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Everything posted by Ethurian

  1. Because as far as I know, the devs gave the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight two of those aforementioned PVE fluff skills. The devs have specifically stated they have never had any intention of allowing those class of skills to be used in PVP, or even for nukes during PVE raiding. (IE: Can't be used on elites).
  2. Railshot isn't their fluff PVE damage dealer. The devs added it in sometime during my BETA tenure, as a "fluff" ability, to every class with a different name. Railshot has always been a main "regular" DPS skill, that has absolutely nothing to do with the class of skills you are describing. This is the BH version of Pummel: http://www.torhead.com/ability/3TO6k3U/shoulder-slam
  3. Classes with a lot of AOE damage, will bloat the end score screen. BHs and Troopers get an amazing AOE right off the bat, and Commandos and Mercs also get another AOE very early in their leveling progression. It is very easy to inflate your damage score this way.
  4. Ethurian


    What's so amusing is people trying to use factions as the scape goat. If you're with a bad group, there isn't much you can do as a single individual or even as a pair. Unfortunately you just have to deal with the cards you've been given. The screen shot is very lack luster. The empire team had basically just one healer. The only time I find myself getting zero kills, would be in a situation with multiple - premade healers, each ending the game with 200k-300k healing. I've seen that happen a few times during BETA, from a republic premade.
  5. Assassins and Shadows also have force run. Juggernauts and Guardians can force charge, or leap to a teammate. Powertechs and Vanguards can jet/charge to enemies, or pull the enemy ball carrier. Deal with it like the rest of us. It makes for a much more interesting game.
  6. No electrocute doesn't do anything when your resolve bar goes into effect. You don't know what you're talking about. Just for sake of conversation, you have to fill your resolve bar to the max, for it to go into effect. The bar changes from purple to white and trickles down back to zero, during this stage you are immune to CC.
  7. These skills were added during BETA as more-PVE fluff skills, as they do not consume any resource when used (Rage/Focus etc etc). They were not intended to be used in PVP at all.
  8. The early PVP 50 set that offers a decent amount won't make or break the bank, but the champion/centurion gear and eventually the battlemaster gear makes the gap between 49/fresh 50 and 50 (w/BM gear) immense.
  9. And this is the exact same for a Commando healing, at 50, with the appropriate amount of expertise gear.
  10. You don't even mention which advanced class. Jedi Shadow = Sith Assassin Jedi Consular = Sith Sorcerer
  11. It has been (at least) around since a few builds ago in Beta.
  12. When this happens don't immediately queue back up again, wait a while.
  13. You don't know what you're talking about. And since you seem to be keen on posting basically the same thing in multiple threads: get more experience with the game. I don't mean that as some idiotic "L2P", but it does raise the issue of - what level are you?
  14. Ethurian

    PVP is terrible

    The first sign that a person has absolutely no grasp on what they are talking about, is when they use a term like "Sith" and don't reference a class or advanced class. I'm hoping he is just trolling because the level of the ineptness of this thread is beyond reason. And the fact that he is saying Vanguards are useless... one of the strongest classes in the game.
  15. Sith Warriors, or respectively, their mirrored counterparts Jedi Knights are late bloomers. To really see the power and purpose that their presence carries, requires enough skill points. While I agree that the process can be frustrating, considering how easy and quick it is to level, in the grand scheme of things isn't a radical problem. I played a Juggernaut many BETA builds ago - when weapon damage was incorrectly being bolstered (as in, I did less damage than intended), and I noticed, while I could get into the fray and do decently in my 20s, the skill trees really started coming into their own once I got into my 30s and especially in my 40s. However when you get a high level immortal juggernaut, with the right gear, and filled out skill trees, they are extremely tough to take down, great objective runners (huttball) and offer a nice amount of utility. It does get better, but like many things in life, requires time.
  16. Force Lightning or Telekinetic Throw slows you.
  17. Yes. I've been flagged for PVP before going to my ship (inside the spaceport).
  18. "QQ plz?" Really now, don't you think that statement is a little bit ironic? What I find funny is how you just have no idea what you're even talking about. Force Lightning (or the Jedi Consular skill: Telekinetic Throw) does not stun you. You're talking about two different things, and as such, you need to learn more about the games mechanics before you come on here making vague statements about "spamming that lightening BS" with any form of validity.
  19. First and foremost: Sith Sorcerer = Jedi Consular. Sith Assassin = Jedi Shadow. All the classes are more or less exactly mirrored. Secondly, A handful of inexperienced players proclaiming something to be overpowered is a little asinine. Its bound to happen however, as these forums have already shown signs of this. A low level Sith Sorcerer is extremely fragile. The problem stems from the fact that, most of the people playing this game never find fault with themselves. It is always something else. Some "unfair" advantage, some "overpowered" class, and so forth. It is very easy, especially at low levels, to see who has a grasp on how to play their class and who doesn't.
  20. The customer is not always right. But I'm not debating that, regardless.. Get used to this. Bioware did this during beta too. They would say an hour or two maintenance, when in reality, it was normally 2x that. It sucks yes - but I don't foresee it changing. But they do try their best to fix things, which in my opinion counts.
  21. To be frank, why don't you make one yourself? Or at least try to communicate with the republic community you have available to you so far on the server? I don't mean that snidely or anything or the sort, but I am asking honestly.
  22. You're something else. Screaming about elitism and then saying that PVP should offer no rewards. Do you really not see the irony of that? Or are you too blinded by your bias? No one likes cheaters or exploiters - but do you really think these exploiters will get away with this garbage for long? It's going to be VERY obvious in the game logs who did what. Using that as an excuse to punish PVP as a whole is completely asinine.
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