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Everything posted by Knorlac

  1. So wanting the game to remain financially successful so that it doesn't get further budget cuts or shut down all together before its time is being a white knight now? The game needs as many paying customers as it can get. I'll leave it to you to figure out whether dead/dying servers are more likely to be a boon or a detriment to a MMO's success. 90cc tranfers were a good first step to give current players a chance to get off their sinking ships, but with regard to new and returning players, it certainly shouldn't be the last one.
  2. That why they cut down on the slicing rewards and removed credits from treasure chests? I reckon treasure hunting will get the same treatment as well before long.
  3. Well it seems like they want to promote grouping, but again, wouldn't it make sense to do so in regards to activities that actually need a group? That said, I agree with you, it would be more logical for me to give a higher reward to people who solo those heroics and spend more time doing them. Then again you always earned more by doing things in a group. The heroics just blow this completely out of proportion.
  4. This is a video game though and most people play those to get away from work, not get another job going. Sure, things like crafting and playing the GTN will always net the greatest rewards and I'm ok with that, it's the balance between the rest of the content that irks me. Why should roflstomping heroics that can be solo'd without effort with 4 players get you millions for example and doing group content that actually needs a group like HM FPs and OPs leave you with a tiny fraction of that? And what about PvP or just doing a lot of quests?
  5. /signed From the ones available now I always pick one out of two or three at the most which I find pleasant to look at. Some more variety would go a long way.
  6. True, but even then they mostly cherrypicked easy to answer stuff that was irrelevant to the greater issues within the game. But yeah, something is (mostly) better than nothing.
  7. Yep, those items definitely sell for a lot higher now. On TRE any vented sabers are selling for about 45-55mil and lighning tunings for over 30mil as well. Not hard to believe that someone will pay 100mil upward for even rarer stuff. As for heroics, they DO pay a lot if done in group. So people who didn't mind grinding dailies ad nauseam on all of their alts before are probably having a field day.
  8. We really need both IMO. I still hope you were being sarcastic there..SF's are worse than KDY and as boring as it gets. Also, FPs and Ops go hand in hand while gearing up(I'm assuming that new OPs will come with new tiers of PvE gear).
  9. Not everyone is swimming in credits. For some, including myself, items like the vented saber, lightning tuning or *insert any other super rare item* which are selling for 30-60mil would be unobtainable if they didn't either buy a hypercrate and sell it or resort to using credit selling sites.
  10. You're not alone. I'd also prefer to be surprised. Maybe they want to generate more hype with this, keeping players who've been waiting for a given comp subscribed instead of lapsing and possibly not returning.
  11. Indeed, first running the risk of falling prey to an IT based attack on your real world currency and then running the risk of getting banned for breaking the ToS doesn't seem like a wise move to me. The buyers are probably the the same people who jump at every exploit in the game and then cry foul once BW acts on it. Chances are I won't miss them.
  12. I tried to forget about sitting there for hours with a stop watch beside me...now thanks to you it's all coming back..
  13. I'm not sure about the packs. Right now it seems to me that the demand is just so huge that the ones on the GTN disappear very quickly. I posted one for 49mil last evening (on TRE) and someone snatched it up almost instantly.
  14. Yeah, if ever there was a time to buy a hypercrate to get a quick credit infusion it's now. Sold one for 49mil yesterday...unfortunately, even this is not enough atm to get that blasted saber which is selling for around 55mil atm. EDIT:And add another 20-25mil if you also think that the lightning tuning is essential on said saber;)
  15. Yes, that's my biggest gripe as well. Apart from a few DS/LS decisions nothing matters enough to really want to do it again more than 2 times at best. What comes after amounts to work IMO, just going through the motions to get it done already. What makes it worse is the abysmal gameplay of some of the chapters where you spend 90% of your time trudging along the same old corridors, fighting what feels like the gazillionth skytrooper. I'd even be willing to accept going without fresh group content for a prolonged period if KotFE was all that they made it out to be. I'd be fine for example if they released this stuff every 2 months instead, but offered branching storylines where choices truly matter and put in some memorable fights along the way.
  16. Sure it's anecdotal at best, but before KotFE was announced, I saw no one asking for an episodic, unified story. I saw plenty of people asking for class stories though, since as story telling in MMOs goes, it was truly the thing that set KotOR apart.
  17. Just like with GSF, KotFE was not really what the majority of those people were asking for though. Most of the people I saw asking for more story in here and in the game wished for more class stories or at least a continuation of faction stories and not the one fits all story snippets we're currently getting.
  18. I may remember this wrong, but at least on TRE I also notice what one might call inflation. Back in the olden days, the highest prices I paid for coveted items like the Satele Shan set, the first Lizard mount or a Morlinger Aggressor was inbetween 5 and 6.5mil creds. Now things like the lightning tuning and the unstable saber go for 18-25mil creds and the vented saber is still selling for 50+mil creds. I get the feeling that a lot of players just have a lot more creds to spend these days. Unfortunately this development hasn't quite reached me as I still have the same amount of creds than before..
  19. Well ever since took that arrow to the eye, his aim hasn't been what it used to be. Nowadays he mostly just sprays and prays with that assault cannon.
  20. While this maybe true in some cases, I doubt that many even employ it like this in a conscious way. IMO it doesn't even warrant any kind of scrutiny within the confines of a video game forum. These are not scientific or political or otherwise peer reviewed essays we're typing here and picking up on the use of "we", which may or may not have been used in the way you describe amounts to nitpicking at best.
  21. They're fairly easy to solo even on heroic mode. The only things truly being tested will be your patience and sanity.
  22. I'm pretty sure he didn't use it as an actual pluralis majestatis though:)
  23. This again?! If he said "the majority of players" or "Everyone on the forums" you'd be right to point it out, but If he says "we" in this context, common sense tells me that he means the people who agree with him on the topic. So I hereby declare that he spoke for me in this instance, making his use of the word "we" correct.
  24. The way you state it, since IT is not solely comprised of software development, he could very well have been right.
  25. Well before they started the massive cost cutting we had 2 completely different storylines a lot of optional quests and heroics. There were also quite lenghty optional questlines featuring new mechanics. Then we had daily areas. And we had this thing called group content like FPs and OPs to gear up in. By the time I finished the story with my 2nd char, the 3rd run, alternating factions, still felt somewhat fresh. Now thanks to the extremely linear nature of KotFE, I have to force myself through it even on the 2nd alt. As for the HSF and comps, I never did any of that on another char than my alt and never will. The prospect of slogging through all of that (non voiced) grind alone on all of them makes me want to bash my head in at the next wall.
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