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Posts posted by Payneintherear

  1. That's because I'm Kinetic Combat... which is a tank spec if you're not aware. Your post is also filled with misinformation. Seeing as I did receive a 2 and 3k crit. Which is quite high for any tank to receive.


    Filled with misinformation?


    There might have been a 2 and a 3k crit in there that have escaped me (though I don't think you'd want to use the word filled there), but that fight in the passage in Alderaan against like 5 of them had very few dangerous hits if any at all (will watch it again).


    Kinetic Combat has nothing majorly tanky about it other than 6.5k armor. Now don't get me wrong, that armor helps a lot, but there are a multitude of hits that either deal damage that isn't mitigated by armor (internal, elemental) and even the ones that are will hit you for amounts in the aforementioned range (in fact if you look at your highest hits, they are all mitigated by armor, yet you seem to hit for 3 and 4k just fine).

  2. I don't really understand the low hits you take, if people are really on par with you gear-wise. You have no damage reduction ability and I rarely see you get hit for 1k+ in that video, whereas my shadow takes hits up to 4k and easily 2k all the time by any class.


    Rewatch that part in Alderaan and tell me those guys aren't fresh 50s.

  3. The only thing broken with Sorcs (aside from the double-dipping on procs) is that the stun, when you break their bubble, is not breakable. You basically waste your CC breaker on it trying to remove it and remain stunned.


    Other than that, they are the weakest class at the high-end.

  4. Question: A few months ago a working combat log was "one of the top priorities". Have priorities changed and do you feel there's no need for this "tool" any longer or can we still expect this to be added soon?


    If so, could you elaborate on what we will be able to see (pre/post-mitigation damage, casts in progress, healing amounts, interrupts, etc?) and when do you expect to be ready to add it?

  5. Since nobody seems to have caught on this, I will explain how I believe it works. I do however not know the exact time that needs to go by for a full reset.


    Your respec cost is based on your level and the number of respecs you have recently requested. Respecs cost x * level, which is then multiplied with the amount of resets you have had. Every few days (I do think it's 24 or 48 hours without respec, but I am not positive), respec cost is lowered by a tier. Unless you DO respec however, you will not see the new respec cost, as you first have to pay your current respec cost in full.


    This will never change, regardless of how long you may wait. If you respecced 20 times and your respec cost was a million credits, it'd stay at a million credits for as long as you didn't pay up your current respec cost (1 mil) in full), even if your next respec cost was free already due to the time that had passed since your last respec.


    This means that whatever amount you get to, you will have to pay that amount for your next respec, no matter what. Only once you have paid up, you will get to see your new respec cost.

  6. I am more worried that it took the sniper 30 seconds to kill you if you were unable to perform any action for that 30 seconds. In my opinion buff sniper/gunslinger


    I was being healed by 2 people and still died fyi.


    Breaks after you hit target.


    and is 8 secs max if u dont get hit by anything...


    I don't know whether it's not apparent or something, but rest assured I know how mezzes and stuns work. This isn't a "OMG whyisthe sniper so overpowered" post, it's more a "I know these abilities shouldn't work like that, but help me find what is causing this behaviour so I can write a bug report" post.


    I have had the animation bug mentioned several times. It's just as game breaking and frustrating, but this was not it. When I get the animation bug after a knockback (at least in my experience), I can still perform instant cast abilities and my character can move, albeit in a crouched position.

  7. Snipers have only one stun. Period.


    What about a mezz?


    Sounds like something on your end broke. No class has a 30 second disable of any kind, even in a chain, that wouldn't be effected by resolve.


    And I realize that this isn't as intended, however there's definitely a bug out there that has the described effect. It has has happened 3 times in the past 2 days and the stun or mezz (which never broke) has always lasted 15+ seconds (and over 30 in that particular instance).

  8. The past few days I have occasionally come across a number of snipers who I believe might have accidentally exploited a bug with one of their stun abilities.


    Here is what happened, hoping that somebody could shed some light on what ability may be bugged, so that it can be fixed (no combat log makes it hart to tell for me).


    Sniper stuns me, I break out of it with my CC breaker, I get stunned again 2 seconds later, only this second stun has no debuff icon, no duration (in one instance it took the sniper 30 seconds to kill me and yes, I was taking damage for the whole 30 seconds while being healed without ever getting out of the stun at all). It was a permanent stun (I could not perform any action - abilities were all grayed out), that disabled me till I eventually died.

  9. Logic would dictate that the OP is completely wrong, as he's only accounting for diminishing returns based on his own Expertise stat (and the values on his paper doll) without taking into account the opponent's Expertise rating, which counters another's directly.


    The more Expertise your opponent has, the more important it is to have a maximum of Expertise in order to stay in the "sweet spot" against as many players as possible, even if that means you will be slightly worse off against opponents, who have no expertise at all, as they pose little challenge to begin with.

  10. My numbers were only really down from his because I didn't have 3 guildies circle **** ing him at all times available to be healed.....and HE STILL LOST get it through your skulls.


    So let's recap:


    1. You complain how OP class X is based on a player of class X outperforming you


    2. You are told "you suck", because others of your class can match class X and you apparently can not


    3. You explain why player of class X has outperformed you with a perfectly logically explanation and make sure to let everybody know that you would have outperformed said player had conditions been the same


    What were you complaining about again?

  11. The problem here is that there's no school lockout, casters are barely penalized for being interrupted.


    With interrupts off GCD and a 12 second CD on top of the ability to lower the CD and increase the lockout time, I really wonder what you guys are smoking. It's almost impossible to get a cast off in melee range with CC, interrupts and setback.

  12. The problem here is that this game offers melees more ways to close the gap than any other, yet melees still expect to one shot the kiter when they close the gap, as if they had to work hard for it.


    Ranged abilities in this game have the same short range that gap closers have. There's no kiting in this game.

  13. That is part of the problem....


    Get 10m away, you cut melee dps to zero. A ranged class can kite while moving and still do 30-50% damage they would do standing still.


    Sorc/Sage DPS drops to maybe 20% of their optimum. Another thing is that gap closers in this game usually mean the gap is closed for at least a few seconds in which melee can dps their heart out, while moving with the target.

  14. People keep saying Sorcs/Sages have "good" sustained dps and I have to wonder why. Just because the class has bad burst, doesn't mean that it has good sustained damage.


    Sustained damage =/= mediocre burst


    Nobody deals less damage over a minute than Sorcs/Sages. And yes, that's sustained damage and no it's not looking at high totals on the scoreboard where high combat uptime and AoEs inflate the damage figures.


    Just fyi. The oh so feared hybrid build relies on procs, which are triggered by abilities that have cast times. When Sorcs/Sages kite somebody, all they can throw at you, if they want to keep distance is Affliction/Weaken Mind (awful damage), Project/Shock (6s CD, medium damage), Force Slow (12s CD, terrible damage). It will take like 30s to die from those 3 abilities.

  15. LOL. Tell this to the battlemaster Sorc's on my server. Give me a break.


    They are all hybrid specced and they are all impossible to kill 1v1 if you are melee.


    Charge/Leap/Knock them down... guess what you popped their shield and your stunned and they run away. You charge again/vanish and reopen/whatever, they lightning stun you and run away. You trinket and catch up, guess what WHIRLWINDED... they run away. If you catch up again (not likely)... haha.... AOE knockback. If you are possibly still alive (doubtful) from using every freakin cooldown and potion in your book.... and catch up again.... guess what... THEIR SHIELD IS BACK UP.


    You have no burst.... you don't need burst when you can constantly snare/knockback/cc/sprint and do damage while not getting hit back.


    So like...where is your CC in all that? It's as if you were just charging another player and pressing your anytimer. Everytime I get charged, I am CCed for more than half of the TTK.

  16. Think I've figured out the problem with the Bubble and how Bioware can fix it since it's technically a bug.


    The Bubble is taking some getting rid of because mitigation from Guard, taunt and talents, this means that 3-4k quickly becomes a lot more.


    Now if it was altered so that all the damage against the bubble would be unmitigated by Guard, talents and taunts it would balance it up a lot more.


    Still think this is a bug personally and wouldn't be suprised if it got hotfixed.


    Are you serious? In what way is that any different than a heal? Should a heal be healing for less when you have guard on the target and the attackers are taunted?


    A bubble is nothing more than a heal over time people. It will heal for 3k. Just because you need to do 3k damage before you see health go below 100%, doesn't mean it's some mystical effect. It's 3k HP more every 20 seconds.


    What is so hard to understand about it? Are you guys getting psychologically intimidated by the health not dropping after your first GCD?

  17. Why does everyone try to make it sound like you are complete idiots who don't know how to play their character? Do you seriously think we are stupid enough to believe you'll be constantly making that mistake?


    How hard is it to go near the battle, pre-cast and join in with big lightning. Surely someone will jump you within 10-15s, if they don't, it's free DPS.


    Or are you suggesting we should let you DPS and attack you only once the first bubble is down?


    You are the one arguing you leave me alone for 20s, not me. For every time I am left alone for 20s, there's another time where I get jumped as soon as put my first bubble up and another time when I am attacked right as it runs out.


    So yeah, 33% of the time, you can double-bubble. Welcome to 3 pages ago.

  18. No.


    Every single time you are left alone for 20s, double bubble will be available.


    And if you leave me alone for 30s, I can't double bubble, as the old one has expired.

  19. Wait, have I lost the thread here? Are you suggesting people are taking advantage of the bubble system by intentionally dying? :)


    In any case, as sorc are these impossible to kill tank/dps/healers then at most that could only be an advantage at the start of the warzone anyway? :D


    He's saying they die too fast, which in turn gives them an unfair advantage and thus the bubble really needs to be nerfed.

  20. No, it's not. Your % is a straight, non-environmental applied mathematical evidence which is correct, but destroyed the moment you take into account there is downtime inside the respawn barrier and running back to the fight.


    So basically what you are saying is that a Sorc/Sage dies every 30 seconds on average and thus they are overpowered, because they can double-bubble 100% of the time...


    Got it now. Totally overpowered. Better remove it, so they die every 20 seconds instead.

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