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Everything posted by RG_jhanlec

  1. When I ran carnage (combat) i also spec'd that deadly throw immobalize, With that and master strike immobilize its actually OK. In the end, Mara/sent are the best DPS class in the game; but its harder to be good at than say a sorc/sage. You need to constantly move, use the right skills at the right time and pay attention to your CDs. After using them enough, I have a good enough "mental clock" to know when something is up and for how long, but you still need to look sometimes.
  2. The only people that think sorc/sage aren't OP are sorc/sages. This is pretty common amongst all classes in every MMO with PvP that face nerfs. Ultimately I feel sorcs are not ridiculously OP (they can die quickly to some classes if they don't have CDs), rather resolve and the whole knock back root system is terrible. However, since sorc/sage can take advantage of this mechanic the most, they seem and kind of are OP. My personal experience with this comes from when I played WoW in vanilla and TBC. I had a feral druid, but healed T1, T2 since it was the only viable option for the class. TBC comes out and feral is revamped and seriously OP. Finally I win a lot; when nerfs were mentioned it made me angry that they finally make the class viable and now they will nerf it into the ground. In the end, from the outside looking in and having quit the game a long time ago, it was the right decision. The only class that could kill feral druids were warlocks if they could get off chain fears; not really fair right? Sorc/sages only real enemy at the moment are operative/scoundrel or uneven numbers... Ops and scoundrels are the easiest to kite, so if they dont get a sorc/sage down to under 20% with openers, its over. On top of that in the face of melee, with resolve the way it is, this is similar to lock chain fears with roots. Not as extreme, but dang close.
  3. I tried making this argument 6-8 weeks ago when I started to notice that majority of PvP matches were Sorc/Sage heavy. Sorc/Sage would make up at least 60% of the total players, of the remaining 40% half would be BH/commando and the rest would be a miscellaneous split of IA/Smugg, JK/SW, Sin/Shadow vanguard/pt. Just rename the Hutball to Sorcball and watch people get knocked back every 2-4 seconds all over the map and be rooted and beat on in an almost comical way. BH/commando getting nerfs is way off the mark imho. TM/GR is easily interrupted and LoS, constant roots and insta cast crits for the same 2-3k damage is silly. EDIT* Ive never played the BM or commando, just feel they are easy to kill as a marauder.
  4. Have a 50 mara valor 61 and friend is valor 66 mara. I can say this since we both played each a while and both settled on the opposite. I run Annihilation (Watchmen), the longer you stay up, the more your DPS outshines the carnage(combat) tree. The Combat tree has higher spike damage by far; time your relic, gore (precision slash), berserk (centering) and massacre (blade rush) spam 6 times with a force scream (blade storm) at the end and you will have taken out 1-2 people depending on their gear and use of cool downs. This all in 6-10 seconds... When these things are down the other 2-5 min of fighting your DPS is significantly lower than most DPS specs. For PvP, this is actually quite nice though, having huge spike damage in short spurts almost guarantees the death of a carrier, healer, solo guard of node. The reason I took annihilation was because after 5 damage skills you are now hitting every hit 8% harder and bleeds add up fast! Annihilate(merciless slash) can crit for 4-5k depending on your gear and theirs and has an internal buff to lower CD of its next use. Stay alive for 30 seconds while fighting (not too hard to do on most occasions) and every 7.5 sec you have a big hitter up that now fits in perfectly with your rotation of rage builders dumps. So basically, stay alive for 30 seconds and keep yourself in combat for most of it and become a one man team wrecker (have a pocket healer and its silly). Also, annihilation adds a HoT. Very weak overall, but when berserk (centering) is going you get all in party near you that same heal. I have finished many WZs with 500-600k damage and 100K+ in heals. With all that said, both are really good in the long run, really should fit it to your play style in the end.... a.k.a. what you like better and feel you play better.
  5. Good to know. I have a 50 jugg and 50 marauder and found that Quinn was worthless for the same reason. He heals when I am at 90%, then when I am taking on 2 strongs and at 10% with no CDs left I look and his heals are off CD and he is auto-attacking the mob.... I used Vette (ranged dps lvl 10 companion) on my jugg all the way up with Doc a handful of hard fights. I used Jaessa (similar to Kira) on my Marauder all the way. At lvl 50 Jaessa in full champ gear with 2 pieces of rakata (implant, ear) solos so much stuff. She can be squishy though... Leveling a sent right now to see the Republic story line (overall and knight class). Sadly, I am finding the Republic story and JK especially lacking when compared to the sith warrior line; but I am just getting to tatooine... maybe it gets better.
  6. Have 2 guild members that suffer this fate as well. I got 2 on my first 2 bags and 1 on bag 25-30ish... Its kind of lame really when the gear isnt that much better than Champion and rakata is so much better and actually takes a lot less time to get.
  7. I should have stopped reading here as well. This is almost "best of craigslist" worthy relative to these forums. Myself, have a valor 65 Juggernaut and valor 46 marauder. I have also unsubbed. I am truly saddened that this game has failed to deliver on so many aspects. As a warrior/knight class I feel cheated more than the rest as well.
  8. Best way to get orange at lvl gear is to run the FPs that drop the equivalent commendations. So run some hammer station, MR, etc and the small bosses and elites often drop orange gear. Aside from that, scour the GT and such. Bracers and belt will be hardest, but least important really. The bracers cant be seen and most belts share models save for the lvl 50 tier stuff.
  9. I do have a sniper, not high lvl (23) and I pvp a lot so far on it (10-23 99% pvp). The class is a non-kite ranged class. I agree it needs to some tweaks for sure, but they seem OK overall. The main issue is that this is a melee class that needs to be constantly moving and the skill itself is a channel, but then on top of that it bugs and you get stuck in entire animation even though no one is around. Its a self CC with no reductions of defense like cover. Don't want to argue it, this is like a blind person and a def person arguing over who is more handicapped. Both function, but not to 100% for one reason or another.
  10. I wouldn't care for either push or pull, to me they are the lamest mechanics in pvp already. I would be willing to bet that at least 10-20% of kills in hutball come from this, which essentially makes them a 1 shot kill with the possibility of killing more than 1 person for the AoE knock back with root talent. I would like a non-talented root. Every other class gets roots that cause no resolve, last 2-5 seconds and allow them to get away easy and then unload on you. A non-talented root to hold someone down for 2-3 seconds would be perfect in my opinion. If it is talented, needs to be a low level talent for almost all to take, just like in SI tree. Ours is 2 tiers and 3 tiers higher (in the carnage tree only) than the other classes. For annihilation folks like myself I don't have these at all. just my 2 cents.
  11. I chimed on in the in-game help "loot issue" section and was written back with something along the lines of; "We are aware of the issues and disparity of drops in PvE end-game content, please use the suggestion box in the forums... etc". I also have noticed that there are almost no str/end medium armor drops in game. On top of that it seems that I rarely get tier drops either. I started to count a week or two ago and I have seen BH, IA drop tier of final boss 12-14 times. The normal boss drops have all been IA, SI drops. My companions out-gear me so much now its a joke. Heck Jaessa has 3 pieces of columni gear already and Quinn has 2 pieces. I have 2: boots, helm.... rest is PvP and rakata daily items.
  12. Not really, I love the class, even with all its shortcomings. My regret was rolling a Jugg to 50, getting 50+ valor and then trying marauder and finding I love it that much more. Now I have a lvl 50 mara valor 40 and couldn't be happier. I do however wish they would adjust something to make melee more attractive in PvP. Getting sick of facing teams of all ranged in which 80% are usually sorc/sage. You can only LoS a few and the rest still see those 2 bright swords coming. going or just running around.
  13. It is funny that warrior/knight classes are the only ones that can self CC by using a "big" damage skill. I dont use it too often in PvP unless all my CDs are going I am low on rage and the person is standing still, but it does hit very hard when it lands. I agree that the animation is too slow and that you cant just cancel it sometimes and get stuck for 1-2 seconds swinging at air. Again, self CC is funny.
  14. I havent tried this on a marauder, buy my 50 Jugg (valor 55) ran with obliterate hybrid spec in PvP for a while and I can honestly say that obliterate isnt that amazing. It has a 10m range which is a far cry from what you have with force charge. This really becomes apparent in pvp when someone seems close, but you want to charge and obliterate isnt in range, by the time you are in range you are only 2-3 steps closer to being in melee range as well. Obliterate also costs rage; without an instant rage builder like Juggernaut has, you may find this is a hurdle in itself... but I can not say for certain about that. Losing Dual wield mastery may be noticeable as well. I cant say this is 100% fact since I didnt run without it very long, but it seemed to make a difference to me when I dropped it to try a new spec, compared to when I use it. Vicious slash is OK when spec'd. Certainly will never hit as hard as annihilate or the cumulative damage of massacre though, also lacks utility. This is may work out in the long run, but will lack the big spike you can gain from either of the 31 point talent in my opinion. I would be interested in your findings with it though.
  15. This is why its a 2 week rotating server match up. There will be, like in GW1, professional gaming teams from Korea (and others) that will own everything very easily. On top of that, there will be guilds of 200+ people to hold areas by sheer numbers. With the large number of conquerable areas and getting reset every 2 weeks, this will offer a fairly balanced PvP type game. My only concern with their model will be population. The entire model revolves around a large number of "functioning population" servers and people that will actually dedicate themselves to doing this. I can see the model being amazing out of the gate with people leveling in the Mists; but in 3-6 months the real test will come, imho. I loved, LOVED, GW1 and I hope GW2 can live up to the hype or I should say up to the expectations based off of GW1 PvP.
  16. If you defend first and get a tie, you win. This may not be the case, but in almost every case for me personally thats what I have noticed. 1st Defender has immediate advantage, which is why it is random if you attack or defend first.
  17. As another poster stated, I noticed it bugs out sometimes if they dont have that much health left. I used annihilate on someone for a 4.8k crit once and didnt get the medal because they only had 2k health left.
  18. Play style is a big part of this. There are a few really good Sniper/GS on our server that can easily 2 v 1 people and hold 3-4 v 1 for help for a while. As a matter of fact there are 2 notorious GS that we all know by name and if they are solo defending a node, we usually try to set up strats to try and get the other one with that as a distraction, because there is almost no way to take it effectively against them. I have tried them myself and can honestly say its hard for me to play, but I can see how it could be a great class. I have always been a melee type person and bad at kiting; so that is a big part too. Strangely the really good/strong Sniper/GS I see rarely even need to kite. I typically get stunned/knocked down and shot a few times. When I get back up I am usually almost dead already. They can unload serious damage quickly (with CDs I assume) and its kind of scary. If their major damage is CD based, that would put them in line with just about every other class I can think of. Plus as a warrior nothing makes me more angry than getting stunned and then watching them cover and knowing I have no chance to getting to them before death. I just hope there is LoS around to run to or hide behind.
  19. I second this notion. I am unsure where the OP was hoping this thread would go. You got out strategized and out played that bad? If they have 2 waiting near goal all the time, then the rest of the WZ is 8 on 6 and you cant get the ball and score easily in that scenario?
  20. 1) People that knock/push/pull enemy into favorable positions (score, LoS, out of fire or acid). Most sorc and mercs that rerolled just love to spam this skill with no situational awareness; for so many reasons, this is the biggest baddy skill around. 2) People that refuse to pass in hutball. We all miss passes, it happens. Misclick, overshoot, dont even see open player etc.... it happens. But the same dude that runs from mid-point to first set of fire and dies every time with 3-4 people open repeatedly is just plain bad. 3) leaving nodes undefended and chasing people for that 1 kill (maybe). Seriously we have the upper-hand; dont go chasing the losing team and get ninja'd. 4) Players that yell at everyone for being noobs, idiots and any other etc... All the while I haven't seen them defend anything, they are the ones rushing headlong into a group of 3-4 solo hoping to win? Then when they are killed will say something like Grav round needs to be nerfed. 5) People they yell for nerfs of "X"class for 5 min of the 15 min match... effective, maybe you'll annoy everyone to death? 6) People that leave 1min or less before a loss. They clearly dont realize that all their valor, medals, credits etc all go away at that point and they wasted 14 min of their lives. 7) People that think we won too early, or dont realize we are about to win and scream at people for not doing "X" (read their masterful plan...) 8) People that run the wrong way in hutball. How? 9) People that try and take control of a match with some of the worst strats I have ever read. 10) Expanding onto number 9, those that follow terrible strat blindly and wonder why we just got 3 capped. 11) people that wont try to cap nodes, doors etc. Just run around looking for kills. Please if the side is empty, get the door! I am sure there are many others, but these are what come off the top of my head.
  21. You cant go by the final screen shot. People that left are still on the screen if you weren't near them when the left early. Case and point - I played a match where we only have 4 people at start and with 30 sec left until early close (low numbers), 4 more joined, then they left when they saw we were getting murdered. 2 more joined a few seconds later and 1 left. Then another 2 joined right at the end before time was up. Final scoreboard showed enemy team had 8 and we had 15... we never had more than 8 for a few seconds and got wiped because of it, but game didn't recognize quitters, so it looked like we lost while outnumbering the other team 15-8. I have also bee on teams with 9 people. One not in the Ops window and you can count 9 at the start of CW. I don't know why this happens but I would guess that it is probably just some communication issue with server. Other issue I see rarely is joining a hutball fresh, wait 1:59 for it to start and first team to score wins... 1-0 final score, match lasted 1 min or less, final score board shows no more than 1-3 medals per person, a few kills and deaths and thats it.
  22. I have a Marauder at 50 now too; I like more than my 50 Jugg a lot. I think that marauders dont get the "nerf" tag as often because its a bit harder to play and be good at. I play annihilation personally now (played carnage the whole way up to around 2 weeks ago) and find that if I am good about timing my skills to optimize dots and berserk I can stay up and seriously hurt people quickly. The second something is mis-timed or a bit off though, its hard to recover and get into that "mode" again until I can restart all my CDs at once. A sorc/merc (mirrors) doesnt have that issue to the same extent. They press 1 of 3 buttons over and over and break it up with CCs (roots first, stun when they really feel in danger).
  23. I dont really think any class needs direct nerfs or buffs. I find that situationally every class is really strong. The only factor I find sightly out of whack is resolve. Most people are dead long before it becomes a factor and when it is up, it only lasts a few seconds at best. In the grand scheme of well performing teams this becomes slightly less noticeable, but we all need to face the facts. Majority of people PUG PvP and here is where resolve really starts to fall short. I also feel the CD on overload is probably too short. This is most noticeable in hutball. I have been on and played against teams that have a sin or sorc guard the catwalk and overload people off almost non-stop. The only way to counter is a warrior jump up toward goal area, which they can be and often are CCd immediately after getting up, or have a stealther wait for a pass. These fold are also often stunned then knocked back, pulled etc into the pit again. If the CD was longer, say 1 min like almost every other CC similar in game (which usually only effect 1 target I might add), it could change this a bit. If roots added to CC at the same rate as a stun that could change things a lot too. They could lower the amount of resolve needed to be CC immune to match health pools so that it may actually help people. Then make it last longer than 3-5 seconds.... Damage wise and situationally I feel most classes have their niche, but with majority of people in PUGs and CC/resolve being the way it is, I personally find it "off". I dont want this to detract from the fact that I actually enjoy PvP in this game most of the time. I also am happy to take a break if the matches aren't going well for a bit too. Momentum for each side swings here and there pretty often I feel. I could lose 10 in a row to republic, then win 10 in a row next. Dont know why, I usually always finish with same medals/stats no matter which... guess its just luck.
  24. I would be inclined to agree if he actually healed half the time. I use him if the fight has a few strongs and my def CDs are on timer. Have a 50 Jugg and now 50 mara as well. I mainly use Vette actually, she can do some serious damage and AoE damage, which for leveling on constant 2-4 person groups is nice. I find Jaessa does more damage single target (read elite fights) but dies too fast even when geared out completely. I hate Pierce and Broonmark a lot. I think both even when pimped out in gear are lame. I spend tons of credits at lvl 45 on Jaessa, Pierce and broonmark to bring them up to par with vette/quinn armor I have (shared orange items with constant UGs). I found that Vette can take a bigger beating than Pierce half the time and pumps out a lot more DPS. Jaessa can really maul things, but dies too easy. Broonmark does OK damage for a tank, but he is even squishier than Pierce. I appreciate not being hit myself, but I dont like to have to rez my tank after every strong or elite mob fight. If I go all out on DPS they cant hold agro off me, so I tune it down and slow myself down too. Its all preference, but I found Vette to be pretty awesome.
  25. I feel this is a problem too. I get cc and rooted for 10-15 sec straight... if I survive through this I get CC immunity for 2-3 seconds then I am back to the start. I think roots effects need to build resolve for one. Resolve should build off of dmg done while you are not in 100% control of character. So everything but slowed would build resolve while you took damage. Rooted would have a smaller multiplier than completely CCd, but it would add to it as well. This would stop the chain roots, or worse the 6-8 players on the other hutball team form constantly AoE knock back on the catwalks. Nothing worse than spending 90% of the match in the pits, or in acid/fire.
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