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Posts posted by iloveicarly

  1. im not talking about in game pod racing though. Im talking about having real life pod matches in the desert. They should have swtor busses and pick everyone up to go to the tournament( the buss can take family members too. If this happens im gonna be starting a shop that sells pod parts for really cheep!
  2. Whats up guys I was doing my nails last night and thought it would be mega sweet if there was pod racing in this game. Me and my buddy both built homemade speeds and raced each other( he always win :(


    But the point of my thread is what cool things do you think they can add to swtor?


    from pod racing to controlling your own death star ( that would be tubular!!!)

  3. YOU GUYS ARE WRONG. I was working on my real life sized lego speed racer then I Remembered episode 16, Luke and the jedi concil found there way to TARIS which caused vador to leave because the sith overlord was still on Alderan, So get you lore straight

    before you battle somebody with over 8000 hours of lore research under there belt! pig snort.. pig snort

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