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Everything posted by Eastiano

  1. That’s just your opinion mate, no offence ofc, I’ve had some use for it. Not sure how they would stop swapping though as the name implies a tactical decision so bw wouldn’t be able to just stop swapping out of combat and not at beginning of a match, or would they? 🧐
  2. Eastiano

    RIP Ranked

    I lol’d 😂 But cmon man, everybody knows Trix only enjoys forum pvp cos she gets better ping here than ingame 😝
  3. Eastiano

    RIP Ranked

    Ranked is fine, people are on holidays. Also, it’s a game, try not to take it so seriously. So stealth is meta and ur rating crashes against stealth groups, at least you can play and at least try! Happy 2020 guys! 😬
  4. It really isn’t much to ask, I totally support Nightrain in this. Ranked pvpers pay a premium sub just like raiders, they would complain if they didn’t get their loot at the end of the raid, why wasn’t this setup when the season started a few weeks ago?
  5. This was when max lvl was 60 or 65, if you look at my health and do a lil quick maths that’s about a 110k hit equivalent to now, pretty scary for a dot class 😂
  6. Bring back balance sage burst https://imgur.com/ozjswAW
  7. You do have ways around the cc’s. Ignore the above comments, predation can remove movement impairment, cleanse on camo on a 30s reset due to predation also, plus eat a cc, break 2nd and ur resolve bar is full giving immunity. Also cc immunity on saber ward, granted its long cd but there are plenty of options. I still love anni 8 years later <3
  8. Hit me up dude, just ask for East and I’m sure someone can point you in my direction
  9. Eastiano

    Solo Regs

    Mmo = massively MULTIPLAYER online... 🧐 Using brain iz hard
  10. Eastiano

    Solo Regs

    Well my opinion is that it’s a stupid idea and will dilute an already shrinking part of the player base I’m with Snave on this, cos I like premading with him, even irl 😂
  11. Eastiano

    Solo Regs

    That’s part of the fun, you never know what ur up against! Being reactive n stuff helps, but I guess I’m happy just getting carried by my fotm premade steamrolling nabs and living the lie of a contributing player within the pvp community
  12. Eastiano

    Solo Regs

    The so called “cannon fodder” need to get better, they won’t by playing against easier opponents. You think I thought, “hmmm, wish I could play against some noobs with no co ordination instead of solo queueing and getting spawn camped against Nostrum Dolus” This thread is regressive
  13. It you enjoy it, play it! I do, it’s viable if you know how to play to the strengths of the spec
  14. I’m glad someone pointed this out, I haven’t played in a while and was doubting myself 😅
  15. Ahhh good old op roll bug! I remember that happening early on in huttball in the acid and me and my op buddy laughing our asses off healing me the whole game in ts while rooted 😂
  16. Eastiano

    Sniper PVP

    You need a self cleanse or any dots will prohibit you from swapping tacs
  17. Guys, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature https://youtu.be/UIUIO1ImtJo
  18. Op heals is my fave, gonna try and do a guide when my system is repaired so I’ll post it when it’s done!
  19. I admittedly don’t know madness or lightning that well as I only levelled a sorc to play it cos my friend used to pull me to my death on fleet in group while queuing for pops and had to get in on that shizzle 😂 But if force lightning procs one of the dots to be instant right iirc? And u have to finish the stationary cast to get the proc. Ummm, if you could do that while moving or uninterruptible it would be kinda op, I mean you could just force speed around dotting enemies up and deathfield and los peeps, would be infuriating to play against haha
  20. Not only do you play with passion, you type with it too! You go bro! Make that keyboard your bith!
  21. It literally feels like nothing has changed imo, I haven’t admittedly played at lvl 75 but I can’t see the tacticals and set bonuses plus that new ability making a drastic difference
  22. I guess it doesn’t really matter then, unless you have like a crit around 75k plus miss as that could really affect the outcome of a round or game in ranked
  23. Yeah I get all this, I was just wondering if running 110% accuracy in pvp is feasible without being detrimental to other stats? Has anyone done any number crunching on this? If not I guess I could take a look
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