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Posts posted by Aidank

  1. you do realize that like 500,000 people beta tested maybe more and many of those for a long period of time


    and word spreads quick in pvp community dont be so naive


    Seeing as this is the first i've heard of it in the forums, I don't think many people knew about it, including beta testers (I've got friends that beta tested as well that had no idea)



    If you knew about the animation lag, why didn't you go empire?

  2. PVPers tend to roll whatever side give them advantages. That's part of why Republic is losing so much. PVPers saw advantage in Empire=roll Empire.


    Even a slight advantage like this makes people roll it up. Seriously, I played a bounty hunter a bit just to see how death from above really worked. It's almost a full 1.5 seconds faster. When you're trying to land an aoe on a cluster of people that is a HUGE delay that gives them more time to move out of it. So I just pray for stupidity when I fire mortar volley.


    The game came out like a week ago, I just noticed the animation differences the today.



    I really doubt there are very many people that noticed the difference that early and rerolled asap.

  3. only purpose a k/d has is epeen measuring.




    I'd rather it not be implemented, I would bet that 2/3 of discussions would be "You're bad because my kill/death ratio is better than yours, even though i've never gotten an objective in my life doing objective based games"

  4. It has absolutely nothing to do with Empire being good. As a matter of fact, many of them seem downright bad. The only reason Empire has higher win rates is because there are no brackets. Since you guys have 2-3x the players we have, it also means you have 2-3x the level 50s and 2-3x the high levels. For instance, if Republic team has 2 level 50 players, Empire generally have 4-6 in the same match. This is all due to not having brackets and flawed match making design.

    Wouldn't that just mean we have twice as many lowbies aswell? Meaning the average match would still just have 2 50s on both sides.



    And I seriously doubt that a half second on a few animations is causing the republic to lose the vast majority of the time... That's just silly.


    By the way, since so many Empire have hit 50, Republic win rates have dropped significantly. They weren't great before either because you guys still had more high levels which is also an advantage, but they were better than now.

    I don't see much of a difference.


    Also, animations do need to be fixed. There is no excuse for there being such a huge imbalance between animations and delays.. and all favoring one side at that.


    Didn't say they didn't. But to be fair you're only pointing out the ones that favor the empire, I haven't researched this extensively, but the inq knockback, overload, has a significantly longer animation than the sage version.


    You'd be surprised at how many people (especially on the forums) Venomously hate arenas.



    I for one would love them to be implemented, but I don't want it to be the only way to get pvp gear, I think that was a mistake on blizzard's part.

  5. I can't speak for most of those but...


    From what I gather from reading and doing actual PvP, nothing stops this ability. It stuns people with full resolve bars, it pulls people out of cover, and when a scoundrel blows dodge (for you WoW players its cloak of shadows) it still lands. In fact, i was playing my scoundrel who had a full resolve bar and dodge up, and I got stunned by electrocute.


    My electrocute definitely doesn't do any of this.

  6. Forgot to say i did experiment


    I have two level ten chars on wife's account one a BH one a trooper

    I queued up 50 times solo with each


    My skills are a constant


    My empire char won 85% of the time

    My republic lost about 80% of the time


    These were all random pugs I left all matches that had premades



    A lot of this has to do with the quality of the players you're pugging with. I really don't like making blanket statements like this but I think in addition to what the OP is pointing out, the average empire player is still significantly better than the average republic player.



    For some reason it seems like the pvp crowd gravitates towards the bad guys, we experienced the same thing in wow, on most BGs the horde won the vast majority of the time, and we all know that if anything the alliance had the better racials (considering they were 90% humans with double trinkets)

  7. It's sad to say I am very disappointed in a LOT of the armature mistakes that BW is making.


    You also left a couple off.


    IA - Flash Bomb - 60 sec Cooldown


    Smug - Flash Bomb - 90 Sec Cooldown



    IA - Sabo Charge - Instant Animation


    Smug - Sabo Charge - Travel Time To Target (like Project)


    IA flash bomb is 90 seconds

  8. +100, this really needs to be addressed.



    Not to mention, for some reason I can have like 2x the heals as the top dps on our team and i won't get a single MVP vote :S



    IMO to compensate they should give medals for things like healing a single person for 10k in one life, or saving somebody at 10% health or less. Stuff to compensate for the lack of kills we healers get.

  9. I think it's primarily a marketing problem. Go to the class section of this site and check out all the different class art, at release people don't have much to go on and tbh how they market it has a huge effect on who is going to play what.



    For instance, look at the sage art, and then look at the sorcerer art, Who do you think people are going to want to play as more? Despite being the same class, sorcerers look much much better, and are much more played.

  10. First of all I need to know what class/level you are. That makes a HUGE impact. Also, are you specced specificially for healing? I went Scoundrel with my Smuggler and originally picked the hybrid healing/damage tree. I found I couldn't keep up at all, but when I reached closer to 20 and I respecced to the full healing tree I can do just fine. If one guy is focusing me, I can't heal through his damage at all, three or four hits and I die, but if no one is focusing me and I am healing other players I can do much better, especially the higher level they are and the more damage mitigation abilities they have for themselves.


    39 inquisitor


    And to the one guy, expertise increases damage just as much as damage reduction, so it shouldn't effect heals overall.

  11. I Just recently started healing bgs, and i'm finding that it really isn't as good as I think it should be.


    What i'm finding is that without even interrupting or ccing me, a lot of classes can simply burst through my heals, even If i'm sitting there spamming my strongest. In a 2v2 scenario where i'm healing someone, even if I'm being ignored completely I find it very hard to keep someone alive for more than a few seconds. If you manage to find someone that actually stuns the healer (which Is very rare despite it being ridiculously easy to do, I know) I become practically useless as I find I can't catch up.


    I'm curious as to if it's just a gear problem (I'm not in great gear, but to be fair neither are many of my opponents), a teammate problem, or if it's just that i'm bad and doing something wrong.

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