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Posts posted by Aidank

  1. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but the OP is saying that using your DoT's is pointless right?


    If so, then I have to disagree. Within 3 seconds you can have 2 DoTs on a target and THEN cast lighting, effectively tripling your damage. Seems to work fine for my sorcerer.


    That would be true if dots did the same dps as your lightning



    However, as I just posted, they don't. It's nowhere close. Affliction does roughly 11% the flat DPS that force lightning does, In reality, when you put up affliction then start force lightning you're effectively increasing your dps by 11%. Which is a mediocre boost at best, and a liability if it's dispelled or a fight lasts under the 15 seconds.



    Considering madness is supposed to be a dot spec, this is sort of ridiculous.



    If I based all my play on purely damage per execute I think I'd do pretty badly.


    DoT's don't need to run their full course to be effective IMO, it's all about stacking up damage per second.


    Maybe I've missed something fundamental here?

    Too bad they do even worse damage per second.



    The reason I talk about damage per execute time is because that's generally the standard of measuring dots.



    One dot might have a higher dps than another dot , but if it has half the duration it requires twice the GCDs to keep it up, GCDs that could be used for other abilities. So for dots, damage per second really doesn't mean all that much.



    If we were to look at these spells in terms of DPS instead of DPET it goes



    Force lightning : 550 dps

    Affliction : 64.5 dps

    Creeping terror: 56.5 dps


    However, this is a pretty arbitrary measurement because affliction and creeping terror maintain that dps for 15 and 18 seconds respectively off of just one GCD, Hope that clears that up.

  2. No it wouldnt, people are still too dumb to hit a defensive CD or trinket out of the initial KD..they will still die, no matter what.


    Operatives are fine


    People having a clue is not



    except my only stun break has a 2 minute cooldown..

  3. Except SWTOR has the player-base that rift/war doesn't, assuming swtor doesn't lose 90% of their subs, if they open up cross-server queuing I doubt there would be any real que problem.


    Brackets work fine in wow, the problem is how incredibly unbalanced pvp at low levels has become, a bolster system in WOW would just mean that level 20 hunters could one shot fully geared 85s.

  4. Yeah, I think there are only 4 total medals, 2.5k heal, 5k heal, 75k total healing, and 300k total hearing.



    You CAN get more medals if you tab dot or just start tapping the opponents your teammates are killing, but it isn't that practical if you're struggling to keep like 3 or 4 people alive.

  5. So these numbers are the tooltip values from my 40 madness sorc, in the 40 pvp gear set. The numbers may change a little by 50 but I think scaling should be constant. We don't have recount yet so there isn't much else I could go off of.



    Creeping terror: 1020 damage / 18 seconds / instant


    Affliction: 970 damage / 15 seconds / instant


    Crushing darkness: ~ 500 damage + 750 damage dot / 8 seconds / 2 second cast


    Force Lightning: 1650 damage / 3 seconds / channeled


    Shock: ~700 / instant


    Lightning strike: 600 / instant with proc



    So what do we see here? Compared to simply spamming force lightning, our dots are rather pathetic.


    Lets look at it in terms of Damage per execute time


    CT: 680

    AFF: 650

    CD: 625

    FL: 550

    Shock: 466

    LS: 400


    What this shows is that our spammable filler move, force lightning, has a damage per execute time that rivals our dots. (Just to compare, in world of warcraft, in 4.1 shadow priests dots had a DPET about 2-3 times higher than their mind flay)


    And then when you consider things like alclarity rating, cleanses, and the fact that few fights even last 18 seconds it looks like in most scenarios simply spamming force lightning nonstop would yield more damage than actually bothering to apply your dots, something I think is sort of outrageous.



    This means that really, the only time when a dot class would actually want to apply their dots is when they're being focused and can't channel force lightning without being interrupted.





    Basically, force lightning does way too much damage in comparison to our other skills.

  6. Err, that's still a lot more cc than just about any other class has.



    I'm not saying nerf, but in all fairness they've got a point about your cc being very strong.





    Yes we should, do you understand what a rogue class is?


    This is the stupidest excuse and I keep hearing it over and over... When a class has the ability to kill people in the opener, and they can consistently get the opener, then you've got a problem.

  7. You're an idiot. It's our job to "walk into a group of 10 Sorcerers and kill them all." We're tanks, *******.


    I didn't realize that was how balance works.

  8. On the empire side, go to the imperial fleet and there's a guy named the skill master or something in the northernmost compartment of the combat quarter on the main level of the space station.


    Free the first time, 950 the second, 1.7k the third...

  9. It's a desert. What else were you expecting? It's got sand, is generally flat or dune-y, and there might be some big brown rocks from time to time if you're lucky.


    The planetary storyline (Republic-side at least) was the best one I've done so far. More like Jzerka.


    I was expecting it to be really bleak and deserty, but that doesn't mean I liked it. What I really hated about it was the speeder network on the planet was particularly awful.


    And maybe the republic side was good, but the story on the empire side was nothing to write home about.

  10. I actually went on a hunt to go find some republic players to gank when I was bored yesterday, and to my surprise i realized that most zones have a giant strip full of elites 10 levels higher than the zone that'll destroy you if you try to get to the republic questing area...


    Bioware has really done everything they can to discourage world pvp.

  11. Do you guys even play Warzones? I'm not talking about 1v1 that is more about skill, I'm a 46 Gaurdian tank right now and there are 50s I've been able to beat. However, in warzones play a group of Sorcerers and tell me their chain stuns and AoE spells are fair.

    I kill level 50s, but THEY'RE the op ones!



    This game won't be balanced until I can walk into a group of 10 sorcerers and kill them all.

  12. Agreed, I'm not sure why they even made a distinction between pvp/pve servers when questing zones are completely split up, you're not allowed into the other faction's capital, and if you ever do decide to go and fight someone of the opposing faction in the world you'll find that most zones have a nigh-uncrossable strip of elite mobs 10 levels higher than the rest of the zone.
  13. But in warzones there is never just one Sorc, its a whole team of Sorcs


    So you tried to solo a group of enemy players, saw some purple lightning and went to the forums?

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