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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. It was pretty much said that there will be no macros anytime soon if ever at the guild summit. It seems part of the Dev team hates macros and does not want them in game.


    But, they did say there will be some things in game that will help healers and such. What that means who knows they did not explain it very well.

    Which i think this is a good thing.


    what is a macro(swtor=first MMO)

  2. Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


    Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


    I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


    High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

    Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


    Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

    Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


    You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


    Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

    Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


    they should do there economy diablo style farm a boss for 1 month to get one piece of gear or......buying 1.2 new gear has different stats you will keep buying them to get that perfect stat that is randomized it mad diablo 2 last 10 years(bots ruined it btw)

  3. The the I have highlighted are the most important really. Does this now mean that Sages will now no longer have a viable way of regenerating resources in combat like a Commando or Scoundrel can? Honestly it's meaningless in PvP since the only time you're alive for long enough to run out of resources is if the other team sucks but for Ops I'm a bit worried.


    Note this is NOT a whine thread. I love my Sage and love to heal on her and will continue to do so until I no longer play the game. I'm just expressing my concerns.


    NO there is barely any healers now there is going to be less healer :rolleyes: this is common sense.nobody plays healer becuz there boring and were being nerfed so less wil go healer OMG have fun doing flashpoints ^_^

  4. With the 1.2 changes rolling out, and the death of hybrid specs for sorc, Im afraid I cannot play a sorc anymore. The lies I have been feeding myself about how BW would make our class on par with the other classes has to stop.


    Time to get a marauder up, because they were surely so underpowered that they needed a nudge up the hill. Not sure I will have the energy to level it up tho, knowing that all PvP persists of now will be spamming WZ all day. Because surely enough they have executed Ilum as well.


    I had so much damn faith in you BW! I hate to admit it, but the haters on the boards that said BW should stick to single player games were right all along, joke is on me.


    or your a hater in disguse

  5. i know alot of people think that leveling is to fast in the old republic but to be honest Bioware came up wth an inovative way to level and not just one class or one character but a whole family of characters now. leveling a character will now be a secondary acheivment to leveling you legacy levels will now be your main objective. I think this system is pretty cool. Im just wondering if anyone else had thought about this also.


    well it is easy becuz I play at least 15 hours a day

  6. I will preface this with the fact that I play both a 50 Sorcerer (healer-spec'd) and a 50 Vanguard (DPS-spec'd). This is NOT a "I hate healers" thread. I am a healer (and I love being one) and I feel it is time to be honest about a system that was fine but that is now broken. This is a thread meant to shed clarity on how Bioware has broken warzone recognition and participation and a possible solution to make it right so that healers still get credit for helping those who kill.


    I do not believe it is appropriate that I get more kills than any damage-do'er now that I get credit for each of their kills when I heal them. I would be extremely upset if the shoe was on the other foot and I had to endure watching a damage-do'er wind up with more healing credit from all the people that healed them when they did no healing at all.


    Initially, everyone kept saying that healers would get kill credit in Ilum only. While I still did not agree with the idea of getting "kill" credit, I did (and still do) support us healers getting "credit" when our side kills an oppositional forces and ew are healing those that kill the OPFOR. What went unnoticed was the fact that this "kill credit" is also happening in warzones. I love medals, don't get me wrong. My whole intention when I enter warzones is to kick as much behind as possible to finish at the top, no matter what role I performing, to help my team win and so that I get more valor/comms/etc. at the end of the match than others do.


    However, when I am focused on healing DPSers/tanks in a WZ and I am showing more kills than any of them at the end of the match, when I have made no kills at all, I feel this is shortchanging those whose role it is to kill. As a healer, my job is to heal. That is the role I chose, that is the role I expect to be given credit for DPSers do damage. They kill. They should get credit for kills. Tanks are supposed to tank and often they "guard". They should get credit for the protection they provide and the kills they make. If I wanted "kill credit" I would go play my Vanguard and kill. Why are you giving me credit for something I did not do? I do not deserve the medals I am earning that are related to kills. I feel I am cheating those who did earn them. It's just not right, not to them and certainly not to me.


    Since you broke it, did you give any consideration to DPSers/tanks getting any credit for being healed? Of course not. And why is that? Easy - Tanks/DPSers don't heal; they take/do damage. That is their job. Healers...while we can do damage and while we can kill, but our focus is to heal and keep our team members form dying. Giving me "kill credit" for a kill I did not make or for damage I did not do skews the results at the end of the game. I should NOT be walking away with more kills under my belt any more than an Assassin or Marauder should walk away with "heal credit" from all the healing they received during any given match. If you want kill credit - kill. If you want heal credit - heal. It *was* that easy. Now it is all jacked up and the results do not properly reflect what it truly happening in the warzones.


    I want to propose the following ideas: Go back to the original format of kill counting. If someone does damage to a player that results in a kill, give them credit for it. Next, add a new column just for healers that gives them some kind of credit for saving lives. "Life saving" credit should be given only once the player they are healing loses a certain percentage of their health, say 50%. Also, you can add a column that shows how many unique players they healed. This would also require them to heal a certain percentage of a player's health, say 25%. Otherwise you'd have all these idiots getting their buddies to dip their toe in an acid pool for easy medals. These are just ideas, and perhaps one of them are any good. Regardless, you have to remove the "kill credit" you are now giving us for other people's kills in warzones because it simply isn't accurate data.


    I know some healers (I was not one of them) were complaining about having no incentive to go in warzones or they would complain about not having recognition. People expect accurate data at the end of any given warzone. That is how MVPs are chosen. That is how medals are determined. That is how valor, experience, and commendations are given. Giving us "kill credit' was not the answer. I *always* get recognition when I my team members elect me as the MVP or send me personal thanks for the great healing I gave them. What else do we need?


    Participation credit needs to remain in place in Ilum. All players, regardless of their role, need to receive credit for their participation when they kill OPFOR. If I heal my tank/DPS in Ilum, I fully expect to get credit against every player they kill. in warzones, I expect to get credit for doing what I do - healing. Do the right thing, Bioware - Change it back.


    Also, PLEASE stop giving healing credit when we use Consumption in Warzones. I am tired of watching these guys spam Consumption and healing themselves. Any point lost to Consumption should NOT be awarded under our healing points. Thank you.


    he would of never killed that person if he was not healed >.<

  7. Same here .. will after I see D3 and whether or not it has massive replay value


    massive replay value psh diablo 2 lasted 10 years and when there was no bots you would get one high rune from mfing in hell mode farming bosses(not like farmville)it is very hard to get loot,to get tryeals might it takes roughly 100 high runes for a perfect one yes if you do find a godly item you identify it and if it has low stats it is junk and you farm again for 1 year diablo 2 is my fave game and the game has a good economy but....bots ruined it :( then there is magic items which is the best of them all becuz of there prefixes and suffix I once got a trapclaw off a noob that had 3 to all skills+3 to lightning sentry+1 to mind blast and I cant remember the stats complete but one guy offered me on d2jsp 10000 high runes for it or 1000$ and I said NO. and then there is rare,sets and unique!

  8. I have spent a lot of time recently on the forums, specifically the PvP forum, and have seen more than enough threads regarding gear changes in 1.2. The PvP crowd complaining about the easymode gear changes and lack of any true PvP in general, the PvE crowd complaining that PvPers only complain because they want to faceroll fresh 50's who aren't geared and they don't want a challenge. However, I don't think that I have seen anyone actual address the issue of a 'level playing field', including Bioware.


    This is how I see it. I realize this will be a wall of text and may crit some readers for 99,999 damage so I bolded what I felt were the main points. However, feel free to read it all.


    PvP gear has a stat that increases the amount of damage you do to other players and decreases the damage you take from other players: Expertise (for anyone that might still not know what Expertise does). Each tier of PvP gear increases the amount of Expertise over the lower tiers: Cent, Champ, BM, and now the upcoming War Hero tier.


    For a while it was semi difficult to obtain the PvP sets but people complained about getting stomped on by people who play more and were able to get better gear at a quicker pace. So Bioware made it easier to get gear but still required that players put work into participating in PvP, be it on Ilum or in Warzones. That wasn't good enough for some people so the complaints continued. Now Bioware is making PvP gear available for purchase from a vendor for credits and Valor isn't required for anything. So a fresh level 50 is now able to get full Cent (perhaps Champ as well, I've seen some people say yes to Champ vendor and some say no) without actually participating in PvP.


    That does not create a level playing field. It creates a temporary fix to a very short term problem. If the problem is leveling the playing field so that people are required to be skillful to be competitive then why not eliminate the stat that grants one player an advantage? Remove Expertise from all PvP gear, make set bonuses for PvP gear slightly more geared toward PvP combat, and that's that. That way no one has an advantage over other players based solely on having gear with a stat that is designed to give one player an advantage over another player.


    Expertise, or its equivalent in other MMO's, should be reserved for gear that is stupid hard to get and requires players to go way out of their way to get. That way if someone has it you know they worked their *** off. Either that or just never use a stat that is designed to give long term PvP players an advantage over fresh 50's.


    Feel free to comment with disagreements or other suggestions but please keep it civil.


    Edit: This thread is intended to suggest an alternative change to what Bioware has slated for 1.2 release. I do not care to keep new players from getting geared out so that I can face stomp them easier. To me, removing Expertise and tweaking PvP gear will do more to 'level the playing field' than 1.2.


    are you sure your right pics or a vid to prove?

  9. instead of waiting for the full 1.2 to be available for launch. patch in new upgrades as they become tested and ready (for example if the new warzone is ready for play, release it), or the new operation, or whatever comes first.


    no they need to make a big boom so everyone will sub again,then work on patch 1.3

  10. diablo 3 just released it's launch date to may 15. im not seeing any exact date for 1.2 patch.

    my sub is ending this april 2. so right now what i do is, dailies, belsavis, ilum, pvp. tbh, turning to be quite boring for me.


    im in swiftsure server and i can definitely see population drop after the asia pac servers released. before fleet don't go below 150 people, now the lowest i've seen is 80. in ilum 15, in belsavis 20.


    i know there's lots of factors why people are leaving.


    not enough end game content.

    new games are coming out, (mass effect 3)

    full of bugs specially in raiding

    fps drops still not fixed until now.

    maybe i should add, diablo 3 is dated.



    with bioware not releasing a date for 1.2 is saying something. up to now they're not sure if 1.2 is ready to be released. specially they have a growing reputation of breaking the game every patch. so now they need to be sure before giving out date for 1.2, it's a 99% smooth.


    so now because of all this, im not sure if im continuing to sub for 1.2. i have a tight budget, it's either 1.2 get's my money, or both 1.2 and diablo 3 gets it.


    I won't be playing this game when diablo 3 comes out,I am not into MMO anymore

  11. Edit: guys - I'm not asking for people to tell me what I should be calling things, though the variety of responses does kind of prove my point.. so thanks I guess ;)


    So, just lost a Void Star because the following happened:


    Sparcrypt: R

    *10 seconds*

    Sparcrypt: R

    *15 seconds*

    Sparcrypt: SERIOUSLY GO TO R FFS

    *another 10 seconds*

    *bomb planted*


    My team all went to L. Why? Because apparently they thought that left and right were as they appeared on the minimap, whereas on the server I played to 50 on everyone used the main map as the left and right reference.


    I also today saw someone say in civil war '2 at snow' - which I ignored because what the hell is snow? Oh... the side with snow on it. Well. I always called them left, right and mid... same as everyone else I played with on my first character (I still have no idea what they call the other side? Grass? Dirt?)


    The names for the various points in the WZs vary depending on which server you're on at the time, which leads to confusion and people calling out conflicting incomings and all sorts of other annoyances. This is a big problem I find on the Aussie servers in particular as people from all different original servers are moving there, whereas on other servers a standard was quickly set in the early days and everyone adapted it.


    So please, even something as simple as putting NSEW on the edges of the maps would help greatly. One of the reasons I ditched trying to call things as East or West was because I kid you not, a large percentage of people just plain don't know what you're talking about when you do it.


    UM wrong if you dont like it you dont have to do pvp or call it out and stop QQ

  12. Just expressing an opinion because it hasn't happened yet and it's highly important.


    1. LFG System

    2. Addon support (API)

    3. More robust AH (the current one is garbage)


    Stop messing around with UI customization, making your characters family via legacy system, etc. Come on...


    I agree but they can include that in patch 1.3 :D

  13. Right, the guy reading the is going to think, "YOU KNOW HES RIGHT I WILL UNSUB RIGHT NOW!" Then go do it....




    yes,I got a warning about telling people to leave like saying go back to WoW or l2p noob or leave. I understand it is frowned and I agree it is not nice to tell somebody to leave.so don't say anything like that to a community member! or even tease them about it.Just telling people to listen to the rules that we sometimes forget :D

  14. i agree with the post about the bugs the people i am in a guild with are all talking about leaving the guild leader saids so tonight the bugs are going to be the bealth if this game i have try 4 time on the jedi last mission to defeat the sith emp and i get him to where justa few more hits he throws me against a wall and i die and i had over half life left 4 times i have try and even rested tried again something is wrong

    the balance of lvl in pvp sucks like wow it seems this game favor the sith


    ?there is also project vs shock issues and trooper mortar round and BH death from above,they will be fixing these problems patch 1.2

  15. Yeah exactly, plus i dont think they have a clue what to do with overwriting legacy names since merged serves might have identical legacy names and people will be pissed off...


    Thats why we should create our own ''community'' merge especially before 1.2 hits and before people loose will to play... this ''project'' will show how much people value MMO in MMORPG or they simply just ''cry'' for merges also not to mention to get from lvl 1 - 50 it takes about 2 weeks if you play a little more than ''usually''


    You can also spacebar now and so on and on


    And with alot of people lvling we will get easy groups but the thing has to start rolling


    Spread the word!


    ok,I support this idea damn jedi mind tricks >.<

  16. Let me start off by stating I AM AND WILL ALWAYS BE A STAR WARS FANBOI (just thowing that out there to douse the flames of the whiners, *too bad it doesn't work*) anywho this game needs a FEWWWWWWW things




    1) Obviously we need free server transfers or merges.

    2) I'd love to see some arena style PvP

    3) a lot of bugs with invisible mobs.. mobs not dying or just plain bugging out when dying needs to be fixed

    4) we need something to do at 50 that goes with our class quest ( i have no rooom to speak i don't have a lvl 50)


    don't get me wrong the legacy system is amazingg!! but I would love to make my character more epic and loreistic if that is a word.


    5) an imperial fleet dueling section in the combat quarters nothing big just something i'd love


    6) fix the AH



    Other than all that this game has kept my attention and put my MMO experience on a MUCH HIGHER PEDESTAL than i'm currently used to. I really don't mind the flamers I love the "original" rants they come up with I really do.


    agree and agree should they could add hard gear to get and rare drops and less bind on pickups!

  17. Please make SWTOR for Mac and add it into GU 1.2. Wow, your biggest rival is for Mac. I have PC but none of my friends who like Star Wars do (they really want to play). NOW MAKE IT FOR MAC! WHO'S WITH ME!




    you can always just buy a new comp macs cant handle swtor and there weak hardware.

  18. A. Bugs

    1. DAILY BUGS. There are so many bugs. First thing I do when I get to Ilum to do my dailies? I "/1 is defend the shipment and sabotage broken yet?" Those quests work for about a day and then dont. Since I hit 50 on my main, I have done dailies almost every day for 2 months. So even figuring 45 days, I lost out on a potential 45-90 commendations as well as 450,000 - 900,000 credits. But it isnt just those bugs....


    2. End game operations bugs. Do I really need to go into details about Soa. Some bugs have been fixed, but just a few days ago, I get grabbed, thrown around the room and land on a non-existant floor only to be stuck on the bottom while the rest of my guild has to 7-man him.


    3. Open world bugs. I remember one in particular where the goal of the mission was to give this gormak technician a cold by swinging my lightsaber in his face. No, wait! That is what happened, not the mission objective. I was in his face, and it kept saying out of range.


    4. Graphical bugs. things like riding around on invisible speeder, or standing up on the speeder so it looks like I am running really fast with two cardboard cut outs of the speeder on either side of me. But more annoyingly, how about the BH Double-tap from hell?


    So to conclude bugs, people say the game is still new. 3 months? No, it is not new. Imagine if a car company pulled this with new cars coming out every year. And besides, they were aware of a lot of these bugs in EARLY beta.


    Its been said that no MMO comes out bug free. Not true. Guild Wars launched with practically NO bugs because they waited until they were ready with it and not try to get a holiday rush on sales. They wont even give a date for GW2 because they said it will release it when it is ready.


    And SquareEnix knows what happens with a game that is bugged to hell. FF14 has been out a while now, but is free to play CURRENTLY because of all the bug issues in their engine and have stated it will remain free to play until they do get it working as intended.


    So, IMHO (Flame away if you want, its still legal to have opinions in this country, I think) these issues alone are inexcusable and reason enough to not continue playing.




    1. It seems to me that the development teams are uneven. PVP receives MORE attention than any other issues which should not be the case. More fixes get released for PvP than they do for bugs.

    2. I play on a PvE server. I think MOST of the servers are PvE. The focus should be more on PvE issues than PvP.

    3. Warzones are a complete joke. They are either unbalanced or bugged. I cant count the times I was stuck in a room and get kicked to fleet or unable to get on a non-existant speeder and kicked to fleet. Oh, and how about the kicks to character select screen?

    4. "Any Ops Groups?" - GOD! I am SICK of seeing that on Ilum constantly. Put in a damn auto join feature at one of the bases!

    5. If Bioware wants to focus so much on PvP, then sell the damn game to the Koreans as they are PvP game specialist


    Again, in conclusion, these are my honest opinions. Flame away and show your inability to respect a persons opinions.




    1. Sure, they can be difficult, I have no problem with that. But some of them, the slightest lag and you cant make that jump right.

    2. How about those datacrons that wont work? Like the yellow shard on Ilum that is bugged, or the one on Nar where you have to ride the kiosk, get there and NO datacron there???

    3. More MMO-like and Less Prince of Persia-like. If I want to jump around on the screen all day, then can I at least get a night elf skin?


    A minor reason, but a reason none the less.



    Story Faults

    1. BH - Republics Most Wanted. Yet there is a quest on Voss where someone honestly believes I am trying to defect?

    2. SI - Thanaton. I have to kill him where? Why cant I just aim my "Silencer" weapon on one of my destroyers at the building and destroy it? I win the Kaggath. Or what about all the allies I gathered? He can have his allies attack me but I cant send mine after him?

    3. Quinn - A betrayer. Would a dark side sith REALLY keep this guy around?


    Its things like this that make me stop reading a novel. It just doesnt make any sense!



    Quest Balance

    1. Sith Inquisitor - How many of these class quests have I or other guild members begged for help. They are not Heroic 2. They are solo missions. Even in the Thanaton fights, I was 50, geared to holy high hell with daily stuff earned from Belsavis and I still cant beat him solo? If it cant be solo'd then it needs to be marked as a group quest! And a lot of the SI quests are this way.

    2. Avatar of Sal Macor - Done this on several toons now, and EACH one needed help. Everyone in my guild has needed help and everyone in /1 seems to need help. Yet this is not a Heroic 2? I cant count the number of times I have helped people with this one. I have also put in tickets about the balance of this one EACH time. I guess THEY refuse to check into it, otherwise people wouldnt beg for help every time.

    3. Heroics after belsavis, most people skip em. Why? Cant find a group. No one wants to do them as they get harder and harder and all you get is a lousy t-shirt reward for all the effort.




    1. Every time someone finds a way to make a decent amount of credits for the effort put forth, Bioware nips it in the bud. And I am not talking about exploits, but legitimate ways to get these credits using what THEY placed in game. I am just waiting for them to figure out how to shut down those 30-min BP runs that net 65K credits.

    2. Money Sinks? What joke. Those that have millions wont blink an eye. Those that are broke are being forced to work even harder to get those new fancy things on sale! really makes RMT tempting to some people. I think I got a mail in-game today on a place that sells credits cheap.

    3. Future Economy Issue - I have run into many people waiting to be able to extract base mods from tier gear. What are they doing? Saving every credit they can and spending very little. It will cost 70-100K an item to extract all the mods and put into the gear you want. So there is a bunch of credits collecting dust and not being used to fund crafters. Maybe if those tables actually reduced costs of moving mods??? Check it out, they dont do anything your ctrl+click doesnt do.

    4. How much money is sunk into repairs? I have to do dailies, as do many people, every day in order to pay for Op and HM repairs.




    1. I miss DAoC. After you get a maxed level character, your alts all started off at level 20. Made the grind to where it wasnt so bad. After you hit 50 and make a new toon, you are everyone's errand boy again. Do I really want to do all of taris again? I am working on my 3rd toon and I am sick of the same things over and over. At least with the other game you had 3 different parts of the world to level up in.

    2. PvP grinding? ROFL! Yeah, if you can win, or if you can get something other than huttball.

    3. Space grinding? Yeah, when they work. This week the timing on them have been off. Like the shuttle spawning 30 sec into the mission and then you can shoot? How about flying right through a Republic battle ship or an asteroid? Yeah, my truck has better timing and it is 21 years old!

    4. Needs to have a system implemented where if you make an alt, all you need to do is you class missions and maybe the planets MAIN mission. All this side quest stuff needs to be side quests. You cannot level my class mission alone.



    End Game

    1. What am I to do each day? Dailies and hope they work. I tell you, Unintended Consequences is Cursed, but the devs wont listen. How boring is it to do the SAME quests every single day because I NEED those credits to raid and pay for repairs?

    2. Hard Modes are getting boring. How many times do I have to run BT until I can finally get my bracers? Even when I am the only one of my class, it drops for other classes. Guess I gotta wait another day! I ran Foundry around 20 times and never get my columi piece, had to use comms to do it. And how many times did that damn IA item drop and there wasnt one in the group? Its insane. Perhaps allow us to run it more than once a day, or how about a token ANYONE can use? Gratz to the high roller!

    3. Ops. Destined Loot? Really? Know how many times our new 50s could've used a piece that someone who already has them has gotten?

    4. Hmmm...what to do.......hmmm............



    Customer Service

    1. Dont know the number of times I get a copy/pasted response to a ticket that is irrelevant to the issue at hand!

    2. How about tickets where they close them saying I didnt provide enough info? Report a Soa bug and I get asked things like, What companion did I have out? Seriously? Or, What planet were you on? Again....Soa was the issue, what planet do you THINK I am on? Anyone with an IQ over 60? How about people who PLAY the game? is that possible?

    3. Response times. A simple issue just a week ago took them over 48 hours to respond to! What??? Are so many people quitting the game that you cant get enough CSR to handle issues.

    4. CSR apparently have no power. Because of a bug, a guildie was unable to get his FE HM loot, his chest piece. I grabbed the item and we both put in tickets to get the item transfered to him as he earned it. The CSR said they were unable to transfer the item from my bag to his bag. Seriously? The CSR in that other game do it all the time. How about just delete mine and give him one? Nope, not within their ability. So, what CAN you do?


    Hope this helps BW devs out :D

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