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Everything posted by kristoffbrujah

  1. Problem is people want to play in black armor with red sabers. They don't want to look like a bum who just crawled out of bed in his brown rags like most Jedi, nor roleplay a good aligned character.
  2. Roll Imperial. I do them back to back practically all day on a medium population server. I've done probably near 100 and only failed twice on a gimmicky flashpoint that no one plays.
  3. You'd prefer a Kung Fu Panda marketing scheme on a 7 year old game to this? OK
  4. It's a personal choice. If you've played any Bioware games you'll know why. I get invited to guilds all the time. Picking up groups is easy as cake with a tank or healer. Then when I don't want to group, I can do the solo campaign. If you don't like single player aspects, you came to the wrong developer and wrong game. I spend most of my days doing flashpoints with new people I meet every day. Go to Facebook if you don't want players engaging in single player.
  5. Happened in my group on boarding party. A shield generator dropped, it was blue and better than mine. I was the only person able to use it. The Operative begged to take it for his tank and the whole group had to tell him to **** and let me have it. He relented. But that type of behavior is not acceptable. If he had won, I would have quit.
  6. I've only been able to find 2-3 PVE servers on the West Coast with a viable Republic population. There is a huge imbalance favoring Empire no matter how the numbers disguise it.
  7. LOL @ the WoW crowd in that thread. Took me a month to get to 25 in WoW when it first came out. Now kiddies can faceroll to 85 in 2 weeks. For the life of me, I can't understand how people can play 1 game for seven years. Especially when desperation mode is setting in and Blizzard is making Kung Fu Pandas lol.
  8. I'm pleased with SWTOR right now. If they fixed 1) Ability delay 2) LFG function over multiple servers 3) Free transfers over a short time to get the low pops to high pops then it would be a perfect experience for me.
  9. I have to +1 this thread after seeing the appalling population on the Republic side of my server. When you see 'standard' as the population and roll a Republic toon, then find 30 people on the fleet, it's horribly misleading. All the population is Imperial and the Republic side is virtually depopulated, there is nothing 'standard' about that experience. I rerolled on another server, thank God I only got into the teens before realizing this toon was DOA due to poor population. To the Republic players who began there with a good population and built a level 50 only to see this happen, you have my sympathy.
  10. One annoyance is that if you both pick the same class, even if you pick different sub classes (assassin + sorc), you will be locked out of instances that you have completed. So if you get ahead of him in the story, you'll have to wait outside until he finishes the instance for his story. Not spectator mode, it's twiddle your thumbs outside mode. My friend and I have mercenaries and tried to do this, he as a heal spec merc and me as a tank spec powertech. We're dealing with this all the time and it's incredibly annoying. Whichever programmer thought this was a good idea needs a pink slip.
  11. I've made plenty of friends (in MMO terms) on here and have no trouble grouping up. Only one bad experience so far in Colicoid. Then again, I love PUGing and not playing with the same people every time. You never know what you're going to get. Could be a smooth run that you never think about again, could be a 3 beer story about an epic failure, but that's what gaming is about.
  12. No MMO has ever felt alive to me. Maybe it's the constant banter that makes it feel like an IRC chat page, or the dumbed down graphics that all MMO have, or seeing hundreds of other main characters running around. Nothing will ever feel as alive as a good single player MMO, period. No MMO has ever come close, none ever will.
  13. Find something else to do for a night. They're trying to improve the game as it currently has some really horrible bugs. I'm having to sit there mashing ability buttons over and over to get crucial abilities to work. I can't even pull as a tank in a flashpoint without these abilities-- that's borderline gamebreaking when someone dies due to a bug. It warrants drastic action. You all knew that playing a newly released MMO would have bugs. Now you're complaining when they fix those bugs. BTW it took my limited playing time away from me today on my day off. Tough, it's necessary. Go find a book to read.
  14. 4 hours of maintenance once a week near launch, and you think this entitles you to a free month? Yeah okay. I'd rather pay and have them use the money fix the bugs ASAP, even if the servers shut down every other night. I can find stuff to do in my spare time, but give me a good experience when I'm playing.
  15. Yeah I see that. A PUG finder with linked servers would solve a lot of this. I wouldn't care about merged servers if I could find players to do flashpoints. The larger the pool, the more are interested in doing an instance.
  16. Please yes! The Republic side on my server is basically dead. I saw 30 people in the Republic fleet in the afternoon. This is not a SWTOR is dead post because the Imperial side has plenty of people.
  17. Yeah I've heard the consular story is really bad. Agree there. But I've also heard Imperials say that Knight is basically KOTOR 3 and I should play that for the main story.
  18. What do you mean? The classes look about the same. I just think a lot of people want to be evil. Bioware can't really help that most people want red sabers and be an evil bastard.
  19. I despise Hoth. It's a massive lifeless waste. It felt like the biggest planet by far. Tattooine isn't too bad.
  20. So I'm on Darth Sion and have played Imperial with 4 toons. It was great, the Imperial Fleet has around 50 in the morning and well over 100 in the evening. 160 is not unusual for peak times. I enjoy this size, not too big or small and not hard to find groups. So I roll my first Republic toon today. Wow. Republic Fleet had roughly 30 people. I've seen more in the Black Talon flashpoint. Logged onto my main and saw the Imp fleet had 93. Said as much and a level 50 said that planets had 5 people. I don't want to roll on a different server but this doesn't look promising. I would rather switch now at level 10 than 40. Any recommendations? It looks like Republic areas are basically dead.
  21. Was running Black Talon and the flashpoint droid said something funny about manslaughter droid. Then I got to thinking, he has more personality than the ship droid. If you're going to make a droid as a companion, why not do someone like HK 47? Droids are funny because they seem to have otherwise human characteristics but frequently get into comical moments due to their rigid programming. Like HK would constantly go on about meatbags and obsess with killing. Anyway the ingratiating droid with 0 personality is a bit of a bummer. Maybe he can get a new module in an expansion or something, anything to make him more interesting.
  22. There is absolutely no way WoW PVE is superior to this. I'm sorry but no, just no. And this if from a former WoW player. The reason to quest was loot plain and simple. The quests didn't always make sense and the stories were sometimes broken beyond belief, especially the one about rescuing the king.
  23. They don't? I didn't even know that. I try to focus on my character's story and not xp/social points while doing those.
  24. I've had people tell me they don't want to go into my class quests because 1) they get nothing as they can't get the quest and 2) they rolled a BH and don't want to spoil his story line. Class quests have by far the most convos.
  25. I'm a casual MMOer. Got a mid 40's sorc, mid 30's BH and a 12 Operative. I started farming Black Talon for the social points because I couldn't get enough through normal play. I do the daily flashpoints and have an IRL friend that plays with me. We don't do every quest together but always play together when we're both free. I've been playing since day 1 of release. 3 toons and not enough social points between their 90+ levels for social level 2. Was this intended? Because it's creating a situation where people are farming low level flashpoints for social points. Most flashpoints like Cademimu or Red Reaper have virtually no conversations therefore virtually no social points. I think you should get social points for heroics and flashpoints automatically. Obviously you were social, you teamed up for an hour. You were social, yet the social point reflection is negligible. I'd say that's more social than a level 50 running through Black Talon 15 times pulling 3 other level 10's with him just to farm their social points.
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