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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. I was working on it all day and night,then my dog Rubarb knocked it over,I swear my dog is a sith.I am not afraid to admit that I cried,but that is okay because my mom made me ginger bread cookies shaped like as R2-D2 and all my favorites lore characters.


    Do you guys think I should rebuild my speed racer,or report my dog to the galactic council?

  2. Its funny because majority of you think that lore can be twisted around for gains in sith power advancements against the galactic republic.






    Yes i also have problems spelling (did my whole life) ( so does Anikin)


    thats not the problem though, the problems is that everybody thinks OBI WAN did not have the strongest skill in force and mental strength. It seems to me not one person on this forum has read the star wars books? Dont even talk about Luke unless you have about 400 hours worth of lore research thank you.

  3. To start of im not a troll. Everybody seems to think that when you try to get the community to work together and share common interest and common faults between each other. None the less i was up all night researching all of the lore that they didn't include in the movies series. Obiwan under stood the force when the first imperial strike was lunched against the jedi in episode 9( as everybody should already know) but little did I know and also others is that the jedi code was destine for Anikin and Luke.
  4. umm did you watch episode 31?? i dont think you did as you would learn that when yoda first met Obiwan they discussed that Anikin had the darkside in him sense he was a youngling, remember yodas race lives for over a 1000 years and yoda gave the droid memory cells to Count Dooku which he then told anikin to stop the jedi order, there was too much battle physinthisis carriers for Anikin to make the short cut to Taris. Remember episode 27?
  5. But episode 19 when Luke saves the power droids remember when he was fighting vador and he let vador kill him on purpose so that he could channel his force into luke. Count dooku didn't defeat obiwan as you would learn in episode 24, obiwan let dooku live but still put up a fight so that dooku could still meet with anikin, obiwan wanted to see if Anikin would kill him or bring him to justice. Remember the top lore will win on this thread
  6. hi guys im rattled and sour. I bought myself a new 600 dollar graphic card and im hitting the same fraps that my 6850 did. Why can i play crysis(modded) with over a 100 fps and this game i have to turn off shadows and boom to hit 40fps. Anyone knows that going on plz??????????????/ no rich kid snobby remarks thanks!!
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