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  1. Really, I beat him at lvl 47 with Quinn. It took me 5-7 attempts, but I did it as carnage.
  2. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1000cZhRrbddrRMsZGb.1 This is the build that I use. Carnage might not be on par with damage, it does offer some great mobility, snares and controlled burst. I have recently went back to annihilation. I prefer carnage playstyle 10-1 against annihilation, but both have their pros and cons. Fit your playstyle as I was successful as both.
  3. First off, I would like to say that Marauders are 1v1 and even 1v2 beasts. Our failures lie within group PvP. This game is based around group PvP and not 1v1 or 1v2 PvP. This is where most of the marauder community is split. I was CCed in huttball for so long the other day, all I could do was laugh. I was stunned, knocked back with a snare, stunned again, and finally pulled to my death. This happened withing a timeframe of 8 - 10 seconds. Granted the pull may have been lag after the second stun, the fact of the matter is that there is WAY too much CC in this game. This game by its very nature is designed against the melee population. The knockbacks +snares, channeled dmg effects with snares, stun after stun, and I am not going to keep going. You get my point. My gear is still in the making, i have 4-5 pieces of champ gear mixed with centurion. I still am wearing some orange leveling gear. I know that I should get my butt kicked because marauders are a gear dependent class. I CAN play the marauder "smart" and pick off people in 1v1 battles and engage in battles that I know I can win. Playing the objective can be downright frustrating at times when fighting groups of other players. Resolve is not broken, but flawed in design. Lag does not help matters either. You can be stunned, knocked back, and pulled all within that same stun. CC should not override the current CC in place. I don't care that CC is in the game. It is a challenge to overcome. However, when you get CC'ed into oblivion while helpless without your break free, the game can be down right frustrating. Two stuns should always max the resolve bar and knockbacks need to cause twice the resolve effect. This would improve our quality of combat and fix most of the QQ about the marauder class. This would create a more tactical approach to spamming every CC ability that you possess. The marauder isn't broken, its the resolve system in where the problem lies. Thoughts? A song that reminds me of Marauders- Pinball Wizard
  4. So that means you are decked in PvP gear. You farmed the crap out of everyone leveling and have you top end gear because you were ahead of the curve. At 49 I could dominate the warzone and take on several opponents at once with great success. At 50, to beat on someone with pvp gear when you dont have any means you are doing less damage and they are doing more. Plus they have a major HP advantage. Any toon without expertise is cannon fodder until they can get some PvP gear. I am really not complaining but the step from being geared and not being geared is a little extreme. I am good at my marauder, but with auto facing abilities, no minimum range, and knockbacks + snare, it almost makes it impossible to do anything of note. I am not complaining, I know that I SHOULD get dominated when facing geared, skilled players. When you completely dominate someone skill wise, interrupt casts, and totally outplay someone, they should die. But battle masters gear makes them invincible to my lvl 49 set of gear mods. The problem lies with expertise creating too big of a step. Expertise should cap at 9%.
  5. A+ good sir. I play a marauder and thought this was hilarious. Well thought out.
  6. I would agree with you. I loved the RIFT macro system to a point where the whole rotation could be put into 3 keys. I would love the priority system but they need to limit the macro to 2 abilities that can be macro'ed. This would help us severely to free up key bindings and be a little more efficient. However, I would not expect to see macros on a priority system like RIFT.
  7. I completely agree with you. I left the lower brackets DOMINATING as a marauder. When I hit 50, I knew it would be tough and I knew that I would have trouble. This was not the case. As a fresh 50, it is like beating on a brick wall. The brick wall then falls on you and crits you for 40% of your health. After the wall fell on you, you are stunned and a 747 Boeing Plan crash lands on the pile of rubble that you sitting beneath and explodes with a full tank of fuel just to ensure that you are dead. The gear should make a difference, but to all the battlemasters that farmed lowbies in the first month got it easy, and now everyone else can't compete without being cannon fodder for weeks to get enough gear to at least hold their ground. TL:DR - The gear provides too big of an advantage and is no longer fun to solo que. Will I continue? Yes I will, but I know that pvp will completely and utterly suck for the next month due to the gear differences.
  8. A marauder is a combat rogue with charge. You can be very squishy if caught without your defensive cooldowns up. In the 1-49 bracket, you can dominate pretty easily. Once you hit 50, like I did last night, you need some gear to be successful. After I dinged 50 last night with mostly 47-49 gear, I was getting SMACKED. Defensive cooldowns or not...I got my @ss handed to me. I did not think the gear gap would be that extreme. I consider myself to be a pretty good player and could go toe to toe skill wise against the other player, but with out the gear, it was like hitting a brick wall. Very gear dependent, but I still love the class. I just need some more gear so that I'm not getting steamrolled by battlemasters regardless of skill.
  9. Darth Johnnywalker Blacklabel
  10. If you charge someone and they use their knockback during your charge, you will stop at the knockback range. I doesn't matter if you just started a 30m charge and you see the knockback in the distance, you still stop at the knockback destination. Seems like the charge ability puts you at the target instantly rather than waiting for the animation. Anyone else notice this. Seems like a bug to me or something that was easily overlooked.
  11. Carnage is fine...I have no problem with it. In fact I seen more success with carnage than I did with Annihilation. Carnage is controlled burst...use it right and prosper. Its not near as rage starved as Annihilation is. Its a play preference. I am much more comfortable and successful with carnage. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean its a crap spec.
  12. I prefer carnage for the selective burst. Force scream hits hard and only costs 2 rage. Its more of a preference. Alot of people prefer annihilation, but I stick to carnage. Saber throw roots the targets which is handy, plus it has the root for ravage. The saber throw root is very helpful for targets trying to escape or trying to close the gap on you. I played annihilation but I didn't really like the playstyle or damage ramp up. Its a personal preference, try them all and pick the one that makes YOU the most successful.
  13. I was level 37 killing level 41s. I was 4 level under content...not over. Nvm I cant read. We obviously need it because of the mass complaints. If I can assist and help someone, thats cool. If not, they will reroll another class and leave the marauder forums.
  14. It is very true. I feel like I'm on the brink of death when I am not with quinn.
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