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Everything posted by Acindo

  1. Acindo


    Lol what? So you are telling me that everytime you are on Frogdogs you win and everytime you are on Rotworms you lose? I completely believe you.
  2. Devs can't make you good. No matter what they do or don't do douchebags will still quit games. It's just great how you say this is a game and about fun experiences when your actions have a DIRECT EFFECT on 7+ other peoples 'fun experience'. Selfish POS.
  3. 20 seconds enough for respawn? If you're damn lucky maybe. Can't count the amount of times I'm behind the barrier waiting only to watch them get through a force field, plant the bomb, and it *********** blows up before I'm out sometimes.
  4. OP. I don't like people like you. Extremely selfish. Yea I'm a Battlemaster to (yay we have played more time then people who aren't we are obviously so great!) and I will never leave a losing game because first of all I queued for PvP and I want to fight. Secondly, you are making the game even worse for every other player in there, which in turn makes them annoyed at you. Personally, I would remember your name and not help you, ever. I'd also make Huttball miserable for you. Lastly, think of those that aren't Battlemaster yet. I actually try to help my allies get stronger. You sabotage them. Clearly, you are a true PvPer!
  5. Man thats ridiculous. BW need to fix this!
  6. No you won't. You might see I edited my first post and others have said people have to IDLE to be able to be kicked. So you will still be crying that you have undergeared people and you can't do a damn thing about it and thats exactly how it should be. Enjoy.
  7. So true. I haven't had much issue with Juggs yet.
  8. I have never been hit by a Sage/Sorc even close to that. There are plenty of Battlemaster DPS Sorcs/Sages on my server to.
  9. If gear = skill then sure. Someone can be in green gear and do more to help your team then a Battlemaster. You are pathetic if you kick purely for gear.
  10. I can guarantee I will be using this to kick some real lame people I know. They don't deserve to get any WZ wins and shouldn't even PvP IMO. I would never, ever vote to kick someone based on gear. Edit: Aw really? Wonder how I can get the guys I hate to stop moving hm.
  11. Trading on my server is rarely successful if I am online. Little sad that the Imps rage so hard about me wanting to do real PvP.
  12. If you are referring to when they changed the PvP quests to require kills and imps farmed reps for hours then I'm real glad you are unlucky with your BM tokens. If that's how you got valor you don't deserve a single piece of gear.
  13. Nice video good job. I sent it to my level 23 Sniper friend for inspiration.
  14. Oh what a sad thread hah. Make some friends you loner.
  15. Acindo

    Nerf Inquisitors!

    Oh no the secret it out! Haha
  16. Acindo

    Premades are OP

    If you and your friends get better problem solved. I ran a premade yesterday just with friends no guild members and we won like 10 straight. Faced a lot of other premades and had a great time.
  17. Acindo

    Please nerf sorcerers!

    I can kill 3 noobs. Any geared good player can. Class is irrelevant there. Their knock back does not knock back the furtherest. Some BH or somethings one does. However Sorcs one can be talented to root. The lightning is pretty ******! Also just because I'm a Imp doesn't mean I zerg anyone. I've had 20+ duels vs Reps in Ilum this week. So, Sorcs die superfast if you can stay on them, which if you can avoid their knockback is generally easy. Don't nerf them. I won't even enjoy killing them if they become weaker.
  18. Uhh.. Tank Healers are more of a problem in my opinion. Squishies with heals/dps don't bother me in the slightest.
  19. You PvPers don't really like PvP do you? I'm glad I got my Battlemaster rank. I just log in and slaughter people endlessley. Last night me and 2 friends put on our Battlemaster titles (another Assassin and a dps Op) and blew people up for laughs. I would actually PvP just as much as I do now if there were no rewards at all.
  20. We do not open as hard as an Operative. Out of stealth though I would say we have the edge by a bit.
  21. I was playing vs level 50 premade groups in PvP gear at level 20. What the hell is the big problem I swear. No one pre 50 can have much expertise. Can't have any till 33+. Yes skills make a difference, but a lvl 10 vs a lvl 49 is a closer fight compared to a level 50 with 0 expertise vs someone with 600+ Get some team work going on damn. Also @Lord_Infernus sprint doesn't add any kind of skill or technique whatsoever. Saying someone without sprint is the worst kind of player is saying more about yourself then anything.
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