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Everything posted by Eastiano

  1. Methinks this train got derailed a bit hehe 😂 Nobody cares about ranked, it’s that simple. As for rng regarding win traders, it’s like beating a tree stump in a sprint over 100m and printing off a chufty badge to wear in front of all ur mates. Good job 👍 follow your dreams!!
  2. I’ve mentioned this a few times, it’s not like they listen tho. Literally watched a sniper solo kite a team for a minute or so on pts, I couldn’t even play, I had heard rumours then upon seeing it I just froze and watched to see what they pulled outta the bag next lol What next, give bk mara smash and have predation reset mad dash cd plus undying on 30s cd? 😂
  3. Eastiano

    Bad at PvP

    If you need some tips lemme know man, just off the top of my head, I don’t really play tank much but damage isn’t something to be aiming for, mitigation of dmg to your team mates through correct use of guard swaps and defensive cooldowns is far more important, using control abilities to take pressure of healers and ensuring to stay within guard range when taunting etc... Once you nailed that part, damage will come naturally as you rotate your abilities and you’ll become a much more important asset to ya team! Don’t give up, just practice n try and watch some good tanks or make friends with some!
  4. Have u tried asking on Darth Malgus discord? Seems to be quite active there
  5. What I saw on pts was pretty op for snipes! And yeah trying to revive Ragequit unfortunately I have recently been hit by some health issues, hopefully docs will sort me out and I’ll be able to spend more time ingame again! Keep flying the flag bro!
  6. Trash mobs break stuns? Never noticed that before haha 😂
  7. Don’t break 1st stun, also after the 50%, the op has blown his load early happens to us all apparently I would be more worried about snipers
  8. Mid level pvp is kinda dead. Try levelling up to 70 and q pops are fine!
  9. Oooh, would love to take part in the next one!!!
  10. Guard is fine, what isn’t tho is the hell I had to endure in hypergate the other day with 2 tanks, 4 healers and an offtank on the enemy team, when we had 2 heals no tanks on ours. Ofc the timer ran out, we won because well, objectives but it was like nothing would die! Had to resist the urge to leave wz... Yeah, that scenario is kinda boring and sterile. Not sure if it was a supergroup though so nothing any matchmaking could do?
  11. Queued solo ranked on my undergeared op healer after reading this for lols, actually had fun! 3dps each and was against sorc heals, we won and I got top heals n 2 mvps. Haven’t played ops heals for ages so might carry on with the sr if the pops are ok, that was the only thing that put me off, q times...
  12. I think most healers that aren’t so confident will feel a certain trepidation going “mid” this is true. A great confident healer will know that guard only has 15m range & that tanks are basically melee sponges so should trust their tank and follow them into mid keeping them topped off. It’s a similar case with going enemy pylon with a heal tank combo, it can stall pylon caps effectively if played well, but to stay on topic... I know the feels of dps los’ing ya heals xd It’s worse if it’s a friend cos u kinda feel like you should pocket heal but it will detract from the other team members healing. I just say ok, I’ll position myself as well as possible to heal the most players as possible, keeping in tanks range and los’ing enemy. If you get in real bad trouble chasing numbers, come to me for a heal or respawn and lose dps for downtime
  13. Feel free to hit me up for a guild invite
  14. Eastiano

    Pvp damage

    If you’re getting objectives and winning, who cares! Let them dummy parse away xd But in all seriousness, they are probably tryharding although 5k isn’t to hard to get. If you want to play that way, take note of abilities that use aoe or dots and use on stacked groups, use ur big hitters to take out weak enemies and stay alive!!! Hump a healers leg or something, if u save their butt, they will likely remember and reward you with heals. For more detailed advice, make friends with slingers u see putting up good numbers or watch some streamers who play the class. If ur on Darth Malgus, poke me and I can share some tips even if I am a sniper noob hehe!
  15. Lag is un-noticeable with either setting and I can notice quite profoundly anything 20ms plus only my midi keyboard. Yeah it is normal for laptops to be set to balanced, however I have a custom built audio desktop replacement laptop which uses a custom 3xs power setting, guessing for silence as it’s made for audio production. Went through extensive soak testing after build as they said my specifications were unique but they did a great job and provided all the benchmarking results and software required to check myself when upgrading (hopefully not for a while yet as well it’s 99th percentile) And yeah, am always on battery Trix, not sure what the life of a single charge is but I get the feeling it’s not gonna be great
  16. Oh, makes sense! Seems to legit have increased the low dips tho, I was getting under 30 fps before and now its around 60ish when not running obs, I tried using windows game mode recording and that really had an impact on fps, like makes the system work twice as hard. Btw, the stuttering you mentioned, I guess you didn’t watch the video I linked
  17. All the previous rotations seem a bit flawed to me for concentration, u wanna barrage to proc burst (or dual saber throw) and always use slice before burst as slice buffs it also. Don’t waste zealous leap, or force exhaustion, use normal leap and zen, then slice, burst, now you have zealous leap and exhaustion to proc ur burst and get more hi dmg in, just a tip. There are some good guides out there, just take a look on YouTube, Ragequitting (no affiliation) is awesome for explaining abilities for sent/mara with regards to pvp. But yeah, Combat is fun and effective, people just play concentration for the passive cc immunity on crush, this is preferable for solo ranked I guess but get good with Combat and you’ll be scaring sorcs off with the chunks you can carve outta their hp bar xd Just practice n it will all come together!
  18. I understand the hell of trying to improve this, I think its just an issue with a lot of players and animations on screen, but I'll try to help... I run game atm on ultra but disable v-sync, this results in massive fps increase on somewhere like the fleet (went from like 60-200ish fps) I dipped into a quick queshball to see some numbers, you can see in the link below; Please don't judge my play too harshly, 1st I am crap and 2nd, I was staring at the fps counter most of the time. But after a minute or so my average fps was 47. Not too bad but bear in mind I'm running an i7 8700k, gtx1080 and 64 gig ram on my laptop so its pretty comfortable with anything you throw at it. As others have mentioned, lower settings may bear fruits of higher fps numbers so be sure to try that, and hope you succeed in finding a good balance between playability and prettyness.
  19. Go into game assets and replace the wav files with something more subtle
  20. Yes, they are good at healing, if you can play.
  21. It wasn’t that bad, stop being such a dramatist dude... You even play marauder so I dunno why you complain about it so much when there are clearly more pressing concerns that have driven away the majority of the pvp community.
  22. Bring back smash and then we can talk...
  23. Gotta say I’m with senpai Hottie on this one, although I do wish we had the option of competitive objective based play. I guess we should be thankful the q still pops ☺️
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