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Everything posted by glocklB

  1. That's exactly what I meant. I play with normal mouse and still don't have to use ctrl or alt modifiers more then on few abilities on few classes. Shift is natural to me, so I don't miss Naga or any other mouse with many buttons. My response was directed to the guy that said something along "Keybinds = Naga" and claimed that Naga is the only reason of success. Which is completely wrong, and it could be somewhat correct if the number of abilities essential to keybind would be 2 or 3 times bigger then it currently is.
  2. Clicking is less effective. Period. There are some pretty good clickers around, but the fact if player uses keyboard to turn he's a fairly easy kill to a half-skilled melee using keybinds. In 8v8 crowd nature of fights makes clicking a bit viable - if you are not focused and allowed to turret dps/heal, then clicking will work quite ok. It fails very badly when things come to mobile encounters, such as any focus fire or just melee on you, any 1v1 etc. The less people in group fight the less chance you will be allowed to turret-cast and thus arenas will make keybinds even more "must use" approach. Someone mentioned that keybinders bought Naga mouse with over 9000 buttons and now this mouse is the only reason they are good. You're wrong. I would be glad to have additional mouse buttons, but mine is pretty simple one. 2 buttons + clickable wheel. My hands aren't big either, and I go only up to "6" and "shift+5" digit bindings. Still for the most toons I have enough bindings with just using shift modifier. For operative, marauder and jugg I need few keybinds with either alt or ctrl modifier, and that's it. I do bind only what I need in combat, and click speeder, class buffs, stims and whatever **** I don't need in combat.
  3. Did you include all speeders you have or just part of them? :D
  4. I'll break it for you Wrong. The only melee it may work against - deception assassin, and only IF this assassin maniacally tries to use maul on you instead of using other stuff. Which is again very wrong. I'll start from the end. Even if the beginning would all be correct, a good melee wouldn't backpedal but strafe back 1-2 steps instead. Let's go through melees with leaps to clarify their limits for you Marauder Annihilation: minimum range is decreased in anni tree to 5 meters. Backpedal "kiting" (sounds hilarious) at 4-10m failed. Carnage: has 10m range 3s root + a bit increased naturally speed -> no kiting within 10m either. Rage: obliterate. No kiting within 10m. Period. Add here 1 billion of snares they have, your backpedal -> you will be hardly faster then a dead turtle. So none of marauder specs is vulnerable to kiting at 4-10m distance even if it wouldn't be backpedaling. Juggernaut Overall they have a 10m push, that gives them 1 more way to approach within 10m distance (push+leap ofc). Rage: same as marauder. Impossible to kite at 4-10m distance. Vengeance and defense don't have ways to close 4-10m gap afaik other then push+leap. 4 out of 6 are completely irrelevant to your attempts to "kite" them within 4-10m distance (it's even a bad idea against them actually). Back pedaling can be acceptable definitely. But not in cases you listed. Absolutely. I would bet most of the guys who fail at dps with sorc do "backpedal kiting". How would backpedal help you to place a maul on a guy? Move forward - backpedal in melee vs melee might be one of the ways to make your opponent waste a gcd because of LOS. Still there are numerous ways to make this happen in melee fight, and this one absolutely isn't the most effective. Clicker I see. Although it was evident before this line to be completely honest. "Someone" said about melee vs melee use of backpedal before and now they say they don't do it on melee chars. Another fail. A small puzzle for you in the end: You fight melee that fits your criteria (can't leap to you from <10m distance). Distance is 7m. He's slowed, moves at 60% speed. You backpedal, move at 50%. For example he's doesn't go back to leap to you, but tunnel you, so it's "your heaven". In ~5s he will be within 4m range so he'll be able to use melee attacks (he can easily use 4-10m attacks before it btw). And now consider that you don't backpedal, but strafe from him: 2 steps, wait a bit, rince and repeat. Your average speed will be 67%. You can wait longer if you want to decrease distance a bit. Works 10000 times better. No backpedal. Learn 2 kite. /thread
  5. A few pretty fun moments in vid. Thanks, enjoyed it
  6. Oh c'mon, don't be silly. Just a reminder for you: there is a match making system on pts right now. Considering your rating is below 800 Well, you got the point
  7. So many people noticed that OP is backpedaling, but no one noticed him clicking and keyboard-turning?
  8. I second this. I see only 3 topics on first page, need moar
  9. Some criticism for you Oh, no, please. Everyone now complains about lack of burst in madness spec, let's spread the damage even more... Let's just make dots duration 90s, so once sorc puts his (4.2k / 30 ticks = 140 damage per tick omg) dots on anyone you can't even dream to cc them soon. but ye, it's awesome 140 damage every 3 seconds. In addition, this skill does not increase base damage of ability afaik (I'm not 100% sure about this point, but I believe it is true), why would anyone want to spread its damage even more then it is right now? I believe I tested it quite long ago, maybe even before 2.0, and it seemed to decrease damage per tick. Waaaay too much. Right now main shock crits for ~4k, you want off-shock hitting for 6k? Really? This ability is on 6s cooldown. It's just another way to make an auto-win ability. Oh how I would like to have more ways to reduce damage input, but it's definitely too much. Sorcs aren't so much behind other classes in terms of survivability. In fact the only problem with sorc survivability is keeping sorc alive under strong focus fire (current 8v8 ranked wzs), because in 1v1 for example sorcs survivability is much higher then most classes can provide. We have yet to see what's gonna be in 4v4 ranked wzs, but it's clearly gonna be something between 8v8 and 1v1, and it might even happen to be balanced more or less with other classes (with few well known exceptions of course).
  10. You definitely needed to create another topic with the same title/content.
  11. You might have forgotten "Joke" sign in the end
  12. Only dps sorcerers can heal to full and they are designed to make everyone else pay for playing this game. Sorcs are the only source of Bioware profit due to this simple fact (currently we accept payments as subscriptions and cartel coins purchases).
  13. I'm pretty sure it will be possible to go 3 deception + 1 op healer since atm I doubt they will restrict a shadow speced dps to queue as a tank. Plus if I read correct there are no role restrictions for ranked arenas, thus you might be able even to go 4 deceptions if you want. Not saying it's better then 3 + 1 healer, but it's probably possible
  14. I demand to make saber ward a passive ability without down time with 100% force/tech damage reduction and 100% defense increase. It will bring marauders back to ranked warzones where none of living souls ever saw them.
  15. in this situation respec dps would make your damage ~1mil, and your team would probably crush enemy team much easier Edit: also the guy I quoted mentioned completely another case. I can imagine if you have 8 healers you're gonna have problems with damage, but ask your team about their spec pre-match if you're not sure about number of healer. 4 healers is always overheal, unless they aren't anywhere good or opponent team is able to focus and time burst well (in absence of a tank even 8 healers wouldn't keep everyone alive)
  16. Mostly correct, but with some invalid points still. - 1mil itself isn't an issue in full 15m game. Very easy to achieve as you can see it requires just a bit more then 1k hps which easily doable even without any team support given one team isn't facerolled by another. - point about is half-correct revivifaction, not completely though. Even if only 2-3 people use its healing it is much better then any other heal. Its radius is much larger then visual (about 2 times larger). The only moment you don't wanna use it - when your opponent has multiple aoe pressure specs like smash + if your team is reasonable enough not to stack. While former happens quite often, the latter is like a gods gift in regulars, so basically there's always a way to it, but of course it's situational If guys in your group will open their eyes and just try to sit somewhere within healing radius (sometimes they have to move like 1m) it will be useful for the team as a whole. Everything else is correct except dps part. I can't imagine any reason for a healer to start dpsing instead of healing his teammates. Doing damage -> ineffectively spends your force, prevents your healing, its damage is pathetic. Stun or overload aren't damage tools, but rather kiting tools. Sometimes you see an unnoticed sniper with 1k hp (almost dead) casting ambush on your buddy, you may wanna finish him with a shock. This case falls under damage mitigation category (you saved ~6k hp of your teammate), but it happens pretty infrequently when you can kill someone so easy.
  17. Healer in pvp must have a good reaction in order to survive. Recently I've been mostly running healz even though dps was always my primary spec. There are different ways to help your team for a healer: - healing -- bubble everyone who's under pressure, force armor is your best friend -- use rejuvenate (i might confuse some names coz mainly play a sorc) on cooldown, on different targets, aim to use it those who actually need heals (using it on someone with 100% is also ok since it gives a buff, but you'd better not waste your healing) -- after rejuvenate use either healing trance or salvation (with at least 1 stack of speedup) --- with 3 stacks i usually prefer to use consumption 1 time and then salvation unless i'm under serious pressure myself -- casting benevolence or deliverence is quite situational. if you're focused more likely you won't be able to finish delieverence cast, if not - sometimes i throw out some of them -- benevolence is very force inefficient, using it very often will eat your force pool, use it only when someone is under strong pressure and your healing trance is on cd. Always use bubble prior to any of benevolence or deliverence - damage mitigation And that is what often underused by healers. It won't raise your healing numbers itself, and sometimes even contrairily. -- cleanse ftw --- cleanse dot effects off your buddies and yourself, especially do it if you see something scary on them - like force exhaustion --- cleanse force-based mezzes (warrior mezz and both inquisitors = lift and sap), preferably remove 'em from the top dps or a decent tank depending on your situation. You won't be able to cleanse everyone due to 4.5s cooldown --- cleanse slows and other debuffs, knights in your team will be so happy to see that they can move again faster then turtle. some of debuffs decrease accuracy or damage. This one is less important though, still sometimes cleansing a slow off your team mate may save a day (everyone knows how pathetic smuggler roll is when he's slowed) -- interrupt ranged classes it's not mandatory to do, but sometimes if you can interrupt thundering blast - do it. This interrupt may worth 6k healing. Do it so that it wouldn't mess your healing though (do it fast). Against thundering blast - cleansing a targeted person also may worth about 4-5k hp (removes auto-crit of thundering blast and undelivered damage of affliction/weaken mind) If healer spends time on dpsing while his buddies are dying... well, it's a bad way to spend your resources. Using second set (mitigation) of options is a must for a good healer, even though it won't raise your numbers. I use it a lot and usually end up with around ~1.4k hps without a tank. Sometimes higher and sometimes lower depending on pressure enemy team creates. Yesterday in novare coast I got 1.8k hps with 1.5mil healing while utilizing damage mitigation, and few times switched to west to help (a bit of lost healing due to moving between nodes) 2 points I didn't mention - survival and burst healing. I have an opinion on how to utilize them best, but it's arguable thus I won't mention it here. I may /message you my opinion in short privately though if you want.
  18. Simply wrong. Every role is supposed to do what they are meant to do, not to bump their medals by dpsing in healing spec. Guarding a node from afar doesn't give you defender points, while it's usually much better to do, etc Seriously, read the post, it has a very good point: "look for ways to improve your play". Even if you would be the best member of your team, you should've done it first. There is infinite space to improve. Don't wanna stress attention on you being a clicker, but I hardly believe a clicker can perform on par with keybinder (I don't mean you or anyone else, but refer to max capabilities of both approaches), so I can see at least one way for you to improve, without even watching the game.
  19. I see Gosia there in opponent team. I can imagine what (or better say who) exactly made your team quit
  20. It's not so easy for sin, actually. Using shroud makes you vulnerable to whirlwind right out of gate. This night I had, say ~12 duels, with a very good shadow. Didn't win 50% of games, but i guess i might have won 5 out of 12, which is quite good. Of course his mistakes helped me in some of duels (we both were sleepy), but it isn't so easy for assassin. If assassin isn't really good and makes mistakes on regular basis he will probably lose much more often. Madness sorcs actually have some ways to counter deception, they aren't enough if deception plays accurately and adjusts playstyle specifically for madness sorcerer, but if deception doesn't adjust playstyle sorc has pretty solid chance to recover and win. PS: I refer to normal duels, with all cds ready (we don't usually use consumable medpacs, adrenals, etc) for example in outlaw's den pit. Wzs are a bit different in this regard, but with all cds ready I tend to think wzs give sorc some help (due good LoS capabilities)
  21. I find that I win ~95% of duels, and the rest 5% I lose to the same people who plays 1v1 close to perfect (no or few mistakes). And it's really difficult to win them unless they screw something up or I will catch them, which is practically the same because in 1v1 main goal is to screw your opponents play. I'm far from a perfect player in 1v1, but I haven't seen anyone not making mistakes ever either. I don't believe one exists in the whole world. Anyway there are some specs I find close to impossible to win against on sorc if they play flawless duel.
  22. Very correct points. Too bad SWTOR doesn't give opportunity to record game replay like for example starcraft always did. Recording video helps, but it isn't nearly the same, plus it halfs fps
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