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Everything posted by mavsynchroid

  1. No. They first said Makeb was going to be free, then later, once they realized SWTOR isn't nearly as successful as they thought it would be, said "we're unsure if we're going to charge subscriptions". Around the time they announced F2P. So yes, they did say it was going to be free at first. Saying something like this to a customer, and then reneging on it is NOT good business. He has every right to be upset about that. I want to know what I'm paying 15 bucks a month for. As of right now it seems as though I'm just paying for Ops/HMs. Besides that, it's no different from a f2per. I could spend a chunk of money on the unlocks and never have to pay a sub again. My main point is it feels like subbers aren't GETTING anything for subbing.
  2. Heyo fellas! To start off I want to be very clear that I'm just looking for others opinions on this. Please don't allow it to turn into a flame war with people snapping at eachother's throats. So, my question is whether or not you feel its fair that the Collector's Edition received more cartel coins than others. My viewpoint is that it is unfair, and that the people who purchased the CE edition knew what benefits they were getting when they purchased it initially. It didn't say "plus further benefits down the road!!" Again, I'm just asking what people's opinions are on this, if any. Last person who talked about ended up saying "Bioware is never wrong as long as you keep playing." ....... -_-
  3. I'm sorry but what!? I highly suggest ignoring this comment. Whether or not you think its silly, a lot of players aren't happy about it. It easily breaks immersion and should have been fixed ages ago. Telling people that ifthis bothers tem then computer games aren't for this is a ridiculous and childish statement. People have every right. To be upset about this, and comments like yours are just insulting. Its like me saying "if you don't mind bugs go back to wow". Ys, I know that doesn't make any sense. Neither does yours.
  4. You're asking the wrong question. The questions you SHOULD be asking are.... 1.) 3,000 years back when you get one of those droids that plays music (Forget the name since I don't own one myself) it plays the same damn song that we hear in the tatooine cantina in the movie. NO song can be that good as to last 3,000 years with no other new songs to rise up and take it's place!! So.. Why is this song still #1 3,000 years later!!!! 2.) We can fly around in amazing space ships, use swords made out of lasers, and move things with our minds... Why is it that our holocoms don't have a color version!? Also, why do they flicker like they have horrible reception!!!?? and 3.) ......Didn't have a third one off the top of my head.. but it's good to have three.. so you can say.. "And three.." Hrmm.. Oh! If jedi's and Sith are supposed to be so scary, why is it everyone/anyone they see pretty much tries to fight them to the bitter end!! (Ok, granted this one isn't that good, but normal/weak mobs at less than 10% health should try to flee)
  5. From listening to a swtor podcast, Yes. Freepers CAN buy new slots with cartel coins. However, subbers have all 12 unlocked ad CANNOT buy more. stinks if you wantd all 16 differentclass/roles I suppose.
  6. I very much agree with this. Best way to say it. Load times are extremely fast for me even at a high resolution and well, high everything. It does kinda stink that if you have one component in your PC that doesn't work too well with SWTOR, then it can make it run very bad/slow. There's only been a few other games I've seen that acts this way as well. Makes me wonder about the programming skill of the devs.
  7. My load times are fine as well, and I play in windowed 1900 by whatever blah blah. (Been a while for me) Anyway, You say this game is fine on paper, but then go ahead to completely change it when describing what would make it better. I think this game has great potential to be a great game the way it is, but as of now it's severely lacking. I dunno why a lot of people straight up deny this. -_-
  8. Sigh.. hate it when patches make things worse and aren't fixed right away. And don't get me started on /r .... I refuse to believe that's too hard to fix after all this time. >:/
  9. I could be completely wrong bu I thought I read f2pers are going to be restricted chat wise as well. I assumed that meant either no genny chat or a certain amount of posts in a given time frame like wow has right now for ALL players. (Highly annoying)
  10. So I jumpeed back into the game after a few months to play my Merc, and almost all my main attack animations are glitching/tearing. With both Unload and death from above, the blaster bolts/rockets tear randomly and duplicates go in random directions on my screen. I've never experienced this before in this game. Sometimes I even see a second set of blaster bolts shooting back towards myfeet during unload! I use a VERY good computer and run the game at max settings in windowed mode. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a fix? If not, Is bioware aware of this? Sorry if if its a repeat thread, I'm on my phone and can't really search through the forums. Please fix this asap bioware, its ruining my game experience.
  11. I have to say, I'm really surprised you guys don't get bothered by biowares copy and paste replies. "I just spoke to (insert name and job description) concerning ( insert issue brought up) and they say they're looking into it." I knew this was going to be the response as soon as I saw the bioware response symbol. Just feels very artificial to me. Oh, and it almost always ends with "won't happen until after (insert next patch name). You guys do realize its just a tactic to shut you up, right? Not cool, man. Not cool.
  12. Yes to everything except the frame rate. That guy's computer just blows or he doesn't know how to take care of it. (You can have a great computer but if you treat it like crap don't expect it to run flawlessly)
  13. Lol, an MMO gamer telling another MMO gamer to get a life and not devote himself to a video game, while he himself defends a game that anyone with half a brain can see is dying. Pathetic. Good job ignoring the giant drop in population causing servers to merge. Good job ignoring the giant drop in population AFTER the servers have merged. Good job ignoring the fact that many people are NOT happy with the free to play version that is coming out in it's current state and then leave. Instead, what do you do? Assume that people have rushed through the content, because you're blind to the fact that this game is so far sub par and people are speaking truthfully about it. As for the new companion and planet... Are you kidding me? We've been waiting for this stuff forever. Oh, and what's the release date on Makeb? Gee, sure can't wait for all the seperate class stories that are coming out with it. Oh wait, they're not. It's one storyline that all the classes follow. Open your eyes. F2p was their hail mary pass to try and keep this game afloat. Too many holes in the boat, however.
  14. OOoooo! ooo!! Just had an epiphany bomb in mah mind sponge! How 'bouts a new legacy perk you have to unlock, this one being "all armor is now adaptive to your character", meaning I could wear light/medium/heavy no problem! This way it's something that has to at least be earned/bought so maybe not everyone would do it. I really think people would enjoy it. Also, how about another unlockable perk that lets you choose between the imp/pub look for each piece of gear. Especially seeing as how pub force users get all the hooded robes. Again, another great thought bomb that you guys should take advantage of. Don't be snoozers, don't be rigid, don't be losers, don't be frigid! Listen to your playerbase! I am- We are god!
  15. I can't tell you actual factual numbers (actual factual lololol) but on Jung Ma (the rp/pvp server) it's very low. I see about from 40-110 people on fleet (min to max). Now I'm not on 24/7 so this may not be the constant, but it's what I've always seen. No other instances either. As for when on planets I never see 20 or more. Usually 10-18. Kinda depressing. I personally wish they would just merge us with the pvp servers. I know there ACHOO, excuse me- are actual rpers on Jung Ma but to be honest there are more people who don't RP on that server, (dunno why just the way it is, maybe swtor isn't great for rping) so it wouldn't be that bad of a transition. Beats having no one to play with.
  16. Watch out! You've upset the fanboys! I think the people who think AFTER f2p we'll get it every 6 weeks are fools themselves. This game has gone down the crapper unfortunately. The story was great (for an MMO anyway) but they've just failed on so many promises it's laughable. Enjoy 5 new pets 6 weeks after F2P comes out chuckleheads.
  17. On one side of it, it does seem as though they're putting people who actually want to play seriously in a situation where you'd probably save money from subbing, but on the other side, F2P people are getting all they're getting, INCLUDING 1-50 content for all classes for FREE. .....................................................................................................FREE, PEOPLE! No one should ever complain about what they're getting for free. If you want more, pay for it or just sub. FREE
  18. This is a silly thing to complain about. This zone is not overflowing with PVP battles happening, nor is it crawling with the other faction trying to bar your way. You'll be able to easily walk up to the guy, buy the parts, and go back to fleet or wherever. It's already incredibly easy. Would you rather the guy be on the fleet so you don't even see someone from the other faction, ever? Jeesh...
  19. Really?... You can't make up ONE original name no one in SWTOR has thought of yet? Heck, you can't come up with TEN original names? -_- Man.....
  20. Here's a great example of someone not thinking before they type something. I also haven't played the game in months, yet I keep my sub so I still get my cartel coins and because I don't consider this game a lost cause just yet, and I'm waiting for F2p to come. So moral of this story buddy, people can have subs yet not be playing.
  21. whatever, i RP punched Soa once and beat him as BH, I'm uber skilled your numbers mean nothing even if they are facts and can't be denied. Put me next to maras and i'll rp punch them too.... .,... I'm uber cool.
  22. I just can't see somebody going to the extent of harassing a person like this UNLESS the person was giving them just as much crap back, then went with the "Ignored" message in genny chat. We've all seen it before. No one just harasses someone on different alts for no reason. My suggestion is to grow up and deal.
  23. I know right!? I just started playing WoW for the first time. There are pets in every zone just available for you to battle/catch (just like pokemon). Still, they are all minis too! I wonder both games decided to go that route? So it wouldn't fill up the screen?
  24. Yeah, they're for collectors/RPers/ and just vanity items in general. What I've noticed is that in both this game and WOW (2 out of the only 3 mmos i've played), all the pets are minis. I'd love to see for example, a full size taun taun pet or maybe even a rancor! (Obviously wouldn't be allowed on fleet, just open world) Maybe a new legacy perk that lets them attack (Kinda like your heroic moment thingy). Just something in open world PVE that doesn't effect anyone else's game. Could be fun!
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