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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. We should be eligible to pay for a cosmetic change.


    To keep this brief:


    For this service we as customers should expect a charge. For instance:




    I would be more than willing to pay in cash to alter her appearance as I see fit.


    Perhaps this service could be extended to change race? For instance, from Twi'lek to Human—all within the class racial limitations of course.


    Thank you.


    or instead of wasting time on this instead of making new content you can always just reroll

  2. Bioware is hush hush to just get a few more months of subscription payments from us because they have no real plans for pvp outside of warzones and ILUM.



    Let's be honest here, at the guild summit no real information about open world pvp was given out except Ilum is being reworked.Most questions was answered with a, Yes we have thought about that, or yes thats on our wall of crazy ideas.


    I think Bioware has no real plans for Open world PVP other than reworking Ilum and adding a warzone here and there. They designed the planets so you hardly see the other faction while leveling. There are no open world objectives on any of the other planets for pvp. They didn't mention adding open world objective except for ILUM.


    I'm starting to think Bioware doesn't care for the pvp crowd.


    you dont have to play you know or you can just go back to WoW

  3. Yeah, just did this warzone (mind you I'm deck out in BM gear) somehow a bounty hunter did over 17k worth of damage not including the medpack I used, plus the skill to heal me 10% of my life on top of that I had my 20% damage reduction on and my bubble that lowers damage etc and he kills me in less then 4 secs...




    This wasn't a one time thing either, he keep doing it over and over again...



    *** was he cheating or is Bounty HUNTER broken once ur geared up?


    Stop QQ also you have no video i don't belive you just go back to WoW or reroll

  4. Is there any way to transfer your characters to any server besides being eligible to transfer Asia/Aussy server? I have two accounts: regular & collector's edition. I'm planning to use my collector's more often with friends on there to play along with. But mostly, I'm planning on quitting my regular account soon...kind of a waste that my main is maxed cap lvl on my regular.


    just reroll stop QQ it is not a big deal there is already a thread on this or go back to WoW

  5. SWTOR is one of the best games I have ever played. My favorite AC is Operative, in either the Stabs or the Healing tree.


    I think sometimes all the negative feedback gets out of control. I absolutely love this Advanced Class and I started as a bubble popping lightning thrower (got to level 39). I also ran a Marauder to level 24 before starting my IA operative.



    I am extremely excited about the Group heals improvments for 1.2, possibly a change to TA and so much more and everytime I get a hint or read an article about 1.2 changes, I get excited all over again. Even if all the stuff i'm dreaming about doesn't come with the patch, well, I already love my AC so all your doing is improving my experience from here on out.



    Dual Spec's has me excited for the future ( as popping between stabs and heals gives me a the variety to keep the game fun )



    This Legacy system sounds amazing... I mean the first thing I did was try to make a Chiss Sorcerer. The Heroic abilites are fun fluff and anything added to my space ship is ok with me. I hope one day we can share a legacy somehow with our IRL wives and have the same last name, but all in all its great.



    Armor appearance changes/player customization is a great addition. Everyone spends a ton of time on their models ( even if they dont admit it ) and looking kool is every bit as important as healing/dpsing/tanking well.





    p.s. There is no Chiss Avatar to choose for my forum picture and this means the web design team hasn't gone blue yet....... try it .. you'll like it ! :)




    STOP TRYING TO get BW to buff you L2P or just reroll or goe back to wow stop your QQ

  6. I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


    Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


    What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


    you know you can just elave if you are not enjoying it you can reroll I am having fun so stop QQ or go back to WoW

  7. Can you confirm or deny that Bounty Hunters will EVENTUALLY get to use Blaster Rifles? Or are you making a subset of them (Carbines)? Most of the bounty hunters I have seen in the films use Carbines or blaster rifles. Only 1 I know used pistols, Jango Fett. His Son Boba used a EE3 Carbine, which looks like a blaster rifle. Even if you only give blaster rifles to Powertechs it would allow for more choice. It would also hold closer to Lore. Flame me all you want, but I and many others feel that it is, sorta a given to give bounty hunters Blaster Rifles.


    You can always just reroll a trooper so stop QQ and enjoy the game or go back to WoW

  8. I will list the character info here,(all are lvl 50 and completed all class quests) in case there are any character/class/companion questions. All the listed crafting skills and gathering skills are all capped at 400. I was not in any beta, so I cannot comment on any changes that were made in the beta before retail, compared to how the classes are today.


    Myshtara – Sorcerer – Valor 52 – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

    Biochem – Bioanalysis – Diplomacy

    Val = 9870 Revel = 10k Drellik = 10k Zavros = 2954 Xalek = 5920


    Myshtar – Assassin – Dark 8600(Dark 4)

    Synthweaving – Archaeology – Underworld Trading

    Val = 7912 Revel = 7790 Drellik = 7823 Zavros = 10k Xalek = 6579


    Myshtarg – Marauder – Dark10k(Dark 5)

    Artifice – Archaeology – Treasure Hunting

    Vette = 7265 Quinn 8257 Willsaam = 8848 Broonmark = 9917 Pierce = 6867


    Myshtarie – Juggernaut – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

    Slicing – Investigation – Treasure Hunting

    Vette = 3394 Quinn = 9657 Willsaam – 7454 Broonmakr = 10k Pierce = 7978


    Myshtard – Sniper – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

    Armstech – Scavenging – Investigation

    Kaliyo = 6687 Vector = 8304 Temple = 7898 Lokim = 9626 Scorpio = 6043


    Myshtary – Operative – Valor 31 – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

    Armortech – Scavenging – Underworld Trading

    Kaliyo = 5147 Vector = 7240 Temple = 9992 Lokim = 10k Scorpio = 8045


    Myshtaria – Mercenary – Valor 29 – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

    Cybertech – Scavening – Underworld Trading

    Mako = 6260 Gault = 7532 Blizz = 8879 Skadge – 5887 Cadera = 10k


    Myshtarc – Powertech – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

    Bioanalysis – Slicing – Diplomacy

    Mako = 9830 Gault = 9798 Blizz = 8793 Skadge = 9418 Cadera = 9550


    P.S. Just post any questions you have and I will answer them as soon as I have time. I was also the first player in World Of Warcraft to cap out the classes.(Both were done on PvP servers, although SWTOR was done on an RPPvP server)


    Is the sith warrior tank any good and was it easly to level or what did you do

  9. What are the odds of getting some different layouts to Huttball, Bioware? (Some new arenas... outdoors//indoors)


    The idea behind it is a great one for a Warzone, but there absolutely should be different maps to play. Add some new traps, more vents on the bottoms levels that shoot players up to higher ones (Mostly to counter knock offs/force pushes and balance peoples whining about them).


    incomeing wave of QQ duck and COVER

  10. Instead of considering it a bug, it would be interesting to spread the datacrons around maps/planets, and making some available to some body types, and some others for the rest.


    Ofc there would be the same number of datacrons for each body type, just would be more fun if you have to explore different places depending the body type you choose.


    ? no that would cause lots of fusteration it is a big *facepalm

  11. Diablo 2 Lord of destruction was my first online game. Back in the day of 56k dial up and reset every 2 hours ruled my life. Placing runs and gems into armour crafting magic find to get unique drops from end. I will be playing D3 mostly to rekindle my first passion for online gaming.


    I would play other games aswell but every game is worth at least one month try out.


    hm? I thought all you do is brainless killing ill try it out :0

  12. people on the general chat were talking about leaving for diablo 3.


    I looked at it lol it is such a small game with no content ohh it has 4 difficulty modes yeah ppl will get bored and leave! there is no point just kill monsters lol no skill and gear is just easy to get most likely well see you again back playing swtor in 2 months

  13. Hello,


    I play this game from the beggining, and there is somethings that need rapdly to be improved or modified, since i see ppl losing interest in the game. For sure Bioware have this covered, but what concerns me is Bioware timing doing it, or applying it.

    PVE, PVP and Datacrons are not enough to ppl stay tunned, so ppl are slowly leaving...


    Farming - aside from datacrons, we dont have anything else that i recall to farm.


    Where are the mounts difficult to get?

    Where are dificult and rare recipes for professions?

    Where is reputation farming towards society's or faction?

    Where is Pet Farming?

    Resume: give us something to do when not doing PVE, PVE, Datacroning...



    LFG Tool is an issue that could already been implemented in early stages of this game, Why? So ppl didnt feel so much imbalance between populaled and not so much populated servers. New game, new ppl, it was logical that grouping without tools is more dificult. So ppl feel frustated and they are slowly quitting. I have 3 50's and on those 3 i didnt get any flashpoint while leveling, reason it's obvious... Low populated server.


    Resuming: Give us LFG TOOL, Tranfers, and even Server Merging. Do it free and then sell your product, create dependence on your costumers...





    Good content but not enough, content is cleared rapidly and with the above (farming and grouping) not happening, im going to do a little pvp but at certain point after doing pvp... going to play a bit of the other game... (this is a thing companies should avoid happening when selling a product, if costumer is satisfied they stick to that product, and so, less chances they trie another)


    Resuming: While this wait for new content, gain time by creating World Boss's, with recipes, rare items (really rare) and so on...




    I congratulate you no doubt for the effort in pvp, despite some class imbalacing, but that's normal when tunning a recent game, ppl stay frustrated, but waits for you to fix it, once again timing is important, pacience doesn't last forever in frustated or sad players.


    Resume: You are on the right track, just a few more tune up, and the pvp success is already there. Balance is key of course.




    Bioware you are doing the things right, but when you create a game like this wanting to get costumers, you have to offer not the same as the other MMO's but better than the other MMO's, there are somethings that you have to improved, but TIMING is the key for you at this moment, How long ppl will wait fot the same tools that work on other MMO's?

    Your call.



    Sorry for the english, just trying to help somehow...



    I agree i am leaving this game it is no fun,Can't wait for diablo 3 it has REAL farming

  14. It is depressing the crap out of me that as a Sentinel there's really only one correct choice of companion - it's far easier to get through quests with Doc than any other companion. Using Kira I'm more or less forced to use every ability I've got and engage in a life or death race against a single elite, whereas if I'm getting healz I can just merrily use a rotation of 3 or 4 buttons and be just fine by the end.


    This wouldn't be so bad if Doc weren't so insufferable towards a female character - he will hit on you, poorly, non-stop no matter what dialogue options you pick. No matter how many times you threaten to throw him out of an airlock or feed him feet first to Lord Scourge, he still insists on throwing out constant cheesy pickup lines. I gave the most cruel answers available the entire way through Balmorra, and STILL he wanted to join my crew and my only response choices were three variations on "yes". I do not want someone on my ship who would make me double check my door is locked every night.


    Either let me use another companion to equal effect, or let me beat his face with the hilt of my lightsaber until he learns some respect


    you could always report doc for stalking with an ticket lol jk,I know what you mean he is soo cheesy and he just wants to marry you.well he is good at healing but kira is a snobby know it all :(

  15. lool seriously please stop. How do you think we feel as marauders when we are beating down on a healer and even when we keep on interupting they can still heal themself through the damage? there are so many other classes that could be considered op AND people are trying to get nerfed the 1 ability that makes a marauder actualty have some survivability?


    For all the people saying were god mode , go and roll a marauder and please take a look at how squishy we can be without any cool downs. or better yet instead of crying *omg bioware please nerf marauders/sentinels* try and play one yourself and you will see that were not OP. im 100% that 95% of the people crying for a nerf are people that get ownt by sentinels/Marauders so a nerf is your only way out.


    If you want our class nerfed , then your class should be nerfed too :) seriously it takes alot of effort too play and takes a while getting use too. the commando has their sheild that they put up then start healing themself? I dont see people crying for a nerf there?


    Just because you have personal experiences that are your weakness do not cry for nerf pls, you guys already got operatives NERFED INTO THE DIRT and now marauder/sentienels seems to be your next target just enjoy being ownt :)


    if you cant beat us


    Join us


    sent/maras are boring and overated a sith jugg takes real skill!

  16. I think the title says it all, I wan't to be able to change gender, body and face customization. I'm already level 50 with a lot of bound gear, reusables, high crew skill level etc. I really don't want to go through all of this again because I made some poor choices when I first started my character.


    I'm sure I'm not the only one who made poor choices in our one-time-only decision that we would have to stick with for the rest of that characters existance.


    I really think this is important too because we spend a lot of time looking at our characters and if you're not happy with the way your character looks, you're not enjoying the game to its max potential.


    I'm not saying this is something that you should be able to do everyday, but rather perhaps once in six months for a small fee. I really don't want to make an alt of the same class and go through everything again, I'd rather spend my time doing an alt of a new class but I really can't stand the look of my main character anymore.


    Does anyone agree? I really can't see anyway this would harm anything aswell.




    you can always reroll

  17. So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking


    I am a guy and i play as a guy,what does that make me >.<

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