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Everything posted by Knorlac

  1. You make me want to do another Malkavian run on Vampir Bloodlines.
  2. I just think 15$ a month is a lot to ask for 30mins of solo content that I'm supposed to run again and again on 24 chars. That's what I would call rip-off DLC in a SP game. I expect more from a MMO, but I get that it is enough for a lot of players.
  3. I agree with that. But the CM team taking resources away from the development of new content is not the real problem IMO. I think what at least some of us are trying to say is that their income mainly coming from the CM lets them grow somewhat complacent about the game. PvP wildly unbalanced? Who cares?! GSF abandoned instead of fixed/improved? Who cares?! No new group content for the forseeable future? Who cares?! Very obvious bugs relesed into the live game on a constant basis? Who cares?! It's the revenue from the CM that floats this game. So why put a lot of effort into actual content and strife to keep all kinds of players happy?
  4. I knew that I could've still reset the quest, but I never do. It's much more interesting to live with the consequences.
  5. I think your percentages are not too far off. I'd say Bronze/Chance Cube are a bit higher and platinum even lower. But yeah, we'll never know for sure and we'll never be sure whether those percentages remained the same over time. Either way, I find the drop ratios to be rather unfair considering the pack's values. You need to spend way too much cash to have a relatively high chance of obtaining the most sought after items. About 25$-30$ would seem fair to me, but as it is you're likely to spend 200$+ It's all within their rights of course, but compared to direct purchases seen in other MMOs it seems almost unethical.
  6. Well except for returning players or subs taking a break I guess.
  7. My initial plans for my main were to gather every comp I could with him, but with Broonmark it didn't go so well:( I was prepared to make some DS decisions that amounted to lipservice like: Yeah yeah, together we will drown the galaxy in blood..bla bla", but I couldn't let him just kill the Wookie senator who could prove a powerful ally to the alliance. Also I didn't realize that the LS decision would make me fight him, since such options are usually labeled with (Attack). Thought I could tell him that he would be able to test his strength against powerful enemies or some such if he joined me.
  8. Perhaps. Though we don't know anything about chances either way and I'm certain that BW is tweaking percentages all the time in order to get the maximum $$$ out of it. Maybe a person who buys multiple hypercrates of each pack (I buy one or most of the time none) comes to another conclusion, but I got way more silver and gold items out of the old packs. There were a lot of bronze items too, but there seemed to be more variety between those.
  9. So what would prevent you from just buying them seperately? Also I'm all in favor of a chancecube dropping instead of filler stuff like Jawa Junk or gifts, but IMO it shouldn't be able to drop instead of an actual item from the pack. Ending up with more chance cubes than the number of packs you bought is just crazy.
  10. And what's perhaps even worse, as soon as they realize that they've made such a mistake, they're in the habit of rather abandoning the feature altogether instead of fixing it.
  11. To be fair, most people claiming this wanted this to be PvE with missions and exploration and of those who did want it to be PvP, a lot wanted it to be more like X-Wing or Tie-Fighter. Add to that the multitude of balance and design faults and you can see that BW pretty much killed GSF all on their own.
  12. This! Having played since launch there are precious few items left that I still really want from older packs and the chances to actually get one of those are just not worth it. When I buy a new pack I do it because I saw the preview on Dulfy and decided that there are enough new items in it which I desire.
  13. Sure, it's RNG after all, but in 5 packs I got only 2! items from the actual shipment and those were duplicates.
  14. Indeed... Just bought 5 packs(without spending anything) and it felt like they just transformed into 7 chance cubes and a lot of trash which in turn transformed into even more of said trash. Idk, when the first packs came out you didn't have to buy a hypercrate or better several to get anything worthwhile...now I'll just not bother again.
  15. That I can agree with. The success of the CM has allowed them to grow complacent in pretty much all other areas. Sure, it saved the game in the past, but IMO their goal from there on should've been to make the game so attractive for players again, that it could survive even without the CM and not just because of it.
  16. Umm...some interesting proposals you have there...*fumbles for the switch for the hidden trapdoor the OP is standing on*
  17. I'll be sure to remember that when...and if I decide to take another char through KotFE that far.
  18. While I liked fighting alongside the mandalorians and catching up with Shae again, I really really hated this chapter in terms of gameplay. It felt yet again like an artificially lengthened slog through an army of cannon fodder to me. Seriously, who enjoys fighting those same old skytroopers anymore? The whole chapter was like fight through 20 skytroopers to press button(s), return to camp (while having to fight skytroopers), go back out to fight another 20 skytroopers, return to camp (while fighting skytroopers).....you get the picture. EDIT: And yeah, guess what the endboss's super special move is! He summons skytroopers!
  19. Exactly. Something they sure can't use while they're trying to better their image...
  20. Except neither the preorder nor the CE goodies were ever advertised as timed exclusives. They were advertised as exclusives,period. This is what gave the digital items enough worth for me to want them and pay another 150€ on top of the normal version and the digital deluxe upgrade I already owned at the time. Sure, BW can do how they please in the end, and they might make some money along the way, but I'd also never buy another CE from BW or EA again. Of course you can give your opinion about this all you want. My bet is that they'll never change this.
  21. I think he meant to say that even his lvl 65 character wouldn't be able to withstand the emperors attacks.
  22. Well it can't buy you a guarantee for happiness as accidents might still happen, sickness might still strike and things can still go wrong where matters of the heart are involved, but money sure can buy you an increased chance of happiness IMO. Aside from all the goodies and feats like being able to travel around the world and such, I'd be a good deal happier if I knew that I could always afford the best possible education for my children and cutting edge healthcare for my family and myself.
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