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Everything posted by Eastiano

  1. Anni will be fine, I’ll still main it as I have for 6 years. It’s still great duelling spec, and fine for pvp if you know how to play it. P.s. Veng jugg is easier tho, litterally roll face across keyboard n win
  2. Why would anyone do this? I was trying to think of an analogy and the least insulting one was; It’s kinda like taking a sex doll out on a date in public, and saying to everyone, “look at my awesome gf, how cool am I eh bois 😉😎”
  3. This was a while back but just found the screenie on my laptop, me and a buddy being competitive against each other solo q'd on opposite sides, didn't end up with a crapfight etc, we just chatted and laughed and congratulated each other on our achievements, or not as such hehe! Luv my boi P.v.e.! P.S. special mention to Shodran, that tankin, yikes... https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1499212378_pacman-destroys.jpg
  4. I don’t think people should look to these forums as a community tool in such a way like the old community content we are, were used to. But it’s certainly indicative of the games direction, rip tre forums 😭. The community really is what made swtor stand out, and as it dwindles, so does my (and others it seems) interest in playing...
  5. Yeah going against other premades is the best, especially when all on voice or something cos the banter is great! Some of my fondest memories of pvp have been drunken premades vs friends playing /roll drinking games hehe 😂
  6. I played in a premade yesterday n it felt good, muahahahahaaaaw!!!!!
  7. ^^ This gets my seal of approval! If anything it’s almost become a subconscious act of my guildies which makes the irony of the guild name just work 😂
  8. I level via lowbies because I cannot stand pve anymore, the levels of stupidity of the games population is not limited to pvp and solo questing is like meh... done it like 100 times. It is actually fairly balanced, tank and heals are not so god mode and things actually die!
  9. My point was the lack of teamwork, at no point did my team come to assist me running the ball, the enemy team however attacked me as a group. You would even have valid point of my team play motives considering I abandoned my team for the sake of securing a win, maybe I should have provided more support in mid?
  10. I dont think a win defines a better team, for example; I got backfilled into a classic huttball game the other day on my lvl18 marauder, it was clear that from the start my team had no interest in the actual objectives and upon entering the arena I killed a guy on the enemy team on our line becoming instantly unbeatable. I went on to score 5 goals, (we won 5-0 so you can see what was going on with the rest of the team) got 20 medals, 25k obj points and still managed around 2k dps. Did I get an mvp vote? fat chance lol, were my team the better side? no, the opponents had better organisation and idea of what to do. The simple fact is (and I really don't get the opportunity to sound like i'm bragging so please don't take it in such a way) I was the difference because had I not been backfilled into the game then that guy running to the line with the ball would have scored, and the team would have just carried on derping and lost 0-1 or more. But my thoughts when entering were like, "ok, enemy team is better, but maybe I can outplay them and use my leap offensively and medpacs stims etc and get a few goals", and it was a really fun game, even got a solokill. So yeah, to the op thread question - You step up n just play!
  11. I’ve been in a game where a fury mara got 9.5k dps, was a full novare coast so props to him, I even whispered him after the game saying gratz. But yeah I mean those high numbers are doable ofc just rare, I still haven’t beaten my pb of just short of 8k for like agggggeeess... Those setup arena ss’s tho made me lol hard 😂, 4 heals n madness sorc, cmon hahahahahaha
  12. I queue alone, just to test myself when I fancy playing a bit of space trek online. Seriously though I do play with others but most of the time I q alone, most of my friends left the game hehe
  13. Are you high? Ruthless aggressor can be used in carnage as well, it’s a utility. Also carnage burst is not as good as it used to be...
  14. Protip - make friends with a tank or healer or both. (Godmode enabled)
  15. You dont need 110 acc, 105 at most, u can even run with 0 alac but its good to have a little, I found the happy medium to be about 4-5%
  16. Eastiano

    PVP Hackers

    Yap, sounds like an l2p case. Voidstar, can still do the ol bridge jump in stealth if peeps stand the other side if that’s what op is on about
  17. I get frustrated when people are *****, only wanna pew with my friends with laserswords n stuff
  18. About a year, think it's been about a year since 5.0 and bioware killed my motivation to play this game
  19. Ohmynerd, sounds like producer talk :D:D
  20. Does this mean I can declare myself good as I'm not really playing anymore? Yay me \o/
  21. I listen to dis dude called "Eastiano" he's like omaze!!! 🤗😍
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