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Posts posted by Aidank

  1. We were talking about tanks as ball carriers. Clearly Powertech tank is capable of charging for purpose of this discussion.


    Sorry, I didn't know about this... seeing as there's only one powertech in my rather large guild and probably 3 at 50 on my server that actually pvp, none of whom are shield tech, I have never seen one charge.


    But I would also agree that their charge is broken if it can be used the same way.

  2. It's pretty hilarious how bad people can be. I just grab the ball each time with defensive cd's ready. Stand at the bottom and wait for some genius to come running out of the spawn and take a peek at me. People don't learn, I've sometimes charged the same person 3-4 times a game to score.



    Wait, you're bad for leaving the spawning zone?

  3. Tanks are broken ball carriers for sure.


    Way to completely dodge the point.


    Other tanks, vanguards / powertechs for instance are fine because to score the ball they need to wait for quite a while with the entire other team attacking them. This is balanced, this means you need a strong offense defending him, and strong healers healing him.



    A juggernaut can just go through the pit and avoid that entirely, meaning you don't need a strong offense or healers defending him, generally he'll be able to score solo. which is what makes it broken.

  4. Are you seriously complaining about one of the only things that makes warriors/jedi knights useful? Please quit whining.


    No, we're complaining about what is essentially free points in huttball.


    The game is set up around the fire pits being an obstacle, you can't just run as fast as you can into their area and score, you need to wait 10-20 seconds behind fire pits while you get pelted by the defending team.


    warriors / knights are A. incredible survivable, and B. can completely bypass this. This makes them broken as ball carriers. Our general strategy now is just to have a juggernaut hanging out in the other teams pit, and we just pass to him and pretty much every time he scores within 15 seconds... it's game-breaking.



    edit: You need to pass through the area to get out of the spawn... how do you guys propose you avoid that? That's retarded

  5. You don't have to be shy about it

    We are pretty overpowered, especially with a half decent team

    The damage we put out, at range, while still having great kiting abilities, CC, and CC counters is crazy

    Not to mention that when we are in cover we are uninterruptable



    Eh, the real problem with snipers is LoS, I very rarely lose to snipers unless for some reason I'm fighting one out in the open.


    But having classes that do instant aoe always crit attacks, and having the ability to heal aswell, is a bit broken.


    Sure I got burst damage, I can kill one person slow, but the sages are ****** several people after another, or several on the same time.


    What? I have an instant AoE that always crits? When did this happen?



    Sages can top damage charts pretty easily by tossing around as many tab dots as they can, but this is hardly helping out the team. And seeing how easily it's healed through I don't see how this can be considered overpowered by any stretch of the imagination.

  6. Are you serious?


    If you're talking purely about damage, i've seen snipers pull more than any other class in the game, not to mention they've also got the most CC in the game.


    I'm not saying gs / snipers are overpowered, but your rant is ridiculous.

  7. Not my experience with an even-level fight. Well... this guy was 2 levels above me.


    At 50, as a madness sorc, I generally don't have a problem with juggs, the problem is that you're lvl 30.


    by 50 you should have creeping terror, the general strategy is to use your bubble up on cooldown and keep affliction on the target, then use creeping terror in conjunction with force lightning to keep it from being interrupted. this should proc madness often enough, so you should be able to use crushing darkness on cooldown. with death field this should be plenty of damage to kill a juggernaut in no time.


    Not to mention if this was world pvp he probably had a healing companion up, which was the main reason you couldn't kill him.

  8. Probably vanguard / powertech.


    "That is an impossible question to answer. All classes are supposed to be balanced. When they arn't, they will fix it. It is up to gear and skill. Any class can be OP with the right person controling them."


    They don't balance pvp around 1v1.

  9. Well, I've gotten pretty used to people trying to bump me into stuff, and that can be avoided with positioning, but there are like 4-5 powertechs on my server that do like nothing but grapple people into fire pits and /laugh every time they do it.


    Like they'll spend entire huttball matches standing by the fire / acid pits just grappling ppl into them.

  10. It's really, really annoying.


    As I see it the only thing I can really do about it is max range / LOS anyone standing near a fire or something, but that's a bit ridiculous, like 3/4 of the huttball map is within 30 yards of a fire pit.


    Is there some way of avoiding it I just don't know about?

  11. basically on my server, we just have a group of republics and imperials swapping caps until they get their dailies done and leave, nobody ever kills anyone, If someone tries to start a fight their allies just don't help them out and they get blown up by the 5 or so people on the other side trying to get their dailies done.


    Is it like this on everyone's server or is mine just really bad? I thought that ilum could be pretty cool, but there is absolutely no pvp involved.

  12. I coudlnt agree more that this game is better. I am by no means a star wars nerd dont even care about the lore. I really enjoy this game and i really dont want to see my friends leaving because pvp is bad its just an observation. I do feel however that this game has a chance i just hope that they aren't gonna fail on this one like they did warhammer.


    I will try removing ability que and pass it along to my buddies thanks for that tip I sure hope it works.



    I mean, where are they going to leave to?


    In all the games you listed, people left wow for a month then went back, but right now wow has some of the worst pvp it's ever had, and in many people's minds this game's pvp is better than wow's.

  13. after I got rid of my abilitiy queue I haven't been experiencing much ability lag, and I don't think i've ever DCed during a fight.



    IF those games show anything it's that it is incredibly difficult to make pvp balanced during release, and while pvp isn't completely balanced it's better than just about any other MMO out right now, including wow imo.

  14. The problem with juggs / maras is that with a healer, they're arguably the best class in the game, but on their own they're generally lackluster.



    So why don't we just give them some decent passive self heals in their dps trees, nothing like blood dk status but maybe some passive hots?




    What do you guys say?

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