childish ******** anyway. Go back to WoW?
  17. Yes you need to upgrade. My level 12 Op has all blues except 1 or 2 items and has almost 13000hp bolstered. (Usually top 2 or 3 out of hp even with level 40s in there)
  18. I leveled to 50 by doing pretty much only PvP and Class quests. It is faster to level in a group through PvE though. It was fun to get Level 50 and Valor 50 in the same huttball match.
  19. Hm I have the opposite problem.. lol. I made all my chat font the smallest size which is good but wish I could make some other text smaller. Once they actually put the UI customization in I'm sure there will be more options for the text size.
  20. This gave me a great laugh haha. To think people are so insecure the be jealous of an NPC is a little sad. Human controlled people I totally understand. But scripted AI? Lol.. GL to you OP. Sounds like ya need it.
  21. Now that is just a flat out lie. Come on. I have been playing since December 25th and have a level 50 Sin that leveled about 75% on PvP and have never seen anyones character behaving even remotely suspicious. To say the game is 'riddled' with it because you see 1 guy everyday or something is silly. Anyway, if true, it needs to be fixed immediately.
  22. Acindo

    you are the 1%

    LOL really? Commendations are merely a by product of PvP that in no way effects how much I want to PvP. Real PvPers are PvPing for the thrill of killing real people who can react in a thousand different ways unlike an NPC. Like the other poster said, the 10-49 bracket is much more competitive right now.
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