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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. Hello my younglings I have overwhelming proof that the sith sorc is OP. Let me start by saying i made two characters, one republic(sage) and the other sith(sorc). I then rushed them both too level 10( minimum level pvp) and then i noticed something wrong. My sages little pebbles did 300 less damage then the siths lightning?????? Also my rock attack did 400 less damage then the siths lightning attack(which is instant and the rock takes one second or more to hit!!!!!!!!!! keep in mind all of the attacks are buffed for a lvl 10. The Sith Sorce seems to be doing 10-15% more damage on all of there instant attacks!



    If you do not believe me then try it out for yourself make 2 chars (sage) (sorc) then compare pvp damage with no skill points touched or anything.


    I do like this game and it obviously has alot of potential.


    Tell me what you guys think, Do you think the sorc needs a nerf??????????



    ps i know one in four people who play TOR are sith sorcs so this might bug alot of people and for that im sorry i just want some relief ty

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