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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. Exactly what qualifies you to make such exacting statements about the hero engine? You're a designer? A coder? You worked on building it?


    Assuming you did design the engine and I'm gonna go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt here. Let's just go ahead and say you and only you designed, developed, and constructed the Hero engine.


    Did you then code SWTOR? Were you so deep in the coding that you have this personal knowledge of their code not being optimized or the engine being "half built?"


    A whole lot of armchair developers on these forums. Would be nice if even one of them knew what the heck they were talking about.


    OP. I run this game on a media box I built 2 years ago. XP, 2 gigs of ram, and a gt240. My fps stays between 25 and 40. This is more than I could have hoped for. Is it great, nope, but it's playable.


    With this in mind, I'd suggest a complete investigation of anything that could be causing this on your end first. Your machine is much better than mine so theoretically it should run better unless there is something running in the background or a virus or some other, possibly hardware related issue that you aren't aware of.


    If your biggest complaint is, "it drops to 30 fps sometimes," that really isn't that bad considering the vast majority of people can't see any degradation of frame rates until they drop below 30 fps.


    it is the hero engine same thing happens to my amd radddon 6990

  2. maybe if they fix



    make crafting have the best gear in the game and VERY hard to get



    make PVP gear VERY HARD to get and not easy



    class balance


    world pvp into city's


    server transfer so people don't have to reroll


    make raiding HARD so it is VERY hard to get good gear


    improve the guardian


    Fix the economy so trading has a place!


    get rid of orbital stations



    help some classes who are hard to level*cough sentinel*


    add a LFG tool


    Fix there hero engine because my amd 6990 raddon and 3.2 GH processor with 8 GB ram does not like this game.


    all I really need is to make good gear very hard to find and pvp gear very hard to get.so I will keep playing this game becuz it has great potential

  3. I want to summon my other characters similar to how I can summon a companion.


    So, if i have a dual wielding sith, it should behave like ashara (dual wielding companion) with the looks and gear / stats of my alt character.


    Think how long people would stay in this game if they can do that!!!!


    I lie this idea and could be used for 1.3 patch ;)

  4. this is why they shouldn't even have expertise



    it 'prohibits' people from enjoying both parts of the game. what kind of game company would do taht?


    I agree i want to pvp and do pve I like them both just make pvp gear slightly better in pve and pve gear slightly better in pvp, but pve gear is better in pve and pvp gear is better at pvp I think this would help a bit

  5. Yes i will for now. But honestly i think that the big reason is just becasue there is'nt really any other quality mmo's competing with this atm. There is wow but there current patch is garbage and i just needed a break from it until mop. I just really hope by the time other games come out that i'm looking forward to that this game has its S%^& together so i will continue to pay for it along side other games i'm interested in but if not i will unsub.


    Stuff i wanna see to keep me subbing is just more stuff to do at end game plain and simple. In all honeslty swtor brings absolutely nothing new to mmo's. You can say voice acting but in all honesty i believe that the time they invested in voice acting took away way to much from the actual mmo part of this game. Dont get me wrong i enjoy it. I found it very cool. But it only lasts about a week until u hit 50 then its like okay ... what now?

    Also i wanna to see a REAL combat log and a recount. I feel without these they are forced to keep end game raiding and hm flashpoints really dull and keep the boss fight really really basic(just like they are now). Also i and most the hm raiidng community have been raiidng with a recount so long that it just really takes away from raiding without it. Having fun with numbers and improving them and theorycrafting is such a big part of raiding and this game just totally lacks that. Not to mention the lack of friendly dps/hps competition with guildies and friends which imo is such a huge part of raiding.

    So basically atm i am not enjoying endgame at all to say the least. But i do believe they are trying to fix this and i am looking forward to it. The last thing i wanna see is this game fall apart. Like everyone else says swtor has a really good shell it justs needs time to get better.


    could not have said it better myself,i completely agree with you!

  6. reroll,Yes i know it is a tough thing to do!(i had to do the same I was on rwookroro) you can roll an alt on a heavy pop server and wait for server transfer you can try the other side or try a new class i found it to be very worthwhile and a good experience.I think you should experience a high pop server with a new class on the other side so you get new quests!


    I hope this helps you guys out because I think this is what BW wanted us to do,also reroll on tomb of freedon nadd EU pvp i am on that server on republic,it is usually heavy almost all day my sages name is muffin-fairy!

  7. reroll,Yes i know it is a tough thing to do!(i had to do the same I was on rwookroro) you can roll an alt on a heavy pop server and wait for server transfer you can try the other side or try a new class i found it to be very worthwhile and a good experience.I think you should experience a high pop server with a new class on the other side so you get new quests!


    I hope this helps you guys out because I think this is what BW wanted us to do :)

  8. I have a 50 on dark reaper, and its pure imps, also the planets are pretty empty, I want to reroll and repub to add to the numbers but I want a higher population server. Anyone know what that is, or is there a site to find this out?


    Tomb of freedom nadd is a high populated EU pvp server if your from the US you could try fatman but tomb of freedon nadd has more :)

  9. so on march 1st your allowed to server transfer if your Asian and want to go to an Asian server. so this tell me that server transfer is almost finished!,BW can you please give us server transfer.We don't want server merges so don't waste time on it! take some time to perfect it and ill resubb and you will keep alot more subs too because this is a Great game ;) best of luck iloveicarly.
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