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Everything posted by mavsynchroid

  1. I stopped reading as soon as you said something along the lines of "It's only fair to judge a game based on it's direct competition". .....No. That's just silly. You judge how well an MMO is doing based off how many people are playing it. The game has been slowly dying, and F2P is it's life line where we'll find out whether or not it will last. We won't know whether or not the game will last until F2P comes out, but I personally think it's not going to do well. We'll have increase in curious players, then they will drop off. It's too bad, this was my favorite MMO.
  2. I'm not ignoring this fact. I'm just focusing on the part of it that personally affects/bothers me. I was looking forward to new good looking bounty hunter gear for my main, and all i see are reskins. I know I can use the trooper gear, but I have a trooper. I don't want my BH looking like a trooper and vice versa. I know that sounds specific at first, but all I'm really "asking" for is new gear for my class. I don't think that's alot to ask for, especially after getting the DG gear that looks like the BH gear.
  3. I guess I just see this as cheap move on BIoware's part. I may be alone in this, but the fact that we keep getting re-colored gear is showing how much content they really can (or in this case can't) put out.
  4. Man... I don't know why, but this really bothers me. I recognize a lot of the other gear as well. I think I figured we weren't getting a lot of new content because they were busy making new gear for F2P, but now that I've seen this, I think I'm going to unsub. I'm really disappointed that they're shoving new pets down our throats. I'm not saying no one cares about them, but they can't possibly be the majority of what players (especially people who've been here from the beginning) want. Just going to wait so I can at least do the Hk-51 mission, then I'm outtie. :/
  5. So I took a peek at Dulfys article showing the gear you can purchase with the cartel coins. Am I just seeing similarities, or is A LOT of this gear yet again just re-colored gear we already had? For example, the gray bounty hunter gear shown there, isn't that chest the same chest as the old Centurion/Champ Bounty hunter PVP chest, only a different color? If not, I apologize for making this thread. If so, this is pathetic. EDIT: And aren't the glove pieces just a grey version of the Black hole gear!???
  6. With all the ridiculous responses to this thread, I doubt a dev will take it seriously.
  7. Wow, surprised you guys could understand him. Had trouble getting to the meaning of what he was saying. It seems as though for the most part in this game ranged classes when soloing are almost supposed to fight mobs toe to toe. My main is a merc, and of course I used DFA to start on a group of mobs. However, if you're not using a tank (I used mako for heals) you usually end up with one or two mobs in your face, at lower levels that is. All in all I'd say don't worry, as soon you'll be picking them off before they get close to you. On a side note I hate that they got rid of the knock back for rocket punch. I understand it's pvp related, but maybe they should make a seperate pvp spec'd tree like they have in other classes, leaving us pve'rs our knock back. Heck, makes plenty of HMs go by faster, knocking mobs off ledges.
  8. I have to disagree with you, good sir. I believe that the black crystals are APART of SWTOR's style. I would agree with you if you said it wasn't apart of the SW universe as a whole, like you mentioned above. However, as it is in SWTOR, it is apart of it's style, if you catch what I'm throwing. Aside from that, I love, love, LOVE the black-blue crystals in my two blasters for my merc. Had to get them using my trooper in pvp pub side, so it makes it a bit more unique on imp side. I also quite enjoy my black-orange crystal with my sin tank, as it's unique and stands out, letting people know where I am if things get hectic in ops and what not. (That's a bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean ;P)
  9. Not to sound rude, but it wouldn't be tricky in the slightest bit to have a character appear on your ship rather than at the orbital station. It'd be the same thing only on your ship. They'd be better off just doing one of the (having a brain fart) holocom? discussions, with someone telling you you'll be vaccinated blah blah blah and it supposedly happens between seeing your character walk through the door of your ship and appearing on the planet. Heck, adding a small new building on Quesh as a starter point and having the guy there would be take away the "need" for an orbital station as well. I just think that since they're giving us options to go straight to ship now from the shuttle on the planet, they have to know people don't enjoy going to the orbital stations first. I'd suggest just taking them out.
  10. I've always thought this as well. Seems as though they shouldn't have them at all unless there's more to do in them. I would suggest something specific to orbital stations that could be introduced. To be honest I have no idea what that would be right now. Also it would be kinda nice to maybe have them as mini fleets, with a single GTN and stuff like that. I dunno, just brain farting.
  11. I have to say, respectfully, I disagree with you guys concerning that fact that WvWvW sucks. I've noticed that a lot of players in GW2 jump in at like levels 1-10, run around randomly trying to capture something on their own, then complain when they get smashed by a group of invaders from another server. GW2 is definitely more of a "Ok guys lets all group up and come up with a plan together". I've had an absolutely amazing time playing it, building catapults and ballistas to try and take down a castle/tower so we could capture it. Finding sewers that go under and behind a choke point and flanking the enemy with 20+ plus players, causing them to scatter and letting us push deeper into their territory. It's true that everyone gets bumped up to 80, but someone who was originally level 5 is most likely going to get smashed by someone who's orginally level 50, because of the gear and higher level skills unlocked. I would love for Bioware to learn from this and implement some version of WvWvW. Unfortunately, as some have already said, the game's engine could in no way handle this, unless it did a much much MUCH smaller version of it. In GW2 I was running through a field with 40+ players from my server dodging artillery while engaging 40-50+ enemy players. There's NO WAY SWTOR's engine could handle anything close to that. As much as I love SWTOR, they picked the wrong engine to do anything bigger than what they have currently for PVP.
  12. Only thing is, MOST credit sinks in SWTOR aren't worth it. Only ones I can think of that are worth it are the obvious.. Skills, Speeder (and not even speeder 3 if you don't want it, makes pretty much no difference end game) and inv/bank slots. Other than that.. There's not a whole lot to save up for. I mean you have the legacy perks and what not, but people were doing just fine without those, as SWTOR has one of the fastest 1-end game leveling I've seen in a game.
  13. It's PVP game that has better PVE than SWTOR. What does that say about SWTOR? Gotten to lvl 15 in GW2 and have already had more group PVE events than I've had with 4 lvl 50s in swtor, and I've done all the content. To think GW2 is just a PVP only game is stupid.
  14. I agree that there's both of these. There are tons of people who just want to blow through the content. I guess I'm being more specific when I started noticing dps attacking an elite with me while weaks were burning down a healer and what not. AOE Taunts have cooldowns yanno -_-. I guess I'm not being clear on the difference between anyone just wanting to blow through content and DPS acting as tanks, only bad tanks.
  15. Oh yeah, that's true, but my point was I think a lot of the bad DPS stem from having tanks as their main, and they just jump into a mob group thinking the healer will cover their *** before the tank gets there. Just bad role.. playing?
  16. Sorry I should have added, I've been asking the dps who do this recently after noticing this pattern what their mains are, and I'd say roughly 70% of the time it's a tank.
  17. Heyo! lol so nothing too serious in this thread, but am I the only one who's noticed that most people who play tanks have control issues? Now, I completely understand them leading the pack and jumping into the fray first, that's usually the best way to go about it. However, what I've realized is that people who have tank mains but are currently on DPS chars still have that same control issue! They always charge ahead of the tank (and when I'm personally tanking I'm a fast tank), sometimes before we're done taking out the first group of mobs! Also, they seem to have issues on how to navigate through a HM/Op. It's their way, or they'll just go off and do it by themselves. I guess what I'm saying is, whether or not you have a tank character, if you are NOT the current tank, let the CURRENT tank lead. I've seen a lot of arguments come forth from this. Does anyone else notice this? Or I'm a just a fruit basket short of a pickle? Vent/insight fin! (P.S tankers, when you dps, don't focus on the elite. Pick off the weak mobs first. Yanno. The one stabbing our healer? Thanks!) EDIT: Forgot to add one more negative thing to this. I always feel awful for the healers because most can handle this, but shouldn't have to. Also, if that DPS dies, they blame the healer. "Umm heals??" Umm, know your role?
  18. I'll admit I forget to interrupt sometimes on my Sin tank. But in my defense, my first/main character was a Merc DPS who was ranged/ had no interrupt, so for months I didn't even think about it besides using my stun,cc, knockback. Still not the same though.
  19. That's true for some of them, not all though. Helps alot if you can OOC CC too.
  20. Lol no. That's silly. Why not make all HM FPs soloable, and hey! Operations should be soloable too! Let's be realistic here. If you want the moddable gear (if it drops for a heroic) then go back and get it later, you can just replace the mods once you're a higher level and can solo it. But to think the answer is making the GROUP quests soloable is just... well.. stupid.
  21. Force Unleashed, not really no. You're kinda in the middle. But to answer your question, Yes. You can play entirely dark side and be an evil sith, OR you could be a light side sith who is in the empire, OR a dark side jedi who's in the republic. Pretty good options. EDIT: My mistake, misread what you were asking. What about the Bobba Fett game that came out?
  22. Heck for any non human species they can record about 40 "sentences" of their language and just play them randomly through out the entire class. Who's going to say, "Hey I already heard that squeak!" when sith inqs say "Murrrderrr and mayyhhaam awwaiiit!" about 5 times that I've heard alone so far. -_- The story is great, absolutely, but revolving everything including new species around story limitations is not going to work. Don't back yourselves into even more of a corner, bioware. Give us none human species to start! THEN THE WORLD!
  23. I actually disagree with you, sirrah. It's "science FICTION". It's supposed to be made up crazy stuff. Star wars is science fiction. WOW is fantasy. It's silly to try and split hairs and argue that that is not the case.
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