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Everything posted by RG_jhanlec

  1. As a juggernaut in almost full pvp gear I run the ball in hutball A LOT. I probably score on avg 3x a match, but its not uncommon that I score all 6. In the matches where I go about scoring only and dont do damage, kills etc, I tend to have 3-4 medals (occasional killing blow and guard medals, sometimes heal medals for medpac use). If I dont carry the ball, or in every other PvP zone, I tend to always have 8-11 medals. So basically by scoring and helping my team win the Hutball matches, I myself am set back at least 20 commendations and 200 valor at a minimum. Playing Hutball a majority of my matches (yay empire....). thats probably already added up to 2-3k commendations lost and God only knows how much valor. At this point in time, I tend to win my dailies as fast as I can. I will take 0 medals for all I care just to get the 3 wins. After that, I get selfish, win or lose and just farm medals. The game doesnt reward winning enough to offset the loss in medals. If they make a hutball scoring medal it would be nice, but inherently a lot of people will hog the ball. I think if you make scoring "medal worthy" then assists (passes) should be as well. Say like in hockey the last 2 passes will offer an assist for equal value as a score. Get medals for getting either 1 of the 2 (score or pass) and another medal for 3 of the same (pass or score) or 5 total (mix). This should also give objective points as well. I am baffled that no objective points are given for scoring... last I checked the objective in hutball is to score. So funny when I score 6x and have 400 objective points, and some random person for whatever reason has 2k obj points.
  2. This is Bioware screwing over warrior class; which is common place at this point. Luckily as a Jugg tank I got yellow shards easy, but wanted to get green as well. Guess that isnt going to happen since this is a near impossible feat. I am sure of the 1000+ people who try to get this, maybe 10 have on any given server. Nice job again bioware, your level of fail increases +1 again.
  3. As you being to build lvl 50 gear you start to get a fair amount of absorption rating. I have half PvP champ stuff right now and some PvE stuff from HM and If I recall correctly I am around ~28% shield chance and 35% asorption... I may be off a tad in my numbers one way or the other, but gear does start to stack up for you. Should also not that while in mostly PvP gear I often lack a defensive stat in place of expertise. Expertise does nothing in PvE and Shield chance/absorption rating dont help a ton in PvP. I am sure with 100% Epic 50 PvE gear you can hit over 45% for both stats.
  4. 2/10 My discontent grows every match. I really wanted to finish up my Champion set soon, but I think I am done with PvP until there are brackets and all the exploits are fixed. Sick of seeing ranged DPS standing on top of Pylons, targetable but can not use any direct damage skills on them, just ripping through people. Sick of watching groups of lvl 10-15 players run around trying to kill 1 person when the entire of the rest of the opposition face roll the 2-3 players following objectives and losing. We need brackets so that at least a larger amount of players know what they are supposed to be doing and can week out the low level people with no clue. I could rant for days, but no point.
  5. It wont be in the minor bug/exploit patches we get each week. Rather the first big content patch will contain fixes for probably every class. Until we see that coming on the PTR, dont expect anything. Since I imagine the first big patch is months away... thats a rough timeline. All just a guess...
  6. I use assault when CDs are up on SA, Enrage and saber throw to get rage; 1 rage every 3 sec from getting hit, 2 rage every 5 sec from SA isnt much. Force Choke gives little rage but I use only as utility to stop casts if they exist on a particular mob or get a strong mob to leave DPS alone for a few sec. I dont use VS much anymore, the skill costs too much rage for the underwhelming damage it does untalented. I have it on my bar on CTRL+5 since I dont use it often. Can be a decent rage dump at the end of a fight if you have a full bar and CDs on bash, CB, Ravage, Scream, retaliation, VT and Smash are up. They are fine to have and use on occasion, I feel that the skills we have are OK and when talented a lot of DD skills can cost 0-1 rage often.
  7. As I understand it (and I may be wrong), you need to get champ bags at lvl 50. This allows you to get champ tokens: its 200 warzone and 200 merc for 1 bag. Merc commendations come from open world pvp, security chests, daily weekly ilum quests and trade 30 warzone for 10 merc off PvP vendor. Each bag has 2-3 tokens for gear and a 1:4(ish...) chance for a straight up tradable armor piece. The piece you get can be a dupicate of one you already received.... so you can end up with 6 bracers. Its a grind for champ gear, but even more the battlemaster. Once you hit Valor 60 you can get battlemaster bags and they have a chance for those tokens etc.... Will take quite a bit of play to get all PvP geared out at top levels.
  8. Its OK for PvP, in a large group most people have a similar skill and use it. 1 on 1 people may pop skill to remove movement imparement when you use it, then use it again... Downside, Savage kick doesnt work in PvP, its even pretty lame in PvE. The other crap thing is that Pommel doesnt work in PvP. I use backhand to interrupt heals all the time, sure would be nice to have the 1k dmg follow up... alas they are both non-PvP skills.
  9. I will certainly try this later. thanks for the heads up.
  10. Interesting, I will have to look into adding it to see what happens. I dont really miss, but that may effect overall damage based on its description. I believe I am around 93-94% now and my next 3 talent points going in to aim for 3% more (96-97%). At them moment I have most of my mods and enhancements giving me in order: defense, shield, absorption, then accuracy. Perhaps I will bring accuracy over absorption since I dont really take much damage at the moment. Frees up 4 enhancements/mods for me to put accuracy into instead... may get another 2-3% out of that I guess. Thanks for the suggestion, I will gladly give that a shot.
  11. While some people are complaining because its what they do... I have posted merely to say what I have personally experienced. If I am the only tank, it is easy enough (not in Ops yet lvl 46). However, if I run with another tank, which I have run with a PT (usually my level 1 lower or higher etc...) they take agro from me without taunt in 1-2 hits. Even if I have already taken 20% of the mobs health. So this leads me to believe that the threat modifier is not working/wrong, or something else isnt quite right. Now if they intend PT to pull agro so easy to be able to OT packs, then I can see that being helpful, but then it still doesnt address the fact that they build agro several fold faster than we can. I dont want any game changing/breaking buffs,I really do like the jugg class a lot and will keep playing without any changes. I would just like a small buff while in defense stance or a small increase to damage to make up for the difference. It can be in the skill tree for all I care... like near the top of Invincible tree it can have a skill that says (increases threat generated from SS, Crush blow, retaliation, sund assault and Smash by X% while in Soresu form".) Not all the skills I listed maybe 1 AoE and 1 normal attack. I just think it would help a lot because the inherent increase from Soresu clearly lacks something compared to Dark Charge or Iron Cylinders.
  12. So this only happens on my jugg as far as I know. But my other characters are low level, so I am not 100% (lvls 10-18). I also notice that force choke gets weird and doesnt go of on some elite mobs if they are in the middle of a skill. But it still seems to work, just graphically flawed. Ultimately, the most frustrating part is in PvP of course when someone is low health and I click skill to watch myself wind up and not hit a few times, then they heal or I get CCd etc. Here's to hoping a dev notices this bug. I will post this on bug forum as well since it clearly isnt just me.
  13. So this happens to me a lot, especially with Retaliation; but also happens with Vicious Slash and Crushing Blow as well. My skill pops and I hit my button for it and he winds up and stops, I hit the button 3-4x before he actually uses the skill. Its really annoying and I cant tell if its because I am blocking/parrying again and he does that as a priority or if its a bug and should be looked at. Anyone else have this? Its sort of funny sometimes, but annoying mostly to wind up and stop several times before the skill goes off.
  14. At lvl 46 here is my experience tanking. This may be different by lvl 50 or in Ops, but so far this is my experience. First off, I have run a few 2 person and 4 person heroics with a PT or Sin tanking as well in random pugs. They take agro form me very easy with just sheer DPS in their tank stance. Our dps must lack compared to theirs because no matter what I do, I lose agro to them easily. (*Note, I always keep my mods up to level (blues minimum, purple hilt. I am also pretty good at using my strongest DPS abilities on their respective CDs quickly... I just think my DPS is that much worse) For single target "mob hits real hard tanking", I will never die... even Quinn can heal me through it all. We are unstoppable, near invincible to most mobs our level. There are several times where being 1-2 levels above the 2 person heroic quests I have gone in and solo'd with Quinn healing me. I pick my fights and use my CDs a lot, but I can manage a fair amount of 2 person heroics easily enough. The Jugg seems like it will be the go to main tank in end-game ops. What I think we could use is this: a SMALL, like miniscule buff to damage OR agro gain modifier from damage skills to make AoE tanking easier. I have no issues with having only smash and sweeping strike for AoE damage, but it needs to have a better threat modifier while in tank stance at least (*skill tree or not). That said, even AoE can be easy enough. Get your group to focus fire on a marked target and less issues occur. Go in and grab AoE agro on all then focus solely on Elites (CC 2nd or 3rd elite is possible). And let DPS burn the silvers or normal mobs. I rarely need taunt, but I keep if for strong mobs only leaving my agro table for someone else. In the end, mark your tagets and make a macro to tell group what to kill first, second etc.
  15. This is the mentality I am going with myself. I may level a tad slower, but A) I dont care, I play to have fun and B) I already lost the race to 50 by not playing the early access and my current contract has me doing clinic 3 days a week (see 12hr+ days depending on number of patients). That said, I want to know all my skills well enough so that at 50 I perform them better than the average Jugg tank. I also like to play a spec that is considered weak or inferior at any given time because when it gets that small buff, you start to feel like a god afterward (See TBC release feral driuds for example). Play what you enjoy. if you let others dictate your entertainment in a game, you will never be satisfied and be one of those people with 10+ alts, none of which are all that good.
  16. I have run against Marauders (Republice equiv?) in PvP as an inv jugg. I noticed that some really suck, keyboard turn...ish movement while I run in circles around them. Also, I notice that when their level is over 30 they tear me up in seconds, and below 30 I live a long time (my lvl 15 atm)... this may be a level skill/talent acquisition they dont have yet. Having run PvE with Marauders, I am amazed at how fast they maul things. Running through elite areas where myself and companion take 15-20 sec to kill a mob, they (a level below me) mow it down in 5-10 sec. Equally I am in tank stance and lower dps, but they do pretty nice DPS as far as I can tell. Heck in a group of 4 with a BH, and Sorc doing heals/dps in BT the Marauder did most of the killing on groups of mobs. BH probably did most on Boss, but without logs cant tell for certain. I think Marauders are OK. I think like stated on a lot of these forums all over, warrior classes are a bit more proactive to get your DPS going vs some other dps classes. Some people probably just want a more simple play style, idk.
  17. I know for a fact with that statement you play too much WoW and you didnt play beta or the first 6months to a year of the game. No raids, no BGs for the first year almost. Open world PvP had no rewards but it was epic.... SS/TM fights would draw 100+ per faction, with not a terrible amount of lag for huge fights. End game were UBRS runs, scholo and DM tribute runs. Arcanite reaper was the s***.... A lot of people quit then too for the same reason and came back year+ later when MC was out, BWL in the works and BGs were made. Like Rome, Wow wasnt made in a day and this game will be no different. Not that I am trying to keep you here, just saying. Give the game a chance it may surprise you where it goes. Ultimately it could suffer the fate of AoC, Rift and others though... Everyone wants instant perfection and have really short or no memory of the great games and their level of initial fail. All that said, I will be getting GW2 when it comes out myself But see myself still playing this as well.
  18. They may address this, but why should they, really? Open world PvP should be for the entertainment of it, not for rewards. I feel thats what killed WoW PvP for me personally. I miss the epic TM/SS PvP fights, and the Xroads or Westfall fights. Storming a city not for an achievement, but to hold an opposing city if only for a short while. BGs were OK at first, but eventually they become a whole of of attitude and a lot less entertainment. *(why didn't you cap the flag ********! You're such and ********, You're all noobs! etc etc)
  19. I can see your point and agree to an extent; but as a lvl 14 jugg last night I still killed a few lvl 25-40 players, even if they killed me a lot more, and had an amazingly fun time doing so. Really, that is the point to a game, have fun. Perhaps brackets would help in some regard, but then queues would be insane, as it stands I feel Empire has a much larger population compared to Republic... split that into 10-20, 20-30 etc and there will be brackets that don't PvP all week with queue times the way they would be in that instance. Bottom line, just have fun; no need to be overly competitive for an internet game. Aside from being the number 1 player/guild in the world, the game doesn't win you any money, real life fame and it will never earn you any resume points for future careers/promotions at work.
  20. I dont know how it loos on Republic side on our server, but from playing things like hutball as Empire I feel teamwork is great so far. I see people call out where they are and pass the ball to "X" etc. Hard to find the right person sometimes, but nice to read the communication. I also see lots of Republic running around trying to get solo fights rather than go to the ball or action area. Even as a low level Jugg its hard to kill, but I can usually survive long enough to get help and turn the 1 on 1 to a 2 on 1 and defeat the person that tried to gank me. In the end it was similar in every other PvP MMO I have played. There is always one faction that dominates... no particular sides biased, just happens. Since almost all of us played WoW... I have PvP toons on both sides on several servers over the years and have horde and allies that win 90-100% of the time, pug or not... and horde and allies that lose all the time. Only thing I notice on winning vs losing factions is usually communication and doing the objective rather than trying to top kill charts etc. .02 deposited...
  21. As I am reading more threads, I see this is noted several times. Not that I was purposely trying to replicate the thread... just was quick to post instead of reading the first two pages. Guess its just how it is at the moment. No biggie, ultimately I really enjoyed PVP a lot on this game and I paid for entertainment, not short lived eFame. Happy hunting to all.
  22. So I am a really low level for PvP (15 Jugg) but with the balancing I found it to not be all that bad. In fact during Hutball last night I finished with the most damage protection (yay for Guard), 2nd in damage, highest amount of kills and 2nd in killing blows 2nd in solo kills and had tied for the highest objective score. Yet I got no votes for MVP. The only true healer, that I voted for, got 1 vote. The few people that were from the same guild got all the votes. I feel like if you blinded the name for the MVP vote and voted purely on performance, it would be a bit more fair. I get that there will still be ways to vote for your friend, but I feel it would be a lot more difficult to do. I also will preface this with, I am in a guild and I refuse to cheat to get an MVP rating, to attempt to stop some trolling. Thoughts, comments, concerns? I suppose I should also ask what MVP even gives you. Extra XP, extra valor, a better item box for the winning team?
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