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    Registered Nurse
  1. Is it possible to remove the visual effect of kinetic ward? I really hate having an asteroid belt around me and I'm beginning to hate it so much I'd rather do 15% less shield chance than see that stupid thing. Why not do it like the assassin has? A brief animation then it disapears.
  2. With the three pvp armours for level 40, which 'set' is meant for which build? I know the assault is meant for shield vanguards, but what about patrol and centurion?
  3. I'd like to do flashpoints and heroics but not as the primary means of leveling. Those would be more about aquiring gear and commendations (for mods/gear). I'd say the primary means of xp would be from completing planetary missions, and that I dare say means I'll be doing them when they're green given how early planets give an insane amount of levels if you do it all. I might PvP but only to get a few modafiable items for augmenting companion gear. I wonder, would 'full vigilance to plasma brand then points elsewhere' work with Doc (and maybe T7 tanking or Kira dpsing prior to Doc), swapping to tanking form for elites work? Or would it be better to do hybrid spec, leveling the vig side of things and then defence, and use the tanking form all the way from 14-50? This is of course assuming I am primarily doing missions and only doing each flash points a few times for gear (joining as dps or tank depending on spec chosen).
  4. Not interested in PvP though, thought I said that at the start.
  5. Even during the off-peak hours? At those moments the Fleet has less than 15 people there on average making it hard to find groups. Heck, it's often in single-figure numbers.
  6. Elysium is too underpopulated on republic side so I am looking elsewhere. I'm wondering what would be a good server to join if I want a PvE server which has a good population size for the republic even during the 'low population' hours - which I assume would be like 11pm-7am on USA time zones? I keep hearing Harbinger and Canderous Ordo? Are they good for what I'm after or are there better PvE servers out there? I'm asking specifically for off-peak population times specifically as I am Australian and during our evenings it's the quietest time for servers it appears. Either PvE or RP servers I'm after, basically anything which isn't "PvP".
  7. I got sick of a low pop server and moved to Harbinger. I had a 45 vigilance jedi guardian on my former server and will be making a JKG again on this one. However, I'm wondering, would going the defence route instead of vigilance affect me positively or negatively in terms of soloing in missions and doing flashpoints? Theoretically I lose dps but gain survivability. However without first hand experience playing as a tank-spec through the leveling process I cannot make an informed decision based upon my own experiences. This is where people here come in. Can I get your thoughts on this matter? I'm looking for the more 'effecient' route to go. I know I'd need to give up plasma brand (the coolest looking move I had as a JKG) and overhead slash, but do I gain more effeciency than I'd lose? Thanks for your time and consideration. ps: PvP is an afterthought and by no means has any revelvence to my decision making process.
  8. One awesomething about being a tank over being dps as a sabre user: you are the one who is visually 'dueling' that enemy sabre user. The dps players are just taking swings at them but they aren't in the duel like you. The tank is the one getting to do the blocks and whatnot as if they were in the movies. This is a aesthetic thing of course but come on, aesthetics is just as important as statistics!Why be kick arse if you can't look kick arse at the same time. It's why Neo never wore a singlet, mullet and footy shorts in his fights. ps: If you can fight with one sabre, while the other guy needs two... aren't *you* the true duelist?
  9. I'm wishing to move to a new PvE server as the one I've been playing on (picked due to name only, big mistake) is 'light' most of the time and when it is 'standard' it's probably only barely making that grade. So, I'm wondering, what is Harbinger like from the republics perspective? Is there a good balance between factions or is it a 'mainly imperial', or 'mainly republic' server? If Harbinger is mainly imperial, what other higher populated PvE servers are out there which have a more mature/decent/non-idiot populous? And what is it like for finding groups to do flashpoints an heroics? On my server most of the time it's a real chore and often a failed chore at that. I'd like a server where I don't need to loiter for ages and evenually give up etc. I'd like to know what I'm getting in for this time. Thanks for any help people may offer.
  10. Whicih would be the more effecient route to go while leveling my vanguard? I mainly PvE, doing WZ's casually (casual-casually prehaps) for accumulating points to spend later at 40 on armour etc, and to do the PvP missions at Carrack. I don't mind tanking and at 50 will plan on going tank as main role, but for now the majority of my time will be spent doing missions solo (wiith so little people on a planet at once this isn't really a surprise eh). However I'd also like to be able to do respectable DPS in my own right, not just relying on my companion; especially since I'll probably be using my healer companion now at 25. So, would I be better at going defence route which allows better solo play versus the elites and champions out there, as well as tank better in flashpoints along the way to 50. Or, would I be better going one of the other two dps trees as you can still tank flashpoints and handle solo elites/champions while doing missions solo, on the way to 50? I'll assume going either route I'd be using gear with tanking secondary stats when they're availiable for flashpoint tanking. Thanks for your time and any thoughts/suggestions.
  11. I know of tor-loot.com which is great for listing flashpoint drops, however I am wondering is there a website which lists the rewards the classes get from doing heroic and bonus sieres missions? I don't mean torhead or databases like that, but rather one more like tor-loot which tells you what missions result in what item reward. I'm interested in this for the modifiable armour in particular that can sometimes be given. Thanks.
  12. IRL Mortars take a few seconds to get to their target, so while it takes a 'while' to start firing, its still a lot faster from go to whoa using mortars in game than IRL so don't complain too much.
  13. I didn't know my friend would get 5xp for the quest turn-in reward though. I only thought mob-kills xp would suffer. Ye gads. I guess that's to discourage power-leveling? We were only really interested in the story line rather than the xp, but wow, there's no way it'd work if I played ahead. Yea that's the sad reality. I'll need to pick either my smuggler or trooper to be 'left behind' for when my friend can play. Which of those two classes are the less-fun? The trooper (can't decide between vangnuard or commando regardless if I solo or duo it) or gunslinger? I guess I'd play with my friend using the 'less fun' class to minimise my resentment of the friend for making me play it less often. ps: When I say less-fun I don't mean to assume a class isn't fun. Just slightly less fun than the other. 99 dollars is less money than 100 dollars but it's still something we'd like to have (wierd analogy).
  14. My friend likes playing healers because well, it's all my friend can do well in other games. Ranged dps to an extent but can't keep using abilities fast enough to get the full dps potential. As such my friend is probably going to go Sage or maybe Smugger. Which non-JK class would go well with that? Trooper or smuggler (the smugger only if friend goes consular)? Which is better in a duo (or which is better running solo?). Maybe smuggler to duo with the friend's consular? If the friend heals, the companion(s) could be the tanks while I sling guns? Bah. Bah indeed! Why couldn't there be one ****** class compare to the other lot and make my choice a lot simpler!
  15. The thing about opinions is most people think that while everyone else has 'opinion', they themselves have 'fact'.
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