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Posts posted by Aidank

  1. You realize 5k on a single hit from range is pretty beastly, right?


    Yeah, and if it regularly hit for 5k I might agree with you.


    Generally mine tops out at like 3k, my gear isn't great, and I don't have maxed biochems, but to get it to 5k you need to stack consumables & hit a lvl 12.


    It's got a 15 second cooldown and is our only ability that hits for over 2.5k, hardly nerf worthy.


    Whoa there. What class gets 15-17k HP?



    ... Every class?

  2. I play both republic and empire on my server


    Whenever I queue solo on my sorc i'm on a team full of lvl 12s against a geared premade


    Whenever I queue solo on my scoundrel I'm on a team full of lvl 12s against a geared premade.




    But whenever I queue as a group with my guild i'm suddenly against

    a whole bunch of lvl 12s.

  3. It's a burst dps class, you are being bursted! at the end of that burst you are either dead, or the operative is because they will be completely out of energy.


    Any nerf to making them incapable of killing someone in that initial burst will make them useless, because they have no sustained dps due to their energy efficiency (it doesn't regen like other classes)


    A decent scoundrel that keybinds cool head & pugnacity won't run out of energy for at least a minute, and that's spamming attacks on every gcd.



    That isn't burst.

  4. This.


    I hardly see any Ops/Scoundrels and the few I do see are heal spec. Compared to the Sorc and BH zerg you see in every WZ...


    If you talking PvP server, there are more but not as many as there are Sins/Shads though. Everyone wants a stealth class on those servers to avoid the griefers/gankers.


    We're only a month from release, I just hit 40 on my scoundrel, most of the bgs on my server we're fighting like 5 operatives between 10 and 20

  5. Rift all over again, all the Wow kiddies rolled mages, they all qq'ed about their counter class (saboteur - another burst dps class) owning them until sabos were nerfed to death, then mages became gods with no counter.


    BW don't listen to these whining kids, there's a reason operatives/smugglers are the LEAST played classes, they're not OP, but they are the counter to the most played classes (sorcs/sages) so expect a lot of whining.


    Actually, you would be surprised by how many classes are countered by 9k crits... A lot like how pretty much every class in rift was countered by saboteurs instantly killing everyone.

  6. What is the hard counter for Sages and SIs? I wonder if all the nerf Ops/Scoun posts have anything to do with half the pop being those two classes? Hmm...


    IA and Smug are already extremely underrepresented and the QQing will not stop until these two classes, which ARE the counter for SIs and Sages, are completely gutted.


    Except they counter everyone else too.



    You'd be surprised at how many classes are countered by 9k crits.

  7. Maybe maybe not ... but OP lacks arguments. 360k dmg every class can do that.



    If you're having a really good game, 360k is very doable, on any class.



    For instance, I nearly got 500k today on a team full of lvl 10-20s against a team full of lvl 10-20s testing out a new AoE spec on voidstar. It was pretty ridiculous, but doesn't necessarily mean overpowered.

  8. I don't care about your 1V1 adventures. I'm talking about group play, which is what the game is balanced for. An instant AOE that crits five people for 4k is not worthless padding in group play. It's legit, insane burst.


    considering the vast majority of sorcs go with a creeping terror build, over the chain lightning build (which is generally considered a levelling spec) this is a very odd thing to be complaining about.



    and as for getting people to 40% in two globals with death field and chain lightning, if you're talking about a hybrid build you won't be able to get the two very deep talents that increase the critical damage of either of those abilities.


    And even then as a pure lightning spec with about 1/2 pvp gear i've never had it crit for over 3.2k, even on people with levelling gear.


    I would say that without the talents adding 30% or 50% to the critical damage the max you could crit with chain lightning is about 2.5k on equally geared players, and the max you could crit with with death field is also about 2.5k.


    5k damage, assuming everything crits in 2 globals is hardly overpowered, especially considering one attack has a long cast time and the other has a 15 second cooldown.





    Edit: And going a hybrid spec to do AoE burst means you give up all of those nice CC abilities you get deep in the madness tree, like instant cyclone and creeping terror.

  9. TBH


    Mercs and Sorc DPS are like 3 buttons class. and they are hybrid . which makes the sniper class that uses 6-8 abilities to get the same DPS as a 2-3 button class, completely ridiculous.


    and to top it off they can heal themselves.


    thats complete ********.


    Sorcs aren't 3 button, we've just got the exact same lightning animation for most of our abilities.



    our general dps rotation has 7 frequently used abilities.

  10. Who's the baddy? You look at yourself in the mirror.




    You would either be lying or playing terrible Sorc's... which there are plenty. Either way, it just proves my point.


    And no, I have not considered the possibility I am bad because I've been in top 100 US WoW guilds and ranked top 100 (for brief intervals) in different RTS games. So no... its not me. You guys yes. Me... no.


    Wait so you're good at starcraft therefore you're an expert at playing operatives?


    Um okay



    My team won a baseball tournament once so I guess that makes me an authority on sorcerers.

  11. A. If i'm standing in the center of the pit yes i have a 60m diameter, there is also A HUGE RAMP above my head. Run up this ramp, jump down on the level once you get to the top of it.


    B. So where are your healers? If you have none and he does, you'd most likely lose anyway.If you have some, jump down there and kill his healers, then kill him.



    C. Several specs can yank people back down. Just about every spec has a knockback. For every ability there is a counter to it. Stop making excuses and face the fact that you weren't paying attention, ignored the massive purple/yellow beam and let the guy charge you and score.


    A. If they get on the ramp all you need to do is move the 3 meters to the right and charge them while they're on the ramp. It's still a free score.


    B. Last time I checked healers don't stop you from getting charged... The issue we're talking about.


    C. Now you're assuming that he's charging someone with a knockback that hits the knockback before the juggernaut can run past him (considering animation lag this is nearly impossible) or there is a BH down below with grapple off cd waiting to grapple him?


    Sure there are very specific, unlikely scenarios where this wouldn't work, but it's still incredibly easy to score with a charge, far easier than any other way, that's why it's "overpowered" not "unbeatable".

  12. LOL no. You would be a bad Sorc. I have jumped on plenty Sorc's and any half decent one does not go down (any that keep their shield on 24/7).


    Have you considered the possibility that maybe you're a bad operative? I play both a scoundrel and a sorcerer and even though my scoundrel is only 42 I rarely lose to 50 sorcerers in 1v1s.



    When I do lose it's usually because I didn't get 90% of their health in the opener.

  13. Get outplayed, nerf the class of the guy that outplayed you?



    Operative burst just gets worst past 50, the amount of surge rating on their gear just makes the problem worse.



    If i'm fighting an operative on my sorcerer, and my trinket isn't on cooldown, and their vanish IS on cooldown, then I can usually beat them. Otherwise i'll usually be dead, or close to dead within their opener.



    edit: Sorcerers are bad because they die within a stun... wait what?

  14. No, the entire pit is much wider than 30m. I'd like to know what your team is doing where this player can freely run around the pit without anyone bothering him. Surely someone down there has a mountain of cc/snare/root they can chuck at him.

    Charge in it's current state is fine, adds some dimension to the game and makes melee useful. Sorry you can't just run on the ramp and knock back every melee, then continue to free cast on them without worry.


    A. 30m radial range means you have a 60 meter diameter where you can charge people from.



    B. And he has plenty of people in the pit bothering him, but incase you didn't know, juggernauts, especially with healers, don't die very fast.



    C. No, It's not fine. As is it's by far the easiest way in the game to score the huttball, i'm not saying it's broken in any other circumstance, but when it comes to winning in huttball it's blatantly overpowered.




    And by the way, I play a ranged class and a melee class, I agree that the catwalks are ******** with knockbacks on such low cd and blatantly favor ranged combat. That said, Warriors / knights shouldn't be able to score so easily.

  15. Try again . It's 20 sec cooldown and it roots for 5 seconds. The first 2 seconds are unbreakable. And when a jedi comes flying in from 30M, there's a decent chance he's got zero Dots on him. It's still a rediculous cooldown.


    It's only 20 seconds if you pick up the talent in the MADNESS tree, while the root is in the LIGHTNING tree.


    Unless you're making some stupid low-damage hybrid build just so you can root people with a 20 second cooldown it's going to be 30 seconds.

  16. Again, the ball carrier has a gigantic freakin beam of light coming out of him, you can see it across the entire damn map. When running out of the spawn, if you see a yellow or purple light blasting into the sky... dont.run.to.it.


    But he can charge you from most of the way across the pit, and while you're running to the corner if he moves towards the corner with you he'll be covering the entire way out... He's able to charge you from any place where you can drop down unless you run all the way back across the pit.


    Not to mention if someone else on their team roots, stuns, or CCs you that's a free jump for the ball carrier.


    Expecting every single member of their team to jump down in the narrow window where it's possible without being charged to is absolutely ridiculous, and I have never seen it happen in practice, our juggernaut has never had a problem jumping into their scoring zone.

  17. So you're saying a 20 second cooldown knockback with a 5 second root is A ok?


    A. It's 30 seconds and breaks on any damage... And considering sorcerers are a dot class that means it's not going to last 5 seconds.


    B. It's deep in the sorcerer's lightning tree, which is awful for pvp, pretty much everyone plays as madness.

  18. are you on a pve server? i don't mean to be elitist here, but people on my server tend to learn by their 2nd or 3rd huttball game not to do that.


    No, I play on a pvp server, but i seriously doubt that every person on your team is going to be able to see the ball carrier in time so they can run to the 1/3 of the ledge that the juggernaut isn't covering, before the juggernaut can get there because you know, he can still move. In fact, i've never seen anyone do this outside of very well coordinated premades, and even in the cases where one person did outrange we just had our jugg charge someone else because we've NEVER met an entire team that well coordinated.



    What you're suggesting is pretty far fetched.

  19. There are a million ways to CC melee but only stuns reeally shut down range. It's time for jedi melee to get silences that stop all casting or "pull gun with the force to them" to stop all shooting.


    To be in-line with other rediculous low-cooldown CC's, might I suggest a 20 second cooldown with a 30M range lasting for 5 seconds. Let's put in some hard counters to tracer and lightning spam, similar to what melee endure with knockbacks and the endless amount of roots.


    A 5 second blanket silence with a 20 second cd? Are you serious? That would be stupidly overpowered.

  20. That plan is far to dependent on the enemy being stupid, I'll take the chance if I see it but I can't count on it since my opponents are usually smart enough to do what I posted earlier and drop down where they are out of charge range.


    The entire area where you can drop down is only like 100 yards, you can cover like 2/3 of it, I seriously doubt everyone on their team is that organized, our juggernaut has never had a problem with getting someone to charge to.

  21. My Powertech can strike hella deep in Huttball.

    1. Rush the ball in the center.

    2. Run over the acid, my hp is so high I won't feel it much and if I get CC'd use breaker.

    3. Have Sorc bud yank me up top.

    4. Get past second fire pit with either walking over or charging past.

    5. Walk down ramp into goal.


    Thing is if I get knockbacked or pulled at any point it will destroy that plan, jet charge just lets me recover from that since otherwise its a long walk that I will not survive to get back to the bridges.


    Or you run into the pit and charge some guy coming out of the spawn zone?

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