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Everything posted by OldSpiceSwag

  1. destruction from all sides quan massacres gets massacred this is a dark day indeed friends...crowd around the fire and watch as the world burns around you
  2. 3 dps 1 healer tunnel healer unless a player is very undergeared. 2 dps 1 tank 1 healer i like to send our tank after their healer to keep him from healing well and then tunnel the weakest unguarded target
  3. wow thats a toughie but ill go with http://farm1.static.flickr.com/221/470322060_cdc4bf78c2.jpg
  4. i am. my god i remember the steel players had on that server. ah memories
  5. sucks that barely anyone is left to enjoy them
  6. not even conversing with player2 seems to me like talking to a rabid dog
  7. and how many different teams (and i mean almost totally different, not just 1 spot replaced)
  8. player 2 is 100% a psycho irl
  9. youre changing your argument from "pve has the most people therefore we should have the game balanced around us " to "bioware wants to make a profit therefore they will base the game around the largest demographic" very different, and youre switching to #2 as a cop out
  10. tyranny of the majority is tyranny. that is a horrendous argument. https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1424568_653087204721814_217430743_n.jpg
  11. again what gives pve the entitlement to have pvp suffer to keep pve as it is? why do you automatically think pve>pvp?
  12. hmm that is a pretty good hole in my logic hadnt thought of it before.
  13. ap tanks should be listed as tanks in solo q. any class in tank stance should be listed as a tank, its that simple. other than that theyre not op
  14. jugg tank is currently the best tanky tank in the game. ap pt in ion is also a good tank but has less tank aspects with more dps aspects.
  15. OldSpiceSwag

    First 55?

    powertech hands down is what you should go with. incredibly fun
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