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Everything posted by kristoffbrujah

  1. It's what sorcs primarily stack, unlike a lot of other classes. In other words, it should be easier for tank classes to come in, interrupt sorcs and kill them before we do sufficient dps to kill you. I didn't say it nerfed only sorcs, but it did nerf a sorc's ability to do damage as a glass cannon class. Don't act like you don't know this.
  2. So what? What does it bloody matter if it's 6 Sorcerers killing you or 1 sorc, 3 merc, and 2 maras? People like sorcerer because of lightning, because it's fun to play. Even if you nerf them, a lot of people will roll sorcerer because you get to play like Palpatine, who is iconic in the SW universe. When Palpatine first showed his face in the newer movies, there was a collective "woooah" and muttering around the theater because everyone thought he was great in Return of the Jedi. Just like a lot of people roll Warrior due to Darth Vader look and two lightsabers, it doesn't mean they're out of control. Just like few people rolled Operatives even before the nerf. Operatives aren't iconic in the SW universe, nobody wants to emulate Grand Moff Tarkin. If Ops had lightsabers instead of a knife but did the same DPS, you'd see far more of them even though they aren't any better than if they had a knife
  3. Wait, I thought they nerfed Sorcs/Sages with the surge nerf? Are you telling me you still can't handle them? Even though people are telling you how? lol bad gamers are bad and QQ, that is all. Next up: nerf tracer missile I died today against a merc.
  4. applause.gif Thank u Bioware, that sounds great.
  5. This, and I'm a sorc. Marauders eat us fro breakfast too. Stealth/leap attack + perma stunlock + insane dps = dead sorcerer. Also Operatives, if they focus on me, can do it. I had a Scoundrel farming me like a trash mob in Voidstar, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. What can I do to mitigate his stealth and burst? Not much considering I don't ever know when he's coming. My sorc has to rely on teammates to protect me from those classes and even then I need a guard up on me. And I'm a healer, but I can't heal through a geared Marauder's burst. So please, just stop. This kind of post is why there are parodies of the MMO community. You expected to win against 6 dps focus firing on you? You'll not survive against 6 Tracer Missiles either, nor 6 Smash, etc.
  6. I'm at work dreaming of warzones, does that count? Being a healer, even low geared such as myself, I win warzones 75% of the time. When I was dps I usually lost most of the time. It makes me feel like I contributed to victory even though I don't get MVP votes as often as others, nor many medals for that matter. Ah screw it, who cares about commendations. I just want to win.
  7. Always surprised me that the Mandalorians never attracted force users. You would think a few Jedi or Sith would stray to their warrior code.
  8. This is an absolutely brilliant post. And I say that as someone who has criticized others for making "I quit" threads. As mainly a PVPer who likes warzones, it's understandable. I actually loved the PVE till level 50 but after 2 months of doing solid PVEing, I needed something new and switched to PVP. This game would have done well with an extra 6 months in development. I know that the "NO OBJECT" box I tried to click on was reported during beta testing, but it's become apparent that they released a product that had little time for polishing. They are now in firefight mode with bugs that should have never launched and it's sad that they are losing people because of it.
  9. Are you saying that Huttball takes no tactics to win? Come on, you know that isn't true. People who screw around in Huttball get punished massively by lopsided scorelines. I've been on those teams before who didn't care about tactics and the match tends to get out of hand rather quickly.
  10. Goodbye, Drew. Also, I really don't think this is cause for concern yet. If the new writer did in fact do Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age, then that is good enough for now. I actually think Drew's writing standards fell down a bit with SWTOR. Probably getting too busy to do two jobs at once. Some of the storylines seem very poor. No offense, Drew. You did write my favorite Bioware game since BG2. Thanks for KOTOR, I'll never ever ever ever ever forget it.
  11. I thought voice overs wouldn't make a difference to me when RPG became fully voiced. Then I played one and couldn't go back. It's something I expect. When I hear Darth Marr's chilling voice or Mako's sarcastic banter, it makes a difference to me. To me, when I hear people say voice acting in MMO is meaningless, I think back to myself 7 years ago thinking the same thing. How wrong I was.
  12. I've found that writers will use other races to make characters interesting. When a writer can only deal with humans, he or she is forced to put more effort into characterization. With premade worlds like the LOTR setting, there is more emphasis on trivial race lore and habits. I don't really care if trolls act and dance like Jamaicans, but I do care that the main villain is interesting and has a depth of character. Really to me, it has ruined a genre that George Martin pulled back to sanity. Off-topic, I know, but my point is that Star Wars is a setting that should allow Bioware to focus its energies on characters and plot, not trivial and uninteresting races and lore. That work was done already by George Lucas and the expanded universe contributors.
  13. My server pop is still the same after it calmed down post launch week. It hasn't changed much since early January. During low population hours it is actually busier than it was in early January. Not sure if that's people from other timezones rolling on my server or what, but it's appreciated.
  14. Go with the agent, I hear it's got a good story and you are versatile near end game. The sorcerer was great for me but at around level 30 your companion tanks become useless. The best companions are dps and healer.... actually any companion but a tank. Also the story after level 30 is abysmally bad.
  15. To me the WoW world is very boring. I never liked the Warcraft setting, it is easily the weakest of the 3 with Diablo being the best and Starcraft 2nd best. Warcraft is a very distant 3rd. Nothing bores me more than hackneyed traditional fantasy settings with elves, dwarves, and especially orcs. These races are just crutches for poor writers and game setting designers.
  16. Play the game if you're having fun. Don't play if you're not having fun. Simple. Games are there to have fun and if you're not, move on.
  17. There is stuff to do but not all of it good. The dailies are an outdated MMO system. A massive borefest to me, I don't even bother unless I need the cash for something. Ilum PVP is a joke, the world is too big for almost any server size. Warzone PVP is fun and I have yet to try the Ops, which also look fun. But the introduction to end-game on Ilum was totally depressing. A dark, lifeless wasteland with slightly more polygons than Hoth. Ilum should have had more colors and been smaller, and been a hub for 50's instead of the fleet. Actually IMHO Ilum doesn't need to exist, the entry to an open world PVP should have been at the fleet and link multiple servers. I can't imagine who at Bioware thought Ilum would be fun. It looks totally uninspired.
  18. Good PVP: Sorcerer, healz spec Merc, Marauder, Assassin Good PVE: Powertech, Arsenal spec Merc, Juggernaut, tank spec Assassin I hate PVE with a sorcerer. So squishy and the companion tanks are as likely to get you killed as help you. The classes are really well balanced as they all seem good in a particular area but not everywhere.
  19. They're there to farm in an non-competitive environment. Let them fight against other premades who want to farm, and let the rest of us fight competitively without a pre-determined outcome.
  20. I don't have a problem with premades during peak hours. Just don't let them PVP together during slow hours. It drives other players away from warzones when they realize the futility and it's hard to get a game going. Nothing as frustrating as waiting around the fleet while people spam "50s plz queue for PVP" on general while some premade is farming medals. Don't they realize they get no medals if there is no one to play against?
  21. Not sure if serious. Try this against a geared Marauder and see how long you live throwing pebbles at him.
  22. Indeed. I will agree that sorcerer has the most tools to deal with any situation. But we cannot focus heal like other healers. Watching a heals Mercenary in their glorious heavy armor mitigating loads of damage, running the Huttball through fire and lolling, it makes me feel weak as a single target healer. We are very squishy compared to other healing classes. It's a tradeoff I knew when I picked the class.
  23. Must say I agree. Anything can happen when no one knows one another. Lots of drama. I lost at Huttball after being up 4-2 with 1 minute to play. They scored twice and grabbed the ball at the end. I've also been down 0-2 when people on my team started to quit and won 5-2. The 4 guys who didn't quit were lolling at the quitters. That could never happen if everyone is on Vent and we're coordinating like a freaking Navy SEAL team. Premade in PVP = boring unless it's against another premade.
  24. Sad part is, they didn't even need to do this. There are quality engines out there that would have cost more money but would have been top quality.
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