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Everything posted by glocklB

  1. Haha, ye, that's obviously the case described by OP. Recently I solo kept 4 enemies at hypergate from capping on my sorc in... wait for it... lightning spec. These guys didn't even kill me in the end, and I held it for almost a minute. PS: The game was decided long before this moment so I didn't even bother to call incs (7 of others would have capped other pylon or realised that mid is underpopulated by our opponents). They came, but any 4 capable players would tear me apart during this minute and capped
  2. Nothing is correct here. 6 good dps will destroy 2 healers (of any quality). They will probably eat them even through defensive cds I presume, but even if not - defensives won't keep them alive for long. You clearly don't understand much about burst and healing, because say a lightning sorcerer can dish out 20k within 1-2 gcd. (polarity shift, TB, recklessness, lightning barrage FL, instant chain lightning). Add 2 more bursty dpsers - any of sniper, deception, smash - and more likely one of healers will drop before he's able to use any of his defensive cds through 1-2 stuns.
  3. If it's gonna be like group finder then I don't see a problem to queue in 2 tanks, 2 healers for example. Every tank/heal class has its dps tree and can queue for both roles. Anyway I've been eagerly waiting for smaller scale battles and even though I would prefer 1v1 ladder, 4v4 TDD gonna be something interesting. In the end of the day: groups of 2 tanks and 2 healers or 4 healers won't kill anyone for sure if opponent has 1 healer, and contrarily 3 dpsers can burst down a non-guarded healer (4 healers group is going to be an easy shot IMO). Arena match time limit with reasonable winner definition would work for stalemate cases. Assuming that heals and tanks are both aimed to stale the game even overall damage could be considered as a tie-break stat.
  4. Few good points were given here. To summarize them: Do not trust anyone you don't know. In other words trust only people in group with you (add friends queued separately). You'll keep losing until you do everything for (instead of) your team. Don't expect inc calls from people you don't know, focus a guard, be aware of team numbers in center fight and you will easily notice the moment when you should move to the side node.
  5. - There is nothing wrong with his skill. - Learn to comprehend because he didn't say anything particular about end-game bolster. All he said is that bolster is meant to make stats more equal, and obviously it can't be argued.
  6. This. Also I would like to add, that this game was a perfect setup for gaining "big numbers": - many healers in enemy team - few dpsers in your - nearly zero tanking - probably, the fight in mid was endless In these circumstances with operative healers in enemy team tab-dotting doesn't do anything noticable in objective terms in my opinion.
  7. Once i got something like the TS described. Nothing could fix it before i restarted the game (relog didn't help). ctrl+u fix didn't help at all, the screen was restored to the same state - without ops frame, without targets, without almost everything. So it would be unpleasant to play since i wouldn't even see my current target
  8. Liked. Seriously i was consindering that there is something wrong with TS until i started reading the suggestions. They would fix this spec a bit. Not completely though
  9. Only if the healers mate will be idle while you're on him. From what I remember 2v2 tournament on Bastion final was Conceilment Operative and Deception Assassin vs Combat Sentinel and Sawbones Scoundrel. Match ended 2:1 in favor of 2 dpsers, but these 2 have the biggest burst in game, and only in 1 game out of 3 they were able to down a sentinel really quickly. Other then that, the game could flow in completely other way
  10. I was about to start tearing my hair out after I read this
  11. I wonder what premades you guys are talking about. Good players will always be good. If you are used to losing games to bads, then probably bolster won't change much against good players. Additionally, it's obvious that ewh (63Q) is significantly worse then Partizan (new 63Q) because of armoring/hilt main stats. While it's not bolstered (due to high item level) it's obvious to any reasonable person, that ewh/wh geared players will be in stat-disadvantage comparing to pre-50 geared players. What I don't understand is why some people prefer to QQ or joy about it. Once people will get to level 55 and buy new gear this is gonna end anyway. At the moment majority of pvpers don't even realise that wearing pve armorings/hilts/crystals hurts their effectiveness (fashion of pre 2.0), bolster bug related to relics also gives some significant stats disparity, which places high-level players unawared of these things into disadvantage. I don't QQ, just noted obvious points. Personally I played occasionally ~20 games on 3 of my 50+ toons and lost only 2 games. All of toons are wh/ewh, unequiped pvp relics during wz, and replaced all pve modifications.
  12. glocklB

    lol bolster

    I corrected one word for you PS: didn't play on live server yet after 2.0 release, but according to what I've seen on PTS, I guess state of live pvp atm is noticably worse then it was on PTS.
  13. Oh... 2nd nerf to LI when they nerfed it first time I thought "they couldn't make it easier", and now they found a way to do it
  14. My favourites are for sure (since it's imperial terminology): 1. Juggernaut (tanking role, current 18/23/0 hybrid), Sorcerer (madness) and Marauder (carnage). 2. A bit behind - assassin and operative. 3. Sniper and powertech trailing. Didn't play commando for quite long time, but i guess i would put him somewhere between 2nd and 3rd. I believe the sorcerer is the most favourite though. Played almost exclusively sorc until last double xp weekends (got 50 on marauder just today). Still I believe favourites will be different depending even on player's mood. Different play styles, for example: Madness sorcerer is catty: never engaging direct combat and able to do hilarious kills with near 100% hp left. Decent class/spec when you want to tease/enrage your opponents Carnage marauder: I feel myself a predator when I play him (wouldn't like the idea of facing a good madness sorcerer though ). Able to kill everything in mere seconds, still sometimes able to kite (yeah, i like it) baddies shortly with deadly throw -> 4-10m -> scream / vicious throw Tanking style is like field commander - while responsible for lives of your group mates you control the flow of the battle by appropriate tanking and ccs. Also an exciting experience.
  15. Well... sometimes inability of people to count enemies involved in fight with them surprises me more and more. I'll tell you another sad true story... Even sadder, i've lost ability to speak for 1 minute after I saw THIS. It was voidstar, defense round, first set of doors. I'm leaving respawn after death, go left and see 1 barely alive defender against 3 attackers, i call "left 3" (we had something like 5 at right door, 3 at left: me, last alive defender + the guy leaving respawn with me). Our teammates start moving from right door to us (by 1-2 a time), after 15s it's already 6v4 in our favor on the left door. And the last 2 defenders of right door cross the fence between doors while at the same moment (10m in front of them) 3 players from opponent's team inc the door they've just left Needless to say I rushed to that door (I was 30m away from the fence, so you imagine I had to cross ~50m to that door), didn't even call incs because I couldn't believe in what I saw. Managed to interrupt the cap twice and died eventually. All this time none of 7 brave heroes fighting 1-3 enemy players on left door had thought about another door. Well, while counting enemies was discussed earlier, leaving unguarded node while you actually see incomings to that node... Well... Once I was on lucky end of this type account Voidstar, attack round. I go right, all the rest go left. This time I see the only shy jedi guardian, the rest after a short consideration left him alone (went to another door). I teased him a bit with dots and instants, took him to ~70% while he failed the only opportunity to leap to me and still was at 30m range. I must have blown his mind at this point, because then he just heads to another door leaving me alone and letting to cap (yes there were no stealther guards I didn't see) It was hilarious
  16. I live in Europe, play on Europe server and never have ping lower then 90ms (and 130-200ms on high population hours). Hell i'm used to playing with consistent lags
  17. LOL What? This would be a good start? :D I guess I should thank BW for keeping you away from balancing in this game
  18. Now I watched a voidstar video a bit and looked through your tips for skills. I have more comments now 1. While I'm not an eager opponent of backpedaling in combat (still I don't use it in combat ), you backpedal way too much. Waaaaay tooooo much. 2. You didn't even seem to try to gain distance (kite). 3. The video is called "getting hunted like i stole something" - you weren't hunted at all. Believe me I know what "being hunted" means since lot of my republic friends (my main is a sorc) mark me as soon as they see me (not bothering if I play dps or heals). Being really hunted is when you almost always have at least 4 people on you. The best way to figure it out is to play heals in the group without a tank, capable dps and no other heals against a reasonable opponent Personally I often happen to be "hunted" by 2-4 people during the whole game (usually they stick to me after shameful losses in 1v1 or 1v2 scenarios). The more shame in their defeat the longer they try to hunt me. It works awesome when someone caps/scores the ball right behind backs of 4 angry customers I could even say that I enjoy being hunted. Then skills... I couldn't move along after reading them... 1. Not really a problem, but worth mentioning that you have to wear full force-master set to be able to use project from 35m distance. Personally I prefer stalker set, and I still have 2 skills (interrupt and slow) to interrupt cap from 35m distance. Also force slow with 35m is a decent tool in 1v1 against any leaping/pulling melee. 2. I wouldn't recommend putting any points into increasing length of weaken mind or mind crush. There are 2 reasons: - it doesn't increase damage, hence dealt damage is spread in time even more - having dots on enemy prevents you from effective use of lift. The longer your dots live the longer you'll have to wait before they wear off. 3. FIB is a major hitting ability. You can't just use it on people with low hp or groups. Use it on cooldown, sometimes you might wanna to wait few sec more to get more targets in area of effect. Also I thought you said that pvp is not about rotations, which is mostly correct (still there are some rotation-like considerations sage should follow), but now you say, that 1v1 is like normal pve rotation. Now I understand why you think, that 1v1 is not for sage 4. Marauders don't have "anti-stun buff after leap" 5. Mind snap is more useful then you think. Some more uses: - force choke. Of course you'll have to use breaker to interrupt force choke being used on you, but you can interrupt it easily when you see them choking someone of your teammates. - interrupting cap. In fact the best way to interrupt the cap "last time" (if you're the last guarding and you're going to die in seconds), because you prevent the capper from recapping for the next 4 seconds. 6. Stun breaker should be used depending on situation. Using it "only when your resolve bar is full" is dumb. Sometimes you have to use it on 1-2s root just to prevent the cap whether your resolve is full or not. 7. Rescue. As it was said somewhere above - it's much more then "a pull in huttball". Very useful in a wide variaty of situations. 8. Heals are useful from time to time. It was already said above. 9. Tips for stun/lift and force speed are about 50% correct. They do not involve kiting, it was obvious from the video, you don't seem to kite at all. I would say this and lack of LOS usage were your main mistakes in mentioned voidstar game.
  19. While I appreciate your decision to write an actual guide, I must disagree with you in several points. Here are some of them: 1. Hybrid is absolutely not the most mobile build. Balance is much better for kiting. The only advantage of suggested hybrid is weaken mind proc for TK throw. Is it good enough or not to replace sever force? Everyone should decide for themselves, but it definitely do not give any additional mobility while sever force is good kiting tool. 2. Sage is absolutely one of the best dueling classes. At least balance in fact i would place 2nd (with allowed use of consumables) among all specs after tank assassins in dps gear. Hell I become happy when I see an opportunity to 1v1. Also these 1v1s are sometimes so hilarious 3. Alacrity is garbage for any balance-shifted specs in pvp, exchange all possible points for surge 4. Frankly existance of section 3 (suggestions for devs) made me sad. You see it is a guide, not a QQ-thread. Don't fully disagree with them, but it's just wrong place. I didn't see pre1.2 phase, sorc was my first toon, and when i was picking it I didn't know anything about all classes (directed by preference of mage-classes) Didn't read anything about how you suggest to use skills.
  20. Prepare to face hatred of those who QQs about premades right now. Although i've never complained about premades, I think it's too bold to ask possibility to queue in the full ops group against pugs. Also if you're good... khm... what did happen to lowbie warzones since i was there? Usually if the wz group gets 1-2 decent players it wins ~80% of times. What must happen to prevent winning of group with 4 good players in lowbie warzone?
  21. Awesome video: great montage and good skill. There are not so many not-facetanking sorcs, it's always a pleasure to watch a good sorc in action Especially 7/3/31 madness which is my favourite by far. Cheers!
  22. Here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=614854 Mercs and mando are also OP
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